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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Thanks mate! ill have a look at it.
  2. Hey raiders, is an 8-10kg, 10 foot rod too heavy for baitfishing with paternoster rigs off the stones for snapper, flathead, kinges? Any idead on a reel at around $120 that will suit it?
  3. Hey raiders, planning on getting a new rock/beach outfit. I need somethning that is 2 piece, 10 foot and maybe in the 8-10 kg range. I plan to use it for bait fishing with paternoster rigs off the rocks for flatties, snapper, Morwong, Kingfish, Salmon and hopefully, jewies. For the reel i just need something that can hold a decent amount of line (30lb) and can stand up to decent fish. Price wise, maybe up to $250? don't do a lot of beach and rock fishing so just somehting that will do the job okay! Cheers, Tom
  4. keep trying mate, narrabeen seems to best best at first light with ganged pillies for flathead, tailor, salmon and bream at this time fo year. This is another good beach and i know a guy who fishes this beach and has caught multiple jewfish to 30kg here!
  5. Do it raiders!! Im up there in April for a week and have been there before. We fish with a guide and let me tell you, this is an absolute bargain at the price offered by raysenior!! You won't regret it and the fishing is the best i have experienced anywhere in Australia. Whether you like flciking at snags for barra and jacks or trolling for mackerel and gt's or livebaiting for massive jewfish and threadfin salmon, this place has it all!!
  6. hey raiders, headed down to Clive park today for a walk and couldn't help but notice some lovely sandy areas surrounded by weed patches and rocks. Seems like perfect blackfish territory. Has anyone ver fished here or know of anything to do with fishing here? From the looks of things you would pick up a good feed of bream and blackfish on weed and prawns under floats here. Anyone know if i could find some blackfish weed round here or nearby?
  7. The wharf on the main beach area with the enclosed swimming area. The other is naval and i dont think can be accessed. Give It a go mate. Good luck!
  8. I would have to recommend Whale Beach with Mullet strips and beach worms during spring and summer for whiting, Big bream, Flathead, sal on and tailor. If you find a nice looking gutter just cast straight into it and your all good! Make sure you get a rod spike or holder too. If you can then i would suggest getting another beach combo or use a normal rod as the more baits you fish the better your chances are and this will help you understand what the fish feed on in your area. Even though your breaks seem to be around noon i would recommend getting out very early morning or late arvo here and if you can target a jewie from the beach. Big mullet strips, Bonito Strips and Tailor strips are ideal. These baits can be purchased from the tackle store in narrabeen. You get the odd flounder off the beach but they arent exactly the most common target. Good luck!
  9. Definitely Balmoral mate. The good thing is you can teach your son to fish here and he'll catch some tailor, trevally, yellowtail and bream next to the wharf. Just ge ta size 8 hook, a tiny bit of prawn, pilli and drop it over the side. On a nice day if you berley you can see the yakkas and trevally swarming around under the surface. Just next to the wharf i have pulled out many trevally up to 32cm. While here chuck a rod out off the end of the wharf with a prawn on it ans you will get Bream, Trevally, Flathead and Crabs. The flathead often just swallow the bait and its not until you check your bait that you notice the fish is on! Throw a live yakka out if you get the chance and catch Salmon, Big Tailor, Kingies, Jewfish and Big Flathead. Plenty of cafes around and playgrounds. Give it a go mate! If you can then i would advise a full day outing with lunch breaks and other brakes for the little fella. If you spend the whole day here and try everything i told you then you should come home with a good feed and maybe a new PB if you havent caught a kingie or salmon! Good luck!
  10. Back end of the creek is worht a shot with live baits and prawns for Bream, Flathead and Jewies!
  11. Mate, im not at all blaming shimano for this accident. Just wondering if it could be fixed but i think the best option is to just get another one..
  12. Caravan Park is definitely the way to go. Fish it on a middle tide with a few light kiddy rods with prawns and beach worms ( available at tackle store here) and one with a tiny hook and bread under a float. You should pick up a few mullet on the bread and loads of undersized and legal bream, flathead, whiting, blackfish and even crabs. I would suggest fishing around high tide so you have deeper water closer to shore. Good luck!
  13. baitcasters are designed for fishing hardbody lures while overheads are made predominantly for baitfishing and so on..
  14. Burley... try both weighted and unweighted baits such as prawns and nippers.. experiment with different rigs in your area and generally fish the run up tide landbased.
  15. Can't handle it! 3 weeks without fishing! ahh!

  16. Hey raiders, today had a bit of a mishap.. As i loaded my Shimano Jewell 702 spin into the car it slipped a bit out of place.. I placed it so it would avoid the doors but unfortunately it slipped and snap! The car door snapped the top 30cm off the rod. They are only just over $100 so no biggy but just wondering if it is fixable? Any tips would be fantastic!
  17. I might be a bit late but here goes. You can get your mullet in traps along all the sandy and muddy areas at tea gardens. If you can then anchor under the sining brdge and you will have yellowtail and other livies around the boat with a bit of burley. Fishing wise, you seem keen to do some live baiting. Night time on the wharf next to the singing bridge gives you a great chance of big Bream and Massive jewies! Seen a 31kg monster pulled out here at night on a mullet! If you want to stick to day time then i suggest having a crack for bream and flatties off a particular wharf on the hawkesnest side just east of the bridge. The odd jewie hangs around here too! Jimmy's beach is another option. In winter it might not be as productive but this is the spot where i get a few live worms from the tackle store and zip down to my favourite spot ( a bit further towards the river mouth near barnes rocks where there is scattered reef) for whiting and the odd bream and flattie. Got a few for the table last summer up there but wind id the killer here! You could still chuck ut a livie here with a chance of flathead and maybe jewfish! I could name countless spots but you only have limited time. Give one a go and hope for the best! Good luck!
  18. Drive through here every year on our way up the coast. There are mainly carp, catfish and the odd bass here. If you head a bit further down river towards the mouth then the water will turn to salt and you get the jewies, brem, flathead and crabs hanging out in the brackish water. This is the spot. Just find out where this point is and fish it.
  19. There are a few slamon around atm mate. They are up until sunrise then scatter fairly quickey. Try for them early but then your best chance is to get some yakkas and head down pittwater for some live baiting. Lots of good bycatch too like big flatties, kingies and dories!
  20. Its pretty quiet at the moment hey! As for the livies, im no pro at livie catching and 2 weeks ago we anchored off the pillboxes at west head and i just dumped a load off burley in and caught 10 in less than 10 minutes! Having said that sometimes they just arent there! Its definitely your best bet for livies around there. Not sure if this is where you tried so this might make me look like a fool if it was.. haha
  21. Nice mate, atleast you got a few fish for dinner! I find that the Hawkesbury fishes best in March/April. I always get a good feed of flatties, tailor, bream and whiting around Dangar island ( south western corner drifting). For some reason i find that during summer the fishing is very slow. Only undersized bream and flatties with no big fellas around. Goof luck for nextime!
  22. welcome to fishraider! You will have a blast fishing eastern coast of Australia. CheapCharlie has mentioned some very good spots indeed. Here are a few others! * Port Stephens- Arguably oen of the best Game fishing Areas in New South Wales. You can catch a very wide variety of fish in both the rivers, bays, offshore islands and the continental shelf. Either Nelson Bay or Hawkesnest are the places to stay. Nelson Bay is a bit busier and more tourist attractions while Hawkesnest ( my personal favourite nsw holiday destination ) is a bit quieter and a classic rural town. There are caravan parks in hawkesnest and i am pretty sure that they have one in or near Nelson Bay. Fishing wise Nelson Bay is your best bet. Most fishing tours leave from here and there are places like the breakwall to fish from the shore for a wide variety of fish. * Coffs Harbour- a few hours north of Port Stephens is Coffs Harbour. It is a popular tourist destiniation and the fishing is good too! Once again you have your river and estuary fishing and the offshore fishing. Definitely worth a look if you are out for 6 weeks. * I definitely second Noosa! Noosa is by far my favourite place in Australia! It has world class fishing, beaches, shops and everything you need. It has a nice temperature for most of the year and a very pleasant place to be. I am heading up here in December for a few weeks. Fishing wise both offshore and river are great. I definitely encourage you to go on an offshore fishng charter ( tour ) here. The river however, is my favourite! There are countless areas to either lure or bait. Near the river mouth there is a breakwall. About 500m upstream from here are a series of tiny beaches ( aka " the snags" ) that are very small ( 10 meters wide ) with lots of trees and fallen timber around the edges. These are the perfect place to set up for the day with a couple of fishing rods and some bait. There is a lovely cannel about 25m from the shore. If you fish the baits in here you will definitely pick up a feed of fish! It is also worth having a cast with some soft plastic lures at night for a sought after fish called the Mangrove Jack. All the bridges, snaggy areas and deep channels with some structure like a rockbar will hold these toothy red fish! They are also one of the tastiest fish in Australia! Also, you should pay a visit to the local fishing tackle shop for some fishing advice, gear and bait! * Hervey Bay is great too! Loads of Tuna are around at this time of year aswell as other predators. Mark Bargenquest is a guide up here. A fantastic guide too! It is well worth the money to spend a day out with him! A day your to Fraser Island is worth a look too! If you can i would strongly urge you to travel an extra hour or so north of cairns to Port Douglas. Fnatastic fishing, lovely scenery and a fantastic place! You'll love it!
  23. As far as i know the rack raider doesn't come in any size for the particular model i want bigger than 682. One other option would be the pflueger trion graphite series 702. It is 3-6kg and around 7ft. Is this an option?
  24. Yeh, so talking plastics fishing, am i better off with the 702 or 682 in terms of length? Do the shorter rods have a bit more grunt for fighting big fish?
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