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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. I remember reading your status update "tonight is the night i get a jew" or something like that. Actually had some sort of flash forward that you would actually get it! Great Fish! Shall i dare say it, this afternoon is the time i get a jew!
  2. Thanks guys! Great stuff! Had another go this morning and got my bag limit of em! Decided to keep 7 alive in the bucket and keep the rest for fillet bait over the next few weeks. The 7 live poddies are in a 35L esky with an aerator and have been doing fine since capture (11am). I will use them tomorrow arvo so hopefully they last till then! Thanks for the advice too! Cheers, Tom
  3. Thanks mate, i'll definitely look into one of them! How big are they?
  4. Thanks mate! I'll have another crack tomorrow!
  5. Thanks guys! Will do. If i get a spare bucket, will i be able to keep them for a couple of days?
  6. Not sure what the "supermarket" is but i know pittwater pretty well. Unfortunately, fishing in pittwater has really died off in the last couple of years. Kings should still be around but you NEED LIVE SQUID in order to tempt them. The moorings of scotland island and clareville are great. My neverfail spot (Stokes Point) has slowed down a bit too. Until my last trip there (few weeks ago) i had always picke dup bream, flathead, tailor and had the odd livie taken by a salmon. Still worth a shot with live yakkas for flatties and maybe a jewie but not as good as it used to be. The stretch of water between Coasters Retreat (the basin) and Towlers Bay is deep and worth a crack for kingies, jewies, salmon, bonito and Bream. Live bait is best here but you can troll some lures too, especially for bonnies and tailor. West Head is the spot for yakkas' aswell as barrenjoey head. You get plenty of rat kings stalking the yakkas in these spots too! Squid can be caught at west head, mackerel beach, Taylors point and sometime within the basin. My one and only guess as to what the "supermarket" might be is the pittwater channel. It is the channel that runs through the entrance to pittwater. Loads of schools of pelagics (kings, bonnies, tunas, salmon) and a few flathead and flounder on the bottom. The reason i guess that this is the "supermarket" is because it is very crowded with fish (much like supermarkets with people) Good luck, tom!
  7. Hey mate, the "oil thingy" is the overhead pipe some 100m downstream from the bridge. When i say upstream i refer to all the water further upstream from the bridge (ie: opposite direction to overhead oil pipe). The water actually continues on all the way to Thornleigh apparently! Great flathead, bream and jewie waters up there. Some GIANT mullet too! When you say "whats the best way to access landbased" im not sure what you exactly mean. Just approach the bridge from the forestville side and take the exit just before bridge on your left hand side. This is probably the best side for fishing. You can access the other side but the only fishing there is off a small beach for bream, flathead, whiting and big yakkas on prawns etc... There are a few small rocky spots with thumper bream hanging for a lightly weighted SP though! Good luck!
  8. Hey raiders, headed out yesterday arvo in search of some poddies. The plan was to get some and hopefully keep them in a bucket (with a decent aerator) for a day or 2. Only managed two in a VERY slow session with the wind howling.... Anyway, i stored them in a clean bucket full of clean tap water (they were caught in brackish water and i read that you should be able to get away with fresh for poddies) and plugged in the aerator. I changed the water every couple of hours (apart from night hours) and in the morning they were happy as larry. At around 12 today i gave them a check. They were both completely dead. It was odd as i had checked them no more that 40 mins prior. I fed them tiny pieces of bread (once last night and once this morning) and they scoffed it happily. I'm just wondering if someone could tell me what it is that i have done wrong? Apparently they should last around a week in a bucket with aerator so if anyone could let me know of any mistakes i may have made that would be great! Also, are they any good as a dead bait for jews,flathead, bream? They are exactly 15cm long so a decent size bait! Cheers, Tom
  9. Nice mate! As far as Roseville goes, try between the main bridge and the oil thingy and you should pick up some good flatties. Both on SP and live poddies. Further upstream are some very promising bream and jew waters but they are frustrating to fish at times. Snagged a few nice bream (30cm range) today though. Its worth soaking a livie or fresh/live squid near the bridge at night too! Monster Bream and some VERY big jewies!
  10. Nice mate! Iv'e been fishing those waters for 12 years and they're pretty special if you know where to go. They're nice flatties you got there. Were the whiting on the bite at jimmy's?
  11. Another Landbased attempt at a BIG JEW with nothing to show for it except a yakka chomped in half literally 1 millimeter away from the HOOK!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. hambo692


      Yeh that's where I hooked it as well... I don't think a jewie would clean slice it like that coz their teeth are more like little needles. I think tailor

    3. rjc123


      Very possible to be a big tailor. I was fishing the roseville bridge (late arvo) and it was basically a big hit then a small run (4-5s) then nothing. Brought him back in and it was in half. Wasn't completely a "clean cut" but still, it had to be part of the fang gang... Is it possible to get a hairtail in summer in middle harbour in water around 7-9m deep?

    4. hambo692


      Think a hair tail would be more gentle... Don't know if they would be there though

  12. Nice mate! Cobes go just like their cousins (kingies) don't they! Nice feed from it too!
  13. Hey raiders, land based at the moment. Planning to grab some yakkas and hit a landbased spot somewhere in middle harbour. I know a few spots, mainly up the roseville bridge way but they haven't produced the goods as yet. Can anyone help me out on where i might have a shot? Cheers, Tom
  14. Thats a lovely longtail for Port Stephens. In fact, thats a great longtail anywhere in Australia! Nicee work! Were any spaniards caught throughout the comp? Cheers, Tom
  15. Done well to snare a giant herring mate! Theyr'e quite elusive and usually just targeted on fly. Nice trevs and queenies too. Bad luck on the barra mate, you'll get him next time! Tom
  16. Regretting putting him back now! Have to keep that in mind for the future! Tom
  17. To my knowledge, they are an occassional capture in sydney but by no means "common"
  18. Different times for different species. Generally speaking, the best times are;Late March- April/September-November
  19. I noticed you kept the mack tunas in the photo. I got one yesterday and let him go thinking they weren't great tucka. Are they? Or did you keep them for bait purposes?
  20. Hey raiders, headed out to Broken Bay today. Looked for yakkas at West head but couldnt catch any (only BLOODY sweep..). Had squid as back up but got no kings in pittwater and even my favourite flathead spot FAILED!!! Headed out to Lion island, conditions were fantastic! The swell was non-existent! Caught a mixed bag of parrot fish, snapper, flathead, flounder (lost a few bigger snapper...) and a lovely little mack tuna! I just felt the urge to tie a 15g halco twisty on and have a few casts for tailor/bonnies in open water. First cast and the mack tuna catapaults himself through the air like a missile! After a few laps around the boat and multiple blistering runs, i got him in the net. Went 42cm but still, GREAT fun on 6lb braid! Rain came after that so headed back in. Still yet to crack my kingy duck though.... Cheers, Tom
  21. Me too mate, couldn't find any yakkas either... snared a nice little mack tuna on 6lb braid though!
  22. Im headed up there in 2 weeks! can't wait! Its my second time up there and let me tell you, its worth the money!
  23. Mack Tuna definitely in Broken Bay. Picked up my first this afternoon on a 15g metal. Nice work on the dollies too!
  24. Hey raiders, just a quickie, my plans to fish tomorrow arvo's high tide for kingies have been foiled unfortunately...I can't do Sunday arvo (also high tide) and my only opportunity is Sunday Morning. It is smack bang at the bottom of the tide (9:15). When live baiting (pittwater/harbour) will i still have a shot at getting a few kings? Any help would be great. Even if you arent totally sure, if you think it is still worth trying then please say so Cheers, Tom
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