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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Mate, livies are a lot easier to catch (sometimes an exception) if you go to the right place. For the Hawkesbury, head to West Head near the pillboxes (pittwater). Just grab a heap of burley and a bait jig and you should be off and running. First time i tried (ever) was at this spot and i caught 12 on a jig in 10 mins! Have a go as livies are a top bait! Tom
  2. Jewies in Pittwater are really a hit and miss.... The hawkesbury should be good though. The jewies are at Flint n Steel, Juno, Bridges, Gunyah Point, Vines and Bar point. Livies are great as you will get the odd stonker bream/flathead on them. I find that tide changes around the bridges are the best time but down at Milson Island, Run in is best. The NW corner of Milson Island near the channel marker is my favourite spot on the hawkesbury. Just recently i pulled my PB bream (44cm) out of here on a piece of mullet fillet. Got a few flatties, tailor and a run on the the jewie rod.... Make sure if you are up that way that u give it a go. Good luck!
  3. Should be the norm with the added bonus of spotties, mack/longtail tuna and the odd spanish mackerel!
  4. Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like a juvenile Bull Shark to me
  5. Thanks, will give it a go!
  6. Hey mate, im heading out for some kings in a few days. Where abouts did you find them? Cheers, Tom
  7. Nice mate! I'm heading out in a few days! Got a couple of big girls last time i went out too.
  8. Thanks guys, i'll take a float rig with me but maybe fish one right on the bottom (30-50cm leader) for flatties/jewies and have one with a longer leader hoping for salmon/bonito/kings.. Cheers, Tom
  9. Is this the Roseville in Middle Harbour!?!? If so, thats a good sign. Haven't seen to many pelagics down at Rosie this summer... Nice fish too!
  10. Hey raiders, When using live yakkas/slimies for Kingfish what are the best rigs? ie: Yakka suspended under a float or yakka fished on the bottom (what leader length, hook size etc...) I will be fishing in about 10 meters of water anchored up burleying (waiting for the fish to come to me). Just sitting on the fence about having my bait on the bottom or under a float... Any opinions/info would be great! Cheers, Tom
  11. Bream and soapies on the turn of the tide. Unweighted baits are best
  12. Narrabeen lakes has plenty of bream/flathead/whiting eager to crunch a popper. Try the flats near Pipeclay point on the second half of the run out tide
  13. rjc123


    Hey raiders, haven't fished pittwater at all this summer and i feel the need to give it a go. I understand the pro's are in there but is it still worth fishing? Is there plenty of bait still at west head? More importantly, are there any kingies or salmon around? Cheers, Tom
  14. Don't know how much they are but if you ask at you local tackle store then they should be able to contact the shimano factory/warehouse and have another one for you
  15. Hard to say. Cowan definitely has sharks but it is a deep waterway and most of the sharks are near the bottom (hammerheads). It is safer than upper middle harbour but really, anywhere apart from narrabeen lakes has sharks of some sort around from time to time. You see many people kayaking and jetskiig and they don't seem to be worried about them. Its really up to you but the risk is really very small and there are probably more hammerheads than bulls in cowan. I have fished cowan via boat many times and have never seen a shark anywhere on the surface. I personally think that you will be fine as long as you don't intend on swimming in the middle of the river regularly...
  16. Thanks mate, if i don't use circles, then would 7/0 suicides be ok or are J hooks the best option?
  17. Thanks mate, that helps a lot. I have had an encounter with a jew before in pittwater. I was fishing a live yakka on the bottom in baitrunner mode, all of a sudden the reel started screaching as line peeled off. I waited about 6-7 seconds as just as i was about to strike the run stopped... Nothing at all... Pulled the yakka in and it was dead and had the typical bite marks of a jewies teeth... Can't stand to lose another one like that again...
  18. Nice work mate, its actually a frigate mackerel/small mack tuna rather than a bonito.
  19. The main fishing area at bobbin head is really a baby bream nursery... having said that, the odd thumper bream and tailor come from here as well as many good mullet. Another place nearby you could try is apple tree bay. It is the next bay around from bobbin head and a much better fishery! Bream, Flathead, Whiting, Tailor, Jewfish, mullet and blackfish come from here. Balmoral is another option. Prawns will get you flathead, bream and flounder. Balmoral is in middle harbour. With the kayak, you can fish a few different waterways. I would recommend upper middle harbour and cowan creek. Upper middle harbour is very sharky (bull sharks) but it has plenty of bream, flathead, whiting and jewies for both lure tossers and bait fisho's. Cowan on the other hand, is a little more productive. It is a relatively deep waterway and holds really good numbers of bream, flathead, jewfish, tailor and hairtail (hairtail only in winter) aswell as a few whiting, blackfish. It has endless deep water banks that are a bream fisho's paradise. Blades and SP's are best but unweighted prawns will do the job aswell. If you are after a challenge then i recommend you get some BIGGER SP's out and have a flick for jewies. They are very elusive but its well worth the effort! Paddle tail type plastics are best (5"+) Cheers, Tom
  20. thanks mate, that helps a lot. I will be doing a lot of fishing in the deeper waters of cowan creek. Cowan Creek has little current flow so behind the head as you mentioned may be the go! Cheers, Tom
  21. Thanks guys, great help! I have some 7/0's if thats better and i have one more question. When using a live yakka/mullet/tailor, how should i present it? Hook through nose, just infront of pectoral fin or towards the back end of the bait? cheers, tom
  22. Hey raiders, i have a question about jewfishing. My rig with a live is a 5/0 circle hook with 50lb leader and as little weight as possible. I am stuck between fishing it in baitrunner mode (as its a circle hook), or fishing it in gear. To a further extent, if fishing a livie on baitrunner mode, how do i know when to strike? Is there a general way to do this or does it depend on location/fish size etc..? Cheers, Tom
  23. less than a month until WEIPA! can't wait!

    1. raysenior


      lucky you mate i have to wait till september LOL hope you have a good one , and love to chat to you when get back . ray

  24. They are a tropical fish. However, they are know to stray down our way from time to time. I have seen one pulled up from Balmoral Wharf (45cm). They are actually a regular species out at Lord Howe Island so that might explain why they are turning up here
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