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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , Well , for those who didn`t see it , the youngfella won another reel by entering his Jewfish in The Sunday Telegraphs Catch Of the Week contest which arrived on Thursday . Ironicaly , I used to turn to that Contest every week to see who had caught what and where , but even though I had entered a few enormous Bream myself years ago , I Never thought I`d see the day when our family won something in these contests and lo and behold , he has won two In a month. The only setback is , he has been so crook with the flu , he has not been able to blood either reel , so I`m still awaiting a report. He did try to go a couple of times , but had to pack it in after afew minutes because he was so crook. And wouldn`t you know it , whilst he was away , the Top guns here have managed to take a few good size schoolies over the last two weeks . Mick
  2. OWZAT

    Fuel Prices

    G`day Fellas , According to a Doco ( 4 Corners ABC ) monday Night , things look pretty bleak . It appears that by 2011 , all known large wells world wide which have already begun to dry up , will have just about gone dry , and unless they find some more as yet undiscovered fields , this is the end. They blame lack of investment back in the good old days , when the Oil companies just raked it all in , and spent nothing looking for more , because they belived it was a bottomless pit and would never run dry. The current oil prices they said , are being forced up by the Middle East conflict , and a general downturn in the Global economy. The greatest threat to all is , of course China`s 2 billion odd inhabitants wanting now , what the world has had for 80 years . Cars , boats , houses , hot and cold running water , etc, etc, but I watched in disbelief as the presenter interviwed a Futures Speculator who said that they fully expected oil to be $3.00 to $4.00 dollars a litre at the ossie Pumps within a year as if expected , Oil continues to climbs to 200 to 350 Dollars US a barrel. Fellas , Even allowing for the normal beat ups by various Doco Makers , things look extremely Bad either way. Mick
  3. G`day Fellas , I prefer The Sony Cameras To All Others , but the link below will take you to a very good site that continuously reviews Cameras of all Makes , models and prices . Select the one that best suits your pocket , forget About Digital Zoom , Optical zoom is the only one that Matters. Get some good rechargeable batteries , and a quality one hour charger , trust me , you would need two jobs to pay for alkaline batteries. But do your homework before you buy , and espicially , keep an eye on K......Mart... for their 15-20-25% off sales . Mick http://www.imaging-resource.com/MFR1.HTM
  4. G`day Fellas , Geeup , at a Sausage sizzle some time ago , I had a long chat to A National Party Insider. It was a very interesting arvo , because sooner or later the discussion came around to The Subject of Protesting to Pollies. As we can all understand , with the advent of the PC , Pollies can now receive as many as 100/500 emails daily depending on their status in the Party , unlike a few dozen or so handwritten ones prior to PC`s . Now the thing that grabbed me was , this fella boasted that most secretarys instructions were to scan all emails as quickly as possible and to delete all Chain Letters (Spamingers) which I took to be a marriage of ( Spam and Whingers ) then refer any relevant matters concerning his Portfolio to him for inspection. One would have thought that they would have a special program for doing this sort of thing ( Automated response ) , but maybe not. Now if this is True , then it probably explains as to how , we all recieve the same Cloned reply to our protests . The reply I`m told , is required by law , but not how or what they say in it , so that is why I made the effort to write to some of tehm by hand. As far as quoting Scientific facts to a pollie , save your Breath , because thats why they invented the Phrase ( " The Fact Of the Matter Is") which is followed by gobbleygook and irrevelant Bullshit . Gianniz ,All we can do Is to keep at them , and hope they come to their senses , but I will not hold my breath . Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , Well the boys spent a few hours targeting Jew Last Night , but the Best they could do a Handfull of Good Greenies and Salmon . Also Got a call from my other Boy who is Spending a few days at Spencer with a new girl Friend. They have as expected caught a few stonker Bream and I good size muddie . But they really should have done much better than that up to now , so something must be distracting them , can`t immagine what . Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , Well the FPC Accountant has revealed that from Last Saturday , anything we win from here on in is all 100% profit , so todays bets are as follows. Melb Races $5.00 Place Parlay. Race .....2....NO....12......Lykanna Race......5....NO.....4.......Mr Splinters Race......6....NO....16.......Life`s A Bounty. Race .....6....10X10.....No....16.....Life`s A Bounty Good Luck whatever you are on. Mick
  7. G`day Fellas , Billy , The Coalitions policy on Marine Parks as I see it is irrelevant ! , and for the simple reason , that once the Parks are in , they will be in forever , the Coalition will change nothing . So the fact that Labor put them in , means they should pay the price for doing so. These pollies of today are no longer true pollies or statesmen , they are slaves to Pollsters and lunatic fringe groups like the greens for Labor , and dare I say "Family Ist" and The Democraps for the Libs . The Demos were supposed to Keep the Barstards Honest , I want to make the Barstards Pay. Can anyone on this site recall one single instance , whereby an incomming Government reversed a "major" former Partys policy , because I can`t , well , not off the top of my head anyway . So as They say in the good book "An Eye for an Aye " . The way thing will finish up is , you will see the anual school hols have thousand people turning up at the only non restricted fishing area left on the coast , and Riots will break out as 3 Thousand fishos jostle to try to Fish a single Rock . Mick
  8. This Is The Original letter sent to all ministers. Only Joe Tripodi`s Secretary has replied . Dear Minister , As a lifelong LABOR Voter , I am writing to you to express my deepest regret , that for the Ist time in my 66 years of age , I can no longer support Labor , and will at the next election , Vote for the liberal party. Having recently retired to the mid north coast of NSW to pursue my other lifelong passion of fishing, I now find that your proposed Marine Parks will seriously reduce my ability to to do so. These Marine Parks are somewhat of a joke , and its obvious to all that , little or no input whatsoever was sought by Government from everyday NSW Recreational fishermen . These parks have the potential to turn coastal hamlets into Ghost Towns should they go ahead , and I strongly urge you to reconsider. In NSW alone , there are approximately One Million Rec Fishermen , who regularly take their families fishing on weekends , and probably that many again as retirees like myself , who have worked all their life , just to realise their dream of a fishing retirement . Do you you seriously want to commit political suicide by alienating the entire fishing population of NSW by appeasing the Greens . By allowing these Marine Parks to go ahead , you will be doing Just That , and that means at Least the next 8 years in opposition , so I urge you to think about it very carefully , before it`s too late. Voting Liberal will be a very bitter pill for me to swallow , but your reckless action of bowing to the greens with these Marine Parks leaves me no choice . Unless these Marine Parks are withdrawn , I will vote Liberal , along with the other one Million like minded Rec fishos at the upcomming election. Please Minister , Listen to what your researchers must be telling you by now , and abandon this reckless ideological project of the Greens , its total madness , and will cost many , many Thousands of Jobs as a result of it. I supplied My Name and address .
  9. G`day Fellas , Aron , at least you had a reply from the Premiers Office , I have not. Now that makes me twice as cranky , because I wrote to him and Macdonald by hand . Mick
  10. G`day Fellas , Perhaps , Just perhaps , the Ist crack in the mirror may have just appeared . Prime TV here last night announced that the port stephens to forster MPs would be put back till late september , because " people had not had enough time to appraise the Changes , and so needed more time ". Now being a prolific reader of thing between the lines when listening to political speak , I`m just wondering if this announcement , is really the result of behind the scene approaches by the Masses to the ministers concerned , that these MP`S , espicially the port stephens to forster one , was a terminal mistake . Only time will tell , and if there is any move to abandon them , it will have to come within the next two weeks , or any momentum they would have hoped to gain will be buried by the hysteria of Howards retirement . Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Well Put Gibbo and Billfisher. My original post , ( although branded political ) was trying to point to the fact that most rec fishos have become Lazy , and as such , have just snoozed away whilst the the Gov has launched all these Marine Parks regardless of the consequences to all concerned . And as Pointed out ( using the latest polling Figures ) was the case with the NEW Fed IR Laws , most people mistakenly believed that it did not affect them personally , so who cared ?. SO , only when the full consequences of the changes became apparent , and it was going to affect them big time , did the working masses begin to stir , so it is with these Marine Parks . These parks are the Ist of many steps of a long march for the greenies , and they must be stopped , and its up to us all , to do something . But I am now able to report , that after a Total Of 14 Odd letters sent to Various Ministers over the last month or so , some hand written , some emailed , I have finally had one reply , and that was not from the Relevant Minister , but form another of the cabinet , and from his secretary acknowledging my concerns . Fellas , this sort of Arrogance will surely be rewarded soon. Mick
  12. G`day Fellas , Shane , I`m up on the mid North Coast mate , so I wasn`t ever going to be there in Sydney , but I had intended to attend the rally at Forster , but that fell through as well , although it appears just as well , because Our local Activist turned up and no one showed . But this Rally at Bega was not down to the greenies , rather it was reported as being the locals , trying to stop a wood chip mill. Marvellous how a bit of self interest can get the juices flowing , look at the Polls released today showing Beasly ahead of Howard for the Ist time in 3 Years , and why is that ?. It`s because John Citizen , has finaly realised that Howards new IR policies have begun stripping their working entitlements , and when its your own pocket that is being picked , you soon sit up and take Notice ,as the polls now show. But he wont be around to take the Blame , because he`ll be gone By The end Of August , and thats why Cozzie is So animated Lately , coz he`s got the Nod. Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , Enviromentalists in the coastal town Of Bega , turned out in their Hundreds protesting against a wood chipping mill in the area on the weekend . So , how is it , that In a litle coastal Village of less than 5,000 , approximately 300+ or More People turned out to protest against a "woodchip Mill" , BUT good old Sydney , with a population Of 4 MILLION , could only muster 60 odd people to turn up for a protest At the Sydney Town Hall against the closures of Vast Areas of the Coastline which were about to become Marine Parks . Just goes to show does it not , that one never knows what one had , till it was gone . Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Hey Kid , Click on the link below , and see how its done. Mick http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...mp;#entry102642
  15. OWZAT

    Help With Msn

    Knappers , I have completely Uninstalled MSN from My Computer , because its just too much trouble , and is plagued with gremlins . But if you want to call friends overseas , then you can do so very cheaply with "engin" , and it only costs 3.5 cents per minute. Check it out out here.. http://www.engin.com.au/public/callrates.htm Now the best thing about this program is , you also are calling them direct to their landline , and not having to wait till they come online. You also can call anybody anywhere in OZ for 10 cents a call , any time of day , for as long as you want , and it still only costs 10 cents. Slip into Tandys or Dick Smiths , and buy the starter Kit for $10.00 , you also need a desk mike $10.00 , or a set of head Phones , the ones with a Mike $8.00 in woolies , and you are in buisness . You plug the Desk Mike or Head Phones into the back of your pc along side the speakers and you are done You install the program ( Its simple ) you recive an activation code by email , and bingo ( The World 3.5 cents per Min ) , Anywhere In Oz , any time of day or night , for as long as you want for 10 cents ! , and you also have $4.30 credit to begin with ( 43 Calls ) . I now ring around Australia and regularly chat to Family and friends for a 10 cent fee , and have stopped running up large STD Bills months and months ago. Mick And By the way , The Ad And remove program in control panel does not completely remove MSN , you have to run this to do it properly . RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove
  16. OWZAT

    Help With Msn

    G`day Fellas , I would totally uninstall it , delete it , empty the Recycle bin , restart , and download the updated version and Install it again. It worked for me . Mick
  17. OWZAT

    Discrimination Law

    G`day Fellas , China , forward the emails to Management with a footnote saying . To the Management of Joe Blogs etc, etc, Dear Sir , I am continuosly receiving racialy discriminating emails from This person , and as a result , am forwarding this to you so you may take the appropiate action required. I have no knowledge who this person is , and fear he may also be targeting other employees of this firm as well. Mate , I`m positive your company is required by law , to report this type of Threat to any employee to the authorities , regardless of Race. But one thing is for sure , do not let it continue . Yours Sincerely Chinaman
  18. G`day Fellas , Heya Kenny , we have had a few oroblems out here as well Mate , so dont feel bad about it. I also had a call from Gold Coast , and they were having some problems up there as well . Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets are as Usual in Melb . Parlay ….$5.00…..Place Race ……2……….NO………..7………Appian Way Race ……7……….NO………..8………Straddle Race ……8……….NO………..11………Sweet & Tidy Race…….8………..10X10……NO……11… Sweet & Tidy Good Luck whatever you are on. Mick
  20. G`day Fellas , It almost a month now since I sent a hand written letter to the Minister for Primary Industries Ian Macdonald , and as yet I have still had no reply , so I have sent off the following email to The Premier , Ian Macdonald again , and a few others , perhaps you might like to do so yourself , although if you do , I would rephrase your wording . Chain letters , are immediately discarded by Pollies !. Mick Dear Minister , As a lifelong LABOR Voter , I am writing to you to express my deepest regret , that for the Ist time in my 66 years of age , I can no longer support Labor , and will at the next election , Vote for the liberal party. Having recently retired to the mid north coast of NSW to pursue my other lifelong passion of fishing, but I now find that your proposed Marine Parks will seriously reduce my ability to to do so. These Marine Parks are somewhat of a joke , and its obvious to all that , little or no input whatsoever was sought by Government from everyday NSW Recreational fishermen . These parks have the potential to turn coastal hamlets into Ghost Towns should they go ahead , and I strongly urge you to reconsider. In NSW alone , there are approximately One Million Rec Fishermen , who regularly take their families fishing on weekends , and probably that many again as retirees like myself , who have worked all their life , just to realise their dream of a fishing retirement . Do you you seriously want to commit political suicide by alienating the entire fishing population of NSW by appeasing the Greens . By allowing these Marine Parks to go ahead , you will be doing Just that , and that means at Least the next 8 years in opposition , so I urge you to think about it very carefully , before it`s too late. Voting Liberal will be a very bitter pill for me to swallow , but your reckless action of bowing to the greens with these Marine Parks leaves me no choice . Unless these Marine Parks are withdrawn , I will vote Liberal , along with another one Million like minded Rec fishos at the upcomming election. Please Minister , Listen to what your researchers must be telling you by now , and abandon this reckless ideological project of the Greens , its total madness , and will cost many , many Thousands of Jobs as a result of it. Name Address Postcode
  21. G`day Fellas , Stew , Mate , I think if I caught a Tailor that size , after a quick photo shoot , I would just have to let Him ? her go . T`would seem a pity to do a fish of that size in , don`t ya think . I wonder how big they do grow to in OZ . Mick
  22. G`daay Fellas , 1 . Bourne IDentity 2 . La Confidential 5 . The Fugitive 6 . Planet Of the Apes 14 . Jaws 15 . Sound Of Music 17 . Caddy Shack 18 . Unforgiven Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , On a barge trip to Frazier Island sometime around 1980/85 , A Chap showed me a photo of a Tailor weighing 18+ LB , caught in one of those Frazier Tailor tournaments . The Barge operator trumped that one , and pointed to a Photo in a cabinet of the Island Record ( from memory it went about 22LB or higher ). I remembere that there was a $200.00 reward to beat that mark , but we never caught one single fish over the 5 kilo mark in the entire 8 weeks we stayed there . Mick
  24. OWZAT

    Whos Going To

    G`day Fellas , Well , I for one , will not be watching Soccer Again , untill they get the 3rd umpire ! . That P***K with his whistle , broke the hearts of 25 million True Blues that night , but even so , we should have knocked them over with a one man advantage . But I have to Admit , thats the second time in 65 years we scared the pants of those Bloody Italians . They won the Match , but Our Ozzie boys won the hearts and Minds of the World . Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Todays bets are again In Melbourne . $5.00.....Place ....Parlay Race.......5.......N0.....11.....Willingani Race.......7.......NO.....8.......Swinging Babe Race.......8.......NO.....5.......Miss Lar Tar Mellb Race 8.....10X10 ........Miss Lar Tar Good Luck on what ever you take. Mick
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