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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Awesome mate! Thats a REAL croc you got there!
  2. Weipa Tomorrow!!

    1. raysenior


      hey mate are you back yet?? how did you go ?

  3. Hopefully mate, can't wait for another go at them!
  4. Generally in Winter you get Bream, Luderick (Blackfish) , Tailor, Salmon, John Dory and BIG JEWIES. Plenty of squid too!
  5. Hey mate. Roseville Bridge is located in upper middle harbour. From memory Mona Vale rd runs straight over it. So all in all its pretty easy access. Free parking at the base of the bridge, as well as boat ramp pay parking and if you head into the national park its $7... Cheers, Tom
  6. Thanks mate, i'll definitely be using more tailor for them in the future!
  7. Thanks mate, still glad i let her go. The water cleanliness seems alright up there but i guess not eating it can't be a bad thing. Cheers, Tom
  8. Saros 2500, very smooth and comes with 2 spools. Can catch everything from bream/whiting to snapper and other reefies!
  9. Nice little session. Cowan is loaded with sharks atm (seen a few in the last month) so he's lucky he didn't come face to face with one of them. I had my rod ripped out of the rod holder (sand tube) in noosa one time and i managed to dive in after it and landed my biggest flattie to date (97cm). lucky i didnt lose the rod/reel as it wasn't a cheapie..
  10. Yeh mate, all i can say is that it worked and that it was an INCREDIBLY CLEAN HOOK UP!
  11. Yes user 1829 the tailor was 30CM
  12. Was a bit on the small side mate. I origioanlly had that set up because i was using poddy mullet. I pinned him through the top of the mouth. The jew was hooked perfectly in the corner of the jaw
  13. Balmoral, Spit Bridge, Clifton Gardens etc...
  14. Thanks mate, Im already craving another one!
  15. Now that i've got my first jewie all i want to do is get ANOTHER ONE!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rjc123


      haha, you too mate

    3. J Hooked

      J Hooked

      you know what to say before going out. lol

    4. rjc123


      HAHAHA, thanks to you i do!

  16. Mate, i have the cobia on lure record. It seems that you were using bait and the cobia on bait record is some 150cm or around that. Still a ripper fish though!
  17. A mate has one and said it does the job fine. Pretty good for a multiple piece rod apparently!
  18. Hey mate, i've tried many different rigs. The one that i used to snare him was VERY SIMPLE. Just a 5/0 Octopus and a running ball sinker (size varies according to depth and current). Makes you feel a bit silly when you have spent hours mastering different types of rigs and you get the good fish on a 30 second rig... Good luck!
  19. Looks like a cobe! When the warmer currents are around they are often caught in broken bay/pittwater. Only thing is that they are mostly small models (under 60cm) and yours looks like it would have been 90ish. Shame you lost it though!
  20. Thanks for the replies guys, I'm still thinking to myself, is this real? Did it actually happen? haha. I guess it was a bit stupid to get into the water with the sharks though.... he was a reasonably fat fish measured 96cm. Does anyone wanna have a guess as to what it may have weighed?
  21. Hey raiders, what a day! I can't wipe the smile off my face! Heres how it went down! Arrived at Roseville Bridge at 2:30 this arvo. Armed with live poddy mullet, mullet fillet and prawns i set up camp. Sent the livies out and had a flick around with lightly weighted prawns. After no more than 5 mins hooked onto a 36cm Trevally. Not massive but a PB for me. Over the next hour my mate caught around 30 tailor. Most were under size but a couple were legal. Put the legal guys in the livie bucket and around 15 mins before the tide change i chucked one out. Thinking positively i used the tailor on my heavier outfit with 50lb braid as i was near heavy structure. Literally right on the tide change (4:50) the Baitrunner came to life!! What an amazing sound it was. Gave him 10s then struck hard. VERY HEAVY! He shot off upstream and ran for a good minute or so. Then the fight began. After a good 6-7mins i got him in. Nervous times with my mate trying to put the lip gripers on him around oyster encrusted rocks. Finally got him up. What a feeling!! Measured him up to be 96cm. He was a bit ginger after the fight so i actually got in the water with him (probably suicide as its a bull shark hotspot...) and spent a couple of mins reviving him. Most would think thats crazy but i really respect these fish. I have spent so much time trying to catch one that i felt i had to put him back in the drink. He started to show some life and then swam off. I would definitely sum this up as one of the bets moments in fishing for me!!!! Its also a little ironic how it left my hard earned poddies alone (looked after them at home for 2 days and spent 3 hours catching them..) and scoffed the tailor... Anyway, can't complain. Its also quite funny how J Hooked status came true and i thought i would say it too and i works!! Spewing that i forgot to include the can for COTM!! Cheers, Tom
  22. allright, thanks for your help mate
  23. Thanks mate, but what if the poddy mullet you keep for use of live bait die before your livebait session? Can they be used as bait then or do we have to throw them back?
  24. Really? I looked it up and didn't notice that.... won't do it again...
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