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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , Kelso Beach , is probably one of the best spots you can find for Poddies Mate. Especially where the Stormwater drain empties into the River. Should take you no less than 20 minutes to bag out there Lasty . Just Make a trap like the one shown in the link , and just turn up !. Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , I agree Rosco , but with Irfanview , It allows you to adjust the colour , brightness, contrast , and Gamma . And lets face it , even with the best of cameras , the finished article always needs a slight adjustment to one of the things mentioned. Mick
  3. G`day Dave , I dont use soap to clean the inside of the bottle , just warm to hot water , and wiped clean with a clean tea towel. So good luck , & lets see how you go mate!. Mick Kabz , a sinker , a handfull of gravel , shells , a rock , anything that will weigh the Thing down. Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , Dave , check out the link below , scroll down to my post , and see if it matches what you and the others are doing. Now this may sound a bit odd , but sometimes you need to Change bottles , have a good look at the ones I use , and especially where you cut the hole. For some strange reason I can`t explain , poddies will avoid some bottles like the Plague. I have actually seen some fellas try all day for a nil result , and when I have put my trap in ....bingo... chockers within 10 mins. I like to cast a small handfull of dry bread crumbs over the spot I`m going to set my traps , but a lot of others use a scoop of bran . But I think Bread crumbs sink quicker than bran. Mick http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/inde...25&hl=poddy
  5. G`day Fellas, todays bets in Melb Are. Parlay.....$5.oo........ Place Race.....6....No.....12....Gothic Marian Race.....7....No.....8.....Muzdaher Race.....9....No.....16....Sera Cielo Race......7...No.....8.....Muzdaher....10 X 10 Good Luck whatever you are on.
  6. G`day Fellas , And Another, 40Lb ...............................Booty Headland ..........2002 Mick
  7. G`day fellas , still waiting for Mick to get back from Nowra to get all the stats of these latest fish. Seven Mile Beach Forster.....2001 Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , Funny about the weight variations in fish . Jews full of sand crabs are usualy solid , and thick like a brick. Fish feasting on Mullett and Salmon I find are normally are the fattest . I haven`t caught to many Jews Full of Whitebait and nothing else though. Although I did catch a long skinny one here a few years back in the 20LB range in very poor Condition , but after letting him go I noticed he had disgorged about a kilo of white bait mince . I gathered it up for berley , but never got another bite all night. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , Red , that is a top quinella mate , and as I have said previously , there is always a story with a big fish , and yours is living proof of that. I guess your brother would have been gutted had you missed with the Gaff , but obviously the right man was on duty for the prize to be won. Well done mate , top double hook up. Mick
  10. G`day Fellas , The boy fished Old Bar Last night for 3 small jews approximately 8lbs each , and lost a very large Tailor at the drop off when his Braid give out. Lawrie and another Local also fished the area , and landed some monster Salmon. Gotta get him to bring one in for a photo shoot , either of thsoe fish last night would have broken the Record for salmon by a cubit . I think My li`l fella has gone on his maiden Bassin voyage this arvo , and as yet I have not heard how he went . Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Micks not back yet I think , so here`s another one to keep you going for the time being. Ok , so next time you see a big jew being taken from the wall , rock up and say G`day " If he has a beard that is ". 55Lb, Forster Breakwall ...............2003. " NOTE " The Two Fingers , which means this was the the second of twins. Mick
  12. G`day fellas , Just whipped down to Hookies Lagoon and grabbed a pair of Nice Flatties for Din din. Bumped into another Keen fisho from Taree , who had been Gathering some live poddies for tonight. Its pretty blowy at the Moment , but normally the wind drops soon after sundown , so Lets hope , that with the right bait , in the right spot , they do well. I`m just charging the batteries in my Digi Camera " Just In Case". ! No pics of our catch fellas , because I stood and watched a real pro , Fillet , Skin , and then Bone 3 nice flatties in less than the time it would have taken me to roll a ciggie ( When I was smoking of course ) bloody hell , I had to count his fingers when he finished just to make sure . Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , Another Pic from the Mick Morely Album . I will have to update the stats when he gets back again. Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Iceman , it`s Probably his cousin John , We will await the report. None of us will be down there tonight , My young fella has severe pain in the hip joints , and will be seeing a specialist sometime next week . Mick
  15. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets again In Melb Are. Parlay........5.00..........place Race........5......No.....13......Blue Collar Jack Race........7......No.....4........Recapitalize Race........9......No.....2........Astrodane Race ........9........10X10......No.....2.......Astrodane Good Luck with whatever you are on. Mick
  16. OWZAT

    Fish 8 Of 300

    G`day Fellas , Micks Buggered off down to Nowra for the school Hols , so I will have to wait till he gets back to elaborate on The actual spot. Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , These Jews Were Taken At Forster DEC 2005 . The Fish On The left Held by Morely went 43 LB , while the one on the right 55 . The
  18. G`day Fellas , The Fish Below ( COBIA ) weighed 45 LBs , and was caught near Charlotte Heads around 2001 / 2 . This Cobia , was the Smaller of Two fish taken that day within an hour of each other , unfortunately as it is with Disposables , the larger Fish photo , was pitch black. The Fish that day were all taken on Live Slimies. Mick
  19. G`day Fellas , Daniel , I took a photo on Frasier Island which I thought was sheer Magic , I`ll see if I still have it , and if I do , I`ll see what you and others think of it . Mick
  20. G`day Fellas , That Silver Drummer also could not resist a feed of Hermit Crab Tails ... MIck
  21. G`day Fellas , Daniel , somewhere On here I posted some close up Pics of Jewfish Jewels , I will try and find them tomorrow , but I seem to recall I had to delete a ot of Older Pics when My Limit Ran Out , which I will have to do again soon if I keep posting Morleys pics. If you read the story that accompanied the photo of the fish my son Mick won the Monthly prize for , you will understand , just what it takes to hook , play, and finaly land a 50 plus pounder , then slide it into your back pack , with all your tackle , and then leg it 3 kilms back home in the middle of winter . Balls Of Steel Man.... Balls Of Steel ! . Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , Jewels has nailed it in one !. I am just as happy Fishing for Mullett as JEW. Now for some reason I can`t explain , I am just as happy catching nothing as to bag out . I have always felt , it was down to being as one with the Enviroment , or something similar to it . For me personally , Nothing can match that Overwhelming feelling of " Well Being " , when I`m Fishing !. When I am Fishing , for ME, it`s like an Out Of Body experience , where time does not exist , and where you are looking back down on what is happening below , but somehow unattached to it in some way. For me , its " Fun " ! , and it has always been fun , its a sport My dad And I enjoyed together , as does my Family with me also . If nothing else , it leaves Golden Memories of two or more people , sharing an uplifting expeience , watching a Sunrise or Sunset together , and if someone just happened to Snag the odd feed along the way , it only added to the magic . Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , R_Zee , I`m a pretty basic fisho really . I`m not ino fancy gear or knots , and so I try to keep it simple , embarrasingly simple actually. But If you want to TAP into a walking Encyclopedia , ask Lawrie , he has fished all of OZ , and overseas as well , as I suspect , has a lot of other members on here as well . Collectively , there is a wealth of experience on this site , and just about everybody I have seen on here so far is willing to share it . Mick
  24. G`day fellas , I`ll take this on the barbie anyday !!. Weights when I can find time to do them. Ok , here we go , the Knobby weighed in at 21 Lb , and was taken at Seal Rocks about 99/200 . The Bait used was something I had never heard of before namely " Hermit Crab Tails " , so you learn something everyday . Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Keep in mind , that all these fish are Land Based , and were Taken from beaches or Headlands . I still have not found the time to sit and take notes of the weights as yet . I will do so In the next 2/3 days . Ok , here goes , This NBT , weighed in at 48 Lb , and was taken at Forster 2000/ 1 ,and the bait was a live slimey. Mick
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