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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. rjc123


    Okay, Thanks mate.
  2. rjc123


    Hey mate, At Bar Point, Is there any specific spot or just anywhere near the point?
  3. rjc123

    Broken Bay

    West Head is the go for livies. Mainly yakkas and slimies at the moment. Not a bad spot to pick up some squid too. Make sure you burley for the yakkas HARD and fish near the pillboxes.
  4. rjc123


    Hey raiders, i haven't fished the hawkesbury for over a year now and im just wondering what the fishing is like at the moment. Are the jews around in numbers? I have a few spots where i always get a feed of flatties but just keen to hear how its going. Cheers, Tom
  5. Hey raiders, just got back from Noosa. Had some great weather and got plenty of fishing in. Didn't get the jack i was after but nevermind. Here's a report of my trip! My first session of the trip was a lovely one. Found a nice little spot on the river and deployed a few live worms and prawns. The fishing was quiet but i managed a 30cm grunter in the end for my troubles. They punch well above their weight and taste great too! The next Day i was out for an offshore charter. He headed out to the Barwon Banks which is about 2 hours straight out. The fishing was slow at first but in the end it came good. The catch for the boat consited of Venus Tuskies, Snapper, Cobia, Moses Perch, Pearl Perch, Small red emperor and a big 10kg Amberjack. My personal catch cosisted of a 59cm Snapper, 37cm Tuskie and plenty of small pearlies and Red Emperor. The next morning i went looking for some flatties. Found a nice little spot at the river mouth with deep, running waters. Pulled out 2 flatties and a cobia! Cobia in a river? Anyway, The flatties went 39cm and 46cm. The Cobe was 52cm. Did the same the next day for another 2 flatties both going 38cm. That afternoon i had a flick with some jack lures at a rockbar and had a bit of excitement. Something big took my lure and swam straight through two pylons marking the channel. He took me under and out the other side and ran for about 50m before he slowed down. I played him for a good 10 minutes and when he was about 20 meters out the line cut on the rusty pylon....... A bit devestated to say the least. Especially when i hear the blokes who were in the tinny out where my fish ran too said it looked like a barra or a big Trevally. VERY frustrating... The next day i had some fun with small bream to 23cm on the light stuff. That night i headed to a little bridge not far from where i was staying. Flicked a local SP around for a while until a lovely 47cm Tarpon scoffed it. My biggest tarpon yet too and i'm told it is a good size for the area! Fished for small bream and whiting on the run out but no flatties. At night I found a wharf near a secluded bay with mangroves, rockbars and fallen trees and couldn't help throwing out a mullet fillet for a jack or big cod. It took a while but after an hour i was on. Even a locked up Okuma V System with 20lb braid couldn't stop him. My thoughts are either a bigish jack, cod or maybe even a GT. I guess i'll never know unfortunately. Had some fun with Moses perch to 27cm beforte i called it quits for the night. My final day i decided my best chance was to grab some whiting for live bait. Got a few but they all swallowed the hook and died very quickly. Nailed a little grunter at 22cm while i was getting the whiting. One other very exciting experience though. My rod holder was ripped out of the sand and the rod went flying through the air. I had to dive in after it only to just get a hold of it. Stood up absolutely saturated as this fish screamed off and took about 50m off my reel before he pipped me on a boat anchor!!! AHHH!! That night i had one last crack at the jacks. I whacked my whiting fillet out in a lovely jack hole to have it not touched all night. Just a few bream to 23cm on the other rod. A great trip with some nice fishing. A bit disappointed about the lost fish and no jacks. Anyway, life goes on. Hope this was a good read. I'll try and get the pics up as soon as possible. Tom
  6. Off to Noosa in a few days. Hopefully i'll get that jack i've been after!

  7. Hey raiders, I'm doing a bit of SP fishing at the moment and am wondering whether i will need a loop to enhance the action of my SP? If so then what would be the best choice of loop/knot to use? Thanks, Tom
  8. Thats a nice bream for rosie! Narra lake is quiet for the flatties atm but at the caravan park the Bream and Whiting are on the bite. Run out tide is best with prawns and live worms!
  9. Waters fine mate! Yes, its open. Fish it around high tide though. The whiting and bream were on so grab a few worms from the bait and tackle store and whack them out into the channel! Good luck! Tom
  10. Hey mate, fished the lake today. Apparently the flatties have gone off the bite according to the tackle store but i had some fun with bream and whiting at the caravan park. Both these suggestions of SP's and live poddies are worth a shot. For the SP's i would have to recommend the 80mm Squidgy Fish in Killer Tomato. Some spots to fish are: * Woolies Bridge- Plastics and livies * The stretch of water near the cricket nets not far from the caravan park- Plastics * Back of the lake with big plastics of atelast 100mm length for the BIG flatties. Find a channel with sandy edges, scattered weed and plentiful bait supply and your laughing! Tom
  11. Hey raiders, haven't been fishing much lately. Managed to head up to narrabeen lake this afternoon for a fish. Grabbed some live beach worms and fresh prawns and headed the the current "Hot Spot". Managed 3 Bream and 2 Whiting in 3 hours. Pretty quiet but a nice way to spend the afternoon now that the weather has improved. No flatties around, however, i wasn't really targeting them. Only one negative for me today. Lost a much bigger whiting towads the end of my session. Had been figting him for about 1 minute on light gear and he came up to the surface about 7 meters from the shore and took one last run into the reeds and off he went . Would have been close to the 40cm mark and a new PB.... Lovely little arvo sesh anyway! Tom
  12. Good work mate! Make sure you give the flatties a go on the softies!
  13. As Bream111 said, Jimmy's Beach on the Port Stephens sider is great! Flatties on ganged whitebait, SP's and the odd diver. Whiting and Bream around here will take squidgy bloodworm wrigglers and live beach worms. Best Whiting spot in the Port for sure!
  14. Hey mate. I have the Okuma V-System Low Profile Baitcaster. Haven't used it much but the way i see it is to give it a thorough rinse but make sure that water doesn't clog anything up. Locking up the drag should be fine for the cleaning too.
  15. I reckon you should try and cover all the fishing on offer in NSW. If you can combine fishing maps and articles on all parts of NSW with knots/rigs etc..then you will do VERY well. Pictures should make up a few extra marks too!
  16. Hey raiders, sick of bait at the moment and am starting SP fishing. I have a few different SP's suitable for Jewfish, Bream Flathead etc.. Can anyone recommend a good spot preferably in the harbour, Pittwater or Middle Harbour to start off at?
  17. Anyone have thoughts on the Okuma V System Baitcaster? Just about to buy one online.

  18. Should be a few good flatties around the Karuah River but if i were you i would head up the Myall. Good Whiting flats and plenty of jewies, Bream, Flathead and Flounder too! If you head upstream from the entrance to the river you will eventually come across a series of shrubs sticking out of the water in the middle of the river. Great spot for Bream and Flatties on all tides on SP's and Small hardbodies. The rockwalls that have landbased fisho's on them are a great place to flick for flatties! As you continue down the Myall River on the right hand side you will find a small creek maybe 10 meters wide. Just outside this creek BIG FLATTIES wait and ambush the mullet. Definitely have a flick here! The Singing bridg further upriver holds BIG jewies especially at night on livies or fresh squid. Also some thumper bream around this bridge too. All the mangrove little creeks are worth a look with poppers for Bream too! Good luck! Tom
  19. Rain threatening my arvo jew session....

  20. Thanks mate, will give it a go!
  21. Hey raiders, i am going to fish tomorrow afternoons tide change (High tide) for my first BIG jewie! Got some fresh squid for back up but i want to have a poddy mullet out aswell. I have 3 traps. 2 homemade and one bought from a tackle store. The one thing i need to ask though is can you catch mullet in the middle of the day at mid tide or does it have to be early morning or late arvo with a low tide? Any opinions or answers would be great!!
  22. Definitely stick to the island for the moment as the wharf itself is lacking yakkas. 2 hours using both sabiki jigs and small hook with splitshot for 3 yakkas.... Just find some structure and you'll be sweet! There are actually a few in Rose Bay among the moorings. Kingies patrolling here too! The wind definitely effects their behaviour and i find the windier it gets the harder they get to catch!
  23. Hey raiders, just wondering where i can grab some live bait around roseville. Preferably yakkas or mullet. I know there are yakkas at the pontoon however, this is a no fishing zone and i will be fishing on a weekend so no chance to get away with it. Any tips or locations (nearby) would be great! Tom
  24. In Pittwater you need to find deep water with a plentiful bait supply and good current flow A few spots to try are anywhere along Portuguese Beach, Coasters Retreat and off Taylors point. At taylors point there is a sand spit that rusn out from the shoreline and when it reaches around say 13m of water then you should find a likely spot and fish it. Yakkas fished on the bottom are probably best however, if you have fresh or live squid then chuck them out too. The by catch is good with Big Flathead and the odd Kingie.
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