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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. also, if the weather and weed permits then fish up on the main beach near the golf club and you should get plenty of Tailor, Salmon, Whiting, Bream and sometimes sharks and jewies at night.
  2. When using mullet strips and live mullet for jewies, what rigs work best?? For a sandy area that i will be fishing in i am thinking a 1m 30lb leader, size 4 ball sinker and size 6/0 suicide hooks. is this ok or can anyone else suggest anything else. pics would be fantastic:))
  3. rjc123

    Jewie Baits

    yeh, i know. a few of them would have been about that. In my local tackle store they have whole Bonnies and whole Massive mullet. I'd like to take some bait along so which one do u reckon for jewies???
  4. Fish the sandspit near yacaba head on the jimmys beach side. A good hour there at dusk should get you half a dozen legal whiting. Just buy some beach worms from the sports store and your all good. i was there a few weeks ago and got a few good whiting.
  5. rjc123

    Jewie Baits

    we have a wharf at the place and last time we caught buckets of small tailor. might give it a try.
  6. Heading up for a few days at Bar Pt. What sort of Bait would be suitable to take when targeting jewies. Would i have a chance with Mullet strips or Bonito???? Any places to buy bait on the north shore then PM me please!!!!
  7. rjc123

    FNQ fishing

    Mate, Put some floaters out and u will catch Spanish Mackerel, Spotted Mackerel, Sharks and sometimes longtail tuna. There are also whiting, barra and Bream around the pylons. Good Luck
  8. Great report, they have quite a few stalls like that at the gold coast at times. they have some very interesting stuff there. good luck with it in the Hawkesbury. Tom
  9. yeh, there isnt much structure at bar point. i have some 20lb line. that should be fine and hopefully i can get a few jews as well. Tom
  10. Hey guys, ive noticed that braided line is alot more expensive than mono line. Why is this the case. I'm planning on targeting a few jews at bar pt in a week and have some 50lb mono line but to get braided line its another 70 bucks. Can i still use the mono line for jews??
  11. yeh, im heading up again in a couple of weeks. hopefully some better fishing. where abouts do u stay. i can help you out with a few good spots that i didnt have time for during the trip. Tom
  12. heyy guys. just got back from the annual hawksnest trip and have a fair bit to report on. the fishing wasnt as good as usual but still great fun. anyway, here goes. Day 1: After a long drive up the previous afternoon it was time to stretch my legs and have a fish. we got the whiting rigs ready and headed down to jimmys beach. we fished near winda woppa for an hour or so and managed a couple of breambos around the 22cm mark. not whiting but anyhow. Day 2: We decided to hit the whiting hot spot at yaccaba headland. there is a sand spit that goes out there and at dusk its a hot spot. We got lost trying to find it in the dunes and ended up walking around for half an hour until we stopped a little way away for a fish and break. we had a swim but no luck there. we the moved up further but too many people were fishing the main sand spit. they were pulling up whiting every second practically. we just waded out on a smaller sand spit nearby but had not a single bite. a disappointing session. Day 3: i was keen to try winda woppa again so we did. we grabbed some beach worms and tried again. the conditions were not great but we still tried. after 20 minutes i pulled up a 28cm whiting which we ended up releasing as we didnt have a knife or bucket. shortly after i pulled up another one but this time it was only 23cm. the wind really picked up so we had to cal it a day. Day 4: We were booked in for an offshore fishing charter so we were at the pick up spot at 10 am when we got the dreaded call saying that it had been canceled due to a large swell and strong wind. it was disappointing but we managed to get in to go out again the next day. later in the afternoon we fished our neverfail spot in tea gardens. its a wharf further away from the singing bridge but it has some great fishing. it was still a bit slow with only 3 undrsize bream, a blackfish and pufferfish. it was low tide and its a high tide spot but still good fun. Day 5: up nice and early again and the conditions were pretty good. after a long 2 hour boat trip out to Broughton island fishing grounds i felt half asleap. on the way out we trolled some of the other small islands and picked up two massive 70cm bonito. Anyway we starter over a reef with lots of pinnacles. We only caught rock cod. slimy mackerel, seargent baker, squire and pike. next it was flattie tme but we just caught more of the same. it wasnt till right at the end when we picked up a couple of nice flatties going 38cm and 44cm. the deckhand managed to get hooked onto a striped tuna but it snapped him off after a run around the boat. The other good fish caught that day were 4 snapper over 35cm, about 12 other legal flatties, maori wrasse and a massive 2m bronze whaler. took him 20 minutes to bring to the surface before he saw us and dived down to snap the line. Day 6: had one last try at jimmys for no result so that was it. we are heading back up in two weeks for a few nights so maybe a few good fish then too.
  13. Try the MV Norseman fishing charter. They go offshore and target trevs, coral trout, red emperor, nannygai, spaniards and more good luck
  14. yeh, thanks, when fishing for the jewies what rig is best?? I will fish from the wharf and boat. Also a few good rigs for bream would be nice. Tom
  15. Thanks mate, might try those spots and see if i can get a few good fish. thanks tom
  16. heyy guys, weve just booked a place on the water at bar pt for a few days including australia day. I ended up not getting a jewie outfit but a nice light outfit for bream, flathead and whiting which will be the bulk of the catch hopefully. I'm going to fish off the wharf alot which last time produced a truckload of catfish, undersized tailor, a few bream around 24cm and a flounder and flathead. We will fish milsons island, the vines and bar pt itself. any tips on where to fish, rigs and gear would be great. i have a daiwa regal 4000 reel. can this be used for jewies. need rigs for live poddy mullet for jewies and flathead. Tom
  17. heyy guys, finally getting into lure fishing now that i have a nice little outfit to use. What are some good types of lures for these fish mentioned?? Soft plastics and Hardbodies. Mainly for flats fishing but all lures for these fish will do. Any other tips would be great too. Tom
  18. was he legal mate. Cobia are very good eating:)
  19. Hi guys, i decided against a reel for targeting jews and just bought a nice little lure fishing outfit. Its a shimano Jewel 702 spin rod and a shimano symetre 2500FJ reel. its a nice little outfit. Cant wait to test her on some bream and whiting in hawkesnest:)) Tom
  20. Tomaree headland is definitely the best place for yakkas, slimies and other baitfish. most of the headlands would have them but giive tomaree a go. its usually not too rough and you should be able to take the tinny there. Tom
  21. Hi Will, I'm no expert for the bay but if you travel over to Hawkesnest and Tea Gardens i can definitely help. The Nelson Bay Breakwall produces big bream and Mulloway. Mullet for bream and livies for jewies. Ficking plastics around Shoal Bay can get some good flatties. When you come over to the myall river at Tea Gardens there are countless places to fish. You can fish in the channel near the mouth with prawns or livies for bream, Flathead, Whiting, Jewies and Tailor. a bit further in from the mouth in the middle of the river there is a snaggy area that is visible at low tide. Fish with lures for bream and fish with prawns for Bream, Flathead and Whiting. Down At the singing bridge anchor for bream, Jewies and flathead. If you are willing to travel by car to tea gardens then try the wharf at night under the singng bridge for massive bream and 20kg plus jewies. Im up there in a few weeks and will definitely fish for jewies at night. Also, make sure you try one of the offshore fishng charters that leave or pick up from nelson bay. They take you out to Broughton island to fish for Big Snapper, Jewies, Flatties, Morwong, Leatherjackets, trag, pearl perch and much more. Tom
  22. Where abouts are you in Port Stephens??? Will you fish towards tea gardens and the Myall River, offshore or Nelson Bay area. Once i know ill give u plenty more info. tom
  23. i might just stick to the 4500 size. Thanks mate
  24. wherever you can find a sandy shoreline there are usually poddies. Berley with bread. If your willing to go as far as bar point then some of the secluded beaches have a truck load of em. tom
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