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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. G`day Fellas , MY Dads boat was called SPRAY , and youse all know`s why!!!. Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , I have to hand it to those Banana Benders , because when "they" decide to do something about their Marine Park closures , "they" get themselves organised , and really go for broke. The Pamphlet below , widely distributed in QLD , shows their commitment to their fight , but sadly I have not seen the same commitment down here. Any Queenslanders wanna put their two cents worth in , I`m sure most of us would like to hear from y`all . I shall watch this one verry closely , and providing we get coverage of the "Demo" on regional TV , I`ll bet my Saturdays Club Allowance to a packet of PK or Juicy fruit , they get a bloody great deal more than 60 people turn up for theirs than we did here. Needless to say , all the Opportunists and Talking Heads will be there , they are having an election in a few weeks , and this rally is going to be a pointer on it`s outcome . How will the GREENS go in QLD , Will they Gain or loose ????, watch this Space. Mick
  3. G`day Fellas , Nilfish , Ask anybody who has grabbed a rod , donned a rod holder , and legged it to a beach anywhere in the world , and they will recite an old addage that holds true to all species ....."1020 Fish A plenty "...... More upmarket fishos than myself will explain why all fish ( and especially Jews) seem to come alive when the Pressure gets up around the 1017......1020 . My personal preference is for a high tide of 1.6 ....1.7 ..metres One hour before dark , and a breeze of no more than 10 knotts. That rare cycle , is is what I call Jewie heaven , and especially if you have gutters and holes to boot. 1020 fish aplenty also works well on the Hawkesburry River , and especially in the deeper Holes ....But don`t ask me why !!!. Mick
  4. G`day Fellas , Heya James , Son no 2 was at Spencer On Monday , and also got a small jew about the 12 lb mark . But they had a ball trying out some new outfits , and especially catching a heap of bream in secret spots 1 And 2 . He also lost an absolute stonker Bream , when A chemicaly sharpened hook snapped at the base of the bend , not happy Jan !!. They had quite a memorable day actually , with the only hiccup comming when he was spooled by a conger eel in spot no 2 . The day however was not over , because they were chatted up by some holidaying dollies whilst cleaning their catch back at the ramp , and as you do , phone No`s were exchanged , and the Lads Shall return . Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , Todays bets as Always are in Melbourne Parlay......5.00........Place Race.......4...................12................Kings Rule Race.......6....................8.................Bexar Race.......7....................15...............Roubechon Race ......6....................10X10.......No.....8.......BEXAR Godd Luck with whatever you are on. Mick.
  6. G`day Fellas , 1. Honey I Shrunk The kids 2. Definately Gladiator. The rest no Idea. Mick
  7. G`day Martin , My Dad used to Say " If the Pupil Hasn`t learnt ,Then The Teacher Hasn`t Taught " . I am very much pleased to report , the Teacher has Taught , the Pupil has learnt , and has now become the Master !! . Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , And their eyes are so cute Too. I guess if you skinned a big one , you could stretch it over a table and play chess on it. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , Kangaroo , Emu, Croc , ahhhah , well OK. But to eat the puppy Dogs of the Sea .......well , could you eat one of your dalmation puppies soon after birth , Yuk , I`d rather Kiss a greenie . Mick
  10. Martin , consider yourself Lucky that the Missus did not "Don" her new shoes , Grab a few of her Girlie Mates and spend the night , Club Crawling till 5am , with a new dress and Hanbag to match . Now that could have really been a payback !!. Mick
  11. They must all have heard about the Hairtail being caught there !! Mick
  12. G`day Fellas , Mondie , The Boy has sure developed a knack of picking the Right time and Tide that`s for sure . Can you believe it , that just after he left , One of the locals caught an 18 kilo fish in the same spot mick was fishing , but he was buggered after 2 consecutive nights catching not only Jews , but those Sharks knock the stuffing out of you when they are 6 footers . Heya humes`y , wondered where you got to . They tell me that that spot you were fishing last month began firing like crazy about 2 days after you left . Heard tell of a Coffs Harbour Identity , catching an 80pounder there , but kept it very hush hush , buggered if I know why though. I walked the beach this arvo to check The Meridian resort ( The Storms and king tides , have taken 10 metres of Water frontage in less than a year ) so I wanted to check the reports of damage done by the last storm and take a few pics , but when I got downn there , my batteries were Flat . Will try again later tomorrow. Mick
  13. G`day fellas , Mick Jnr , just called in with another small Jew taken at Old Bar Beach tonight. It went about 12LB , and I can`t find where I wrote the measurements down. Mick This one is for me Lads , Mulloway Steaks in black bean Sauce mmmmm , Yummy!.
  14. G`day Fellas , The youngfella , caught this small jew this evening At Old Bar Beach on tailor fillets . It went 105 CMS , and will probably tip the scales a tick over 25 LBS , when he weighs it later at home. The fish was rather solid in the body , and also had a puncture wound at the back of the head , probably from a shark of some sort . Note The Dark area , near the gills !!. Now to be fair , Mick Jnr will not be entering this Jewie into The fish of the month contest , because he has already won it once , so has decided not to enter . His total catch for the Night , also included a huge Wobbygong Shark which was a good 6 feet in length , and also a monster Shovel Nose shark which was over the 6 foot mark. Pity he was fishing alone , because if he had been with his fishing buddies , we might have had a few interesting photos , plus a few new records to go in the book. Mick
  15. G`day Fellas , Hi FF , we actually lost $22.00 on the day , but as our FPC runs for 48 weeks ( No dipping into winnings ) we normaly dont worry too much about dry spells . But , as of this moment , we have won our entire outlay for the 48 weeks back already , so everything we get from last week onwards is all profit. The Pot is shared 4 ways and We split it early Dec. Now although We are trying a new format this year , we are reasonably happy with the results , but of course hope to do a bit better . All a bit of Family Fun Really , been at it for yonks !. Mick
  16. G`day Fellas , Ours for Today are: MELB........Race.....1.......10X10......NO....4....Desert Master. PARLAY........$.5...oo...........Place. Race .1.........NO.....4.....Desert Master Race .5.........NO.....9.....Snort Race .8.........NO.....16....Viennetta Good Luck with what ever you are On. Mick
  17. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas , IMO , people in general in this day and age , have become so desensitised to violence , it hardly matters anymore what is done on a sporting field . Such is the case today , because we see so much of it , one hardly raises an eyebrow , unless of course its yours or my kid thats carried off the field needing 10 odd stitches after being Coat hangered or crushed in a gang tackle. Lets face it , you only have to see the gratuitous Vilonce in movies , that are being watched by unsupervised kids today to understand why. Why anyone feels the need To carry Realism to the extreme ,of showing someone being murdered ( generally a female ) by having their held tilted back and a large shiny blade drawn accross their throat , with blood squitring metres into the air , covering everything in sight , is beyond me , I think it`s sick !. Ask yourself how you learnt your times tables at school when you were young ( you sat with legs crossed in the classroom reciting them over and over again ) untill it was burnt into your brain forever . Today also , the majority of footie players are simply running Tanks , never saw too many 90/5 kilo wingers or centers when I was an avid follower. So , such is the nature of this code now , most of todays athletes are grossly over trained ,overplayed , and overpaid , and they behave accordingly. Then of course , it might just be down to the Steroids or other bodily enhancers too many of them use to keep themselves on the field all year , who knows , there`s always an excuse for everyhting these days . Mick Only My opinion of course , Two times two is Four , two times three is six.......... Mick
  18. OWZAT

    Joke 2

    G`day Fellas , Ahh , good one Bob !!!!! .. Exactly what we need today .... " BRING BACK THE BIFF " . Mick
  19. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas , Esky , the troubble with people today is, they are programmed to be blame shifters. It wasn`t my fault , no one told me , he smiled at me , It wasn`t my fault , he stopped suddenly , and so it goes on. Newcastle were gone , the Forwards were spent , and the game was lost long before that incident . Its time for footballers , to cop it on the chin and get on with it , because I think all this krap is soley related to justifying the huge salaries being paid to these players. But and how petulant was that rumour he was off to england again , fair dinkum . Peronally I think he should have never come back from that injury , because he has never been the same since , and the Orign didin`t help any. I just hope he ends his carrer in one piece , I honestly do , nothing worse to see a fallen star of any code. We will have another team in next year , and if The NRL had their way it would be even more , which means more games for all Players , and lets face it , most teams have had at least 2/3 players out for at least 5/6 games or more . It can only get worse , and the pressure obviously will be even greater , so I believe this extra impost will sadly see the end of most senior players next year . Too many games , too much asked of them all!. Mick
  20. OWZAT


    G`day fellas , I`m with Mottyman all the way here. Johns " Has been" , a great Player , no doubt about that , but sadly Newcastle are a One Man Team , and thats the simple truth of the matter, so when in the twilight of your Career , you run off the rails because of a few bad calls , well too bad. I for one will state quite emphatically that Johns`y has had "more" than his fair share of help from linesmen and Umpires over the years , so to watch a player I respected , to unravel so badly in front of his fans was a disappointmet to say the least. I won`t even touch on his refusal to accept that award for most points scored , His old man shoudda walked up the Tunnel , gave him a backhander , and kicked his arse back out onto the field . What a bloody sook !. And to top it off , he`s got off lightly just now with a downgrade to two matches , another disgrace , one law for Mugs , another for high profilers , and that is just not true blue. Lets hope the Team can lift over the next two weeks and make it , but if they don`t , then andrew will bear the responsibilty for ending their season early. Mick
  21. Fellas , Just click on the link below , and tell me I was wrong !!. Mick http://i.euniverse.com/funpages/cms_conten...29/4candles.swf
  22. Heya Harry , I also have a pic of it with a fillet taken off one side , I would have posted it , but it looked a bit messy. Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , Mick ( owzat Jnr ) and his Son went for a quick fish this arvo , and Scott when passed the rod to hold while mick had a chat , locked onto His I`st Salmon. Daddy said he played it like a true beginner , but won out in the end . Measured 66 cms , didn`t weigh it though . Mick
  24. G`day Fellas , Got This Pic In The Mail This Morning , and as promised , That Record Breaking Kingfish , officially weighing 31 Kilos , Taken By Jason Scafidi , My Nieces Hubby. There Is always a story that goes with a fish like this , and I hope Jason Will be able to finally get online soon and relate it to you , I know it of course , but cannot repeat it . This monster was taken from The Stones at Jervis Bay , and I have no doubt whatsoever , that any of you who have nailed one of these suckas from a boat or a rocky Headland will agree , to land it from the Stones is a remarkable feat indeed . Mick
  25. OWZAT

    2 Pbs

    G`day Fellas , RB , as an old die hard Rockie from way back , I can tell you that Groper of that size once upon a time were quite common around the headlands . But It didn`t take too long , before they were in danger of extinction and overfishing for them. So it is heart warming to see a good size one again after all this time , and even more so , the fact you released it , congatulations , and well done. Rockhoppers will know , the success rate of landing one of those buggers is about 1 in 10 , because most times they just dart out of a crevice or cave , snatch your bait , and disappear back into their den , leaving you to have to re-rig time and again. Funny thing now is , When thinking back , I never gave all that lost gear a second thought , but there was a white haired "Diver" , who I saw on a few occaisions collecting sinkers that were lost by the trailer load at Ben Buckler. Mick
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