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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Lucky He didnt die! Those beaks are as Sharp as a needle!
  2. That would have been pretty scary. Seeing crocs from a boat is the way i think ill have to stick at! There are some monsters in the Daly too!
  3. Lucky the crocs werent around....
  4. rjc123


    I used a Curado only a week ago in Darwin and landed a few barra to 61cm on it. its a great reel and now i just have to decide whether i spent the extra $100 on something thats very good as opposed to just something tht will do the job.
  5. rjc123


    On the website im on it has the coriolis for $99 while the other one i suggested ( Chromica ) is $180. I dont want anything extreme but if this is enough to stand up to Barra and jacks then thats all i really need. Ill only use it up norht and when in south eastern queensland looking for jacks around bridges. Will it do the job?
  6. rjc123


    Is it any good? it was advertised for $180 on the site i was on
  7. rjc123


    Im going to get the raider rod as it seems perfect and match it with another reel i found, Shimano Chromica 100b. For that set up it sets me back $318 so thats not too bad. Anyone have this reel or have some comments about it as i dont want a dodgy reel but it looks good and the reviews were perfect!
  8. rjc123


    How much is the curado?
  9. Hey raiders, a few recent trips up north have lured me into buying a baitcaster combo. I am looking for something perfect for casting lures for jacks and barra! Something that is 2 piece and above 6kg for the rod. My budget is about $350 for rod and reel as i don't need state of the art at this point in time. i found one possible option. Any raiders have any suggestions on other options? Tom
  10. can anyone help uploading or tell me how to do it. I usually only have 1 or 2 pics but i have about 10 this time.
  11. Hey raiders, just returned from a week up in Darwin! The fishing was quite slow but it was definitely something new. Here is a report of my fishy adventures! Session 1: The day after we arrived we were booked in for an extended day fishing charter but it was changed to a full day as there were not enough people! Headed out nice and early and were fishing a few hours later by 8:15. First reef there were Blue line Emperor, Stripeys, Spangled Emperor and Baby cod caught. A few of the spangleys and emperors were bordering on legal but were returned to the water. Next few reefs the same thing with still no keepers. After 3 hours of fishing i pulled in a blue Salmon! WHAT! A blue salmon 30nm offshore. Bit far away from home! . Anyway, He was dinner as they are beautiful eating! Hept fishing with still no more luck apart from the little pickers being caught occasionally! We had an hour of fishing left and the skipper called for a move to a jewie spot. After half an hour the decky was holding a rod while someone went to the toilet and all of a sudden, BANG! This was a big fish and unfortunately i was too slow to claim the rod and reel in the jewie! The guy that did fought the fish very well and took him 5 minutes but then the 12kg jewie hit the deck. He was nice enough to share the fish with everyone and let me tell you, it was very tasty! The jewie carcass was attatched to a rope and chucked out the back and a 3.5 meter tiger shark came to play! Got some good pics of him! The crew aboard Wai Adi ( our fishing boat ) said that it as the slowest fishing day they have had in years! Just my luck i guess! Had a good feed of blue salmon and jewfish that night and slept like a baby! Session 2: A couple of days later we booked in for a fishing day tour to Corroboree Billabong! I was very excited and was inching to beat my barra PB! After an early morning and a 1 and a half hour drive we arrived at a beautiful place. Jumped in the boat and took off for a bit of trolling. In the first troll there were 3 big hits but no hook ups. On the 3rd troll bang! My Baitcaster was screaming out line and a nice sized barra took for the air about 60m from the boat! After a 5 minute battle i landed my PB barra! He was no monster at 60cm but a nice fish! 10 minutes later i beat my PB again with another solid hookup and landed a lovely 61cm fish! In the next hour there were 2 smaller Barra around 40cm landed, A saratoga and some little fish that was the size of my lure! Very ambitious fish! For the rest of the day i only managed a Tarpon and there a couple of other tarpon landed by others! Beautiful place corroborre and the scenery made up for the slowish fishing! Session 3:Still inching to get my Jewie i managed to squeaze in for a half day charter in the harbour chasing jewies and golden snapper! Started off well with a 40cm goldie coming up! Then.... it all slowed down! I caught stripeys for the next few hours and a little grunter! There were 4 jewies caught on the charter and of course the newbies that don't know the significance of this fish landed them! The biggest went 64cm. Other fish landed on the charter were Blue line emperor, Tricky snapper, Goldies, Spangleys, Small Crimson Snapper and that was it! The fishing was very slow for darwin standards but it beats staying at home! i didnt get many pictures of the fish and the ones that i did get were not great quality! Got some good ones from corroboree though! Tom
  12. Next to the train line in sandbrook inlet there is a very rundown old little jetty. I fished it 2 years ago and came home with 2 legal flatties, flounder, whiting and a big bream. It doesn't look too good and im not sure if the jetty is still there but just use prawns for bait. Fish for an hour or so and if no luck then move on. Its really hit and miss. Near the marina there is a big walkway and wharf and have seen people targeting bream, flathead and jewies there! If you can hire a boat and try dangar island ( SW corner preferably and you should get flatties, whiting, bream and even crabs and the occassional legal tailor! Havent fished here for a few months but we always get a fish or two here!
  13. Now youv'e got my mouth watering!
  14. Yeh, LCR looks promising but i guess the further north the better the chance!
  15. Just having a read when i came across this paragraph. Check out the link and maybe flick him an email to ask him some questions. http://www.fishabout.com.au/news/article/all/sydney-harbour-reportby-craig-mcgill-4-4-11/
  16. Very rare down here! Chances are if you stumble across one, it will be on light bream gear and you'll get smoked. Drifting a live mullet in the snags will find if there's any. Cheers, Tom
  17. Winter is quality while summer is quantity. You will stil get them with fresh bait and the right tides but they will be bigger than the average fish in summer!
  18. Actually caught 2 on prawn baits that were lucky enough to fall off when being lifted out of the water! They are everywhere!
  19. Fished today and literally almost got lifted up by the wind! It was ridiculous! Hopefully it stops before i leave for darwin on wednesday arvo! Don't want any delays or cancelled flights!
  20. They fight well eh! It took me a few minutes to get my 32cm model in on light line!
  21. Trevally are really biting atm. How big was your keeper?
  22. roughly 8 - 2pm. The wind made it hard but the rewards were worth it!
  23. Praying that this wind doesn't cancel or delay my flight to Darwin on Wednesday!!!!!!

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