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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. OWZAT

    Posting Pics

    G`day Jamie , Try this simple program mate , so easy it`s embarrasing. Mick http://www.irfanview.com/
  2. G`day Fellas , I think eveyone would agree , that a 50-6 score in finals footie is pretty sad. Now although I felt Manly was robbed when Playing Newcastle , I think Manly earnt the respect of the entire country with their performance on Frid Night . But I also have to say I felt extremely uncomfortable watching that pathetic performance against the Broncos by the knights last night . It was so bad I found myself channel surfing during the match. The suspension of Buderus made little difference , because they were simply monstered by a team with more than Just "one" player . But as a Dragon supporter since 1952 , Iknow the Pain of being overun by the BRONCOS. It will never Happen , but I would love to play and Beat Them In The Grand final , thereby getting that particular Monkey off our Backs. Mick
  3. OWZAT

    My Last Post

    G`day Fellas , PK , The Very Best Of Luck MAte , and remember......... AMOR VINCIT OMNIA MICK
  4. G`day Fellas , Better Class of Horses , Better and larger Fields , Much more consistent Form than In Sydney , which incidently has been floundering for years . Sydney Has Two Stables , 4 Jockeys , who take all the cream , all the time , but when the good Melb Horses come to Sydney , Most times they win with ease. The Sydney Tote Skimmers ( "a small group of PROS , who , using a Computer Program , back every runner & every combination in a race and win 96.5% of the time , work on 2.5% on a Million Dollars Invested per meeting ) they have long since stuffed sydney racing for the average NSW punter. But the thing is , VIC TAB has taken over NSW TAB , so It remains to be seen if the New Tab will alllow this to continue , but at a Million dollars per meeting < what do you think ?. SO, There is More Prize money In Victorian Racing , and their provincial Tracks are so much better than ours , its a Joke. Most Melb Horses have all weather Form , whereas in Sydney , we have only a few consistent MUD Runners. So The Melb Is the Place To bet <> but I wouldn`t wanna live there !!!!. Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets as usual are in Melb. Parlay........$5.oo...... Place Race...6.....No......13........MR TOFF Race...8.....No......10........RULAN RUBY Race...9.....No......12........MISS KOOCH Race...9.....10X10....No...12......MISS KOOCH Good Luck whatever you are on!. Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , Yeah hey Paulie , Lawrie said he and about 5/6 others were trying to dig a channel further Up from where it popped , but in vain , I suppose your dad was probably one of them . Lozza was down the entrance proper and took the pic below , and Your dad was up on the high ground . One things for sure we are hoping that enough water keeps flowing out of the Goon to cut it much wider and hopefully deeper , but we will probably go back down tomorow for anothe look. Never mind mate , when it settles down , we`ll all be having flattie fillets for "din din" , actually , I`m starting to get sick of Jewfish Cutlets , although I dont have a hell of a lot left after Fathers day . Trouble is someone`s always knockin on someone`s door wanting to give somone a feed , same as you dad I assume. Personally I`m going to target some nice whiting over the next 2 weeks or so . Lozza and Mick both have new reels they won on here to try , and I too , have a newbie as well ,so looking forward to some good whiting over the next few weeks or so. Mick
  7. G`day Fellas , Follow up on yesterdays post On one of our lagoon which broke it`s banks today around 1.pm . If it had breached fouther South , we all would have ben verry happy chappies , but where it has opened means it will be closed again within 2 months . Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , Hey Paulie , slipped down to Salty this morning to see if the Goon was open , and can you believe it , after all that rain the freakin this is still holding . As you would know , we need the entrance to push out now , to give us a whopper Whiting and Flattie season . Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , Heya Paulie , It would have been better If we had`nt of bothered either . Nothing got close in our selections , and I cant blame the wet weather , I love the wet when having a bet !. The Boy got a few small schoolies the other night with a mate up from sydney for a quick stayover , but as he gave them to his buddy , I did not bother with a report. Things will take at least a week to settle after all those big waves and winds , Just waiting for the wind to settle so I can go for a stroll and dong some of those big whiting that are running at the moment Just got a trifecta up at WP , race 3 , so that puts me well ahead for the day so far . Mick
  10. G`day Fellas , There Is a GOD ! Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , BEN , As a life supporter of the Dragons , I just cannot see them winning in Brissie tonight , even with their latest record there. For some reason no one can explain , Saints have lately push the self destruct button in the Bigger semi games , and The Broncos have shown such improvement , I think they will beat us , But I will be hoping the don`t. Big Psycho problem playing brissie at home in the finals as well. But as a long time Manly hater , Supporters In My opinion were Robbed last night , and I sort of feel for them in a way. Buderus Spear Tackles , Placed on report , but Stays Onfield. Manly skip , backchats ref and gets sent off , Wonder if He would have sent JOHNS OFF for the same offence. Mick
  12. G`day Fellas , Providing Those Victorian Boofheads , who incidently have created the greatest Shambles in Living History can get the "NEW" TAB up and Running in the next 30 Minutes or so , our bets for the day are below , if not , we will be taking a System 9 in SAT LOTTO costing $40.oo Todays Bets as Usual Are in... Melb .. Parlay.........$5.oo....... Place 5. 17 Bexaar 8. 14 Watchyerback 9. 13 Maxerelle 8. 10X10 Watchyerback Had some problems working out how to put the Parlay On , so Missed the Ist leg , Race 1 , So HAve Changed The Parlay to the one above . Who knows , perhaps they may have done us a favour. Good Luck whatever you are on , if you get on that is. Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , This SOB owes me heaps , and having been unplaced at the last 5 starts that I backed it , I had given up on it. However I noticed it was entered one day last week , but wouldn`t you know it , it was scratched , so thinking it was out for another spell , I forgot about it . I would have had something on it , but thsts the way my luck is going at the moment. Example , last month , after putting my shorts on back to front ( UNLUCKY ! ) says all . When putting my DAILY system bets on , I made the mistake of looking at the form guide , and changed a number . My original numbers came up ........and paid......... $8,000 . So Two things , 1. never bet if you have put your pants on back to front , and especially never change your numbers. Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Pete , Any substitute for the claret ?. They only sell those wine casks here 2/3 litres I think they are , and as I don`t really drink much anymore it will only go to waste . How about some fish stock , whatcha reckon ?? . The rest sounds Ideal. Dannie , I`m going to halve the fish, and just crumb one lot and try them with beer batter , and then tomorrow I`ll see what Pete says about the Fish stock and if Its OK , I will try his recipe . Oh and by the way , the fish were bled almost exactly as you described , and had been skinned already . I might just except that offer to go Blackfishing with those guys soon , It`s been too long , and its really good fun . Thanks Guys!. Mick
  15. g`day Fellas , Lil fella just arrived with 4 huge blackies all @ 40cms , so I need to hear your recipes for Cooking them . I can`t remember when I last cooked blackies , and I cant find the old cook book I normaly refer to for exotics. So fellas lets hear them. mick They Have been left soaking in a ice cream container with 1/2 teaspoon of salt , which draws the blood out , but I`m damned if Ican remember how I prepared them . Mick
  16. OWZAT

    Georges River

    G`day Fellas , That gun fisherman we speak of , who I think its the same chap , passed away in the late 80`s or early 90`s . What made his achievements so incredible , was that he actually wore a Colostomy Bag , due to losing his bowel to cancer , which he obviously survived . Sometimes he would wade out to the reef and fish for Blackfish or bream , other times I would bump into him at Blackbutt , milperra bridge , behind the Speedboat club , or other spots near Menai that we fished at times. No matter who approached him , if somebody asked a question , he would stop fishing and show them what to do . Funny about that Toxic report from East Hills Mate, I used to fish with 2 other fellas , who laughed at those reports , because they used to rock up , catch 2 or 3 blackfish , then take them home and eat them , and they had been doing this all their lives. They told me the "TRICK" was , Not to clean your fish in the Water there , but rather , to take them home and wash them thouroughly under the tap , but also taking extreme care to remove the black belly lining with a wire brush . So figure that one out , but I must admit I was never tempted to follow suit . And Yes lil flattie , 4/0 hooks are advisable in that area at night , because School Jews cruise the shallows , as well as Sharks and the odd big flattie , so 4/0 is the Go. I`m having some pleasant flash backs of the night we scooped some live prawns near Salt pan bridge , and set up our camp on Kelso Beach. Having set all our rods in Rod Holders , we popped the esky , grabbed a coldie , and sat on our foldable chairs . The next thing we knew , one of the rods went off , and I was the ist one to it . Laying back on the rod , I knew immediately what it was , so calling it for a big bream , the boys frantically wound their lines in , which gave me room to play it , without having to worry about Tangles. About 5 mins later , I had a whopping big bream up on the sand which weighed in a tic over 5 pounds . Later on we got 3 more smaller fish , all were in the 3 pound region , but we also got busted twice by sharks , and lost a schoolie about the 12/15 LB mark because by this time , the Gaff Man was seeing doubble . Actually , he did have a technical excuse , because the line had somehow snagged a sheet of the Herald Newspaper , and being full to the gills on Rum , he gaffed the newspaper perfectly , but broke the line when trying to set the gaff. WE had some funny times fishing that area , but we mostly only kept fish to eat from Menai Or Como Bridge down to The Bay. Mick
  17. OWZAT


    G`day Fellas Makes you woder how lucky you can be doesn`t it !. I have beeb flipping those buggers over onto their backs for yonks , ( some were 5 feet accross the flaps ) and after dehooking them , dragging them back to the wash by the tail to release them , all the while being well aware of the spike in their tail, and avoiding it . I will never take that chance ever again after reading Inhlanzi`s post , I`ll cut the line and let them spit the hooks by themselves . Mick
  18. OWZAT

    Georges River

    G`day Fellas , There is a sany beach about 1/2 click north of the bridge. See Pic. There is a reef here and it produces some monster bream . Best time is late arvo or Night , packet prawns are Fine , and if you chuck a slab of Mullet or pillie out into the main channel , you can catch anything from Shark to school Jews. Incidently , It was at this spot , back in the late 1950`s or early 60`s , that the largest bream ever taken was caught !.....9.5 pounds. I too have caught some huge bream there at night , especially with Fresh live prawns when they are running . 4/0 suicide with whole live prawn , 12lb line , and small pea sinker right down on the hook. Shown to me by an old master who fished East Hills all his life. The reef also , is a prolific Blackfish spot , but I would suggest you don`t eat your catch . Mick
  19. OWZAT

    The Tab

    G`day Fellas , Talking about Midgets , who holds you up so you can reach the keyboard. Mick
  20. OWZAT

    The Tab

    G`day Fellas , Well , I have just spent the most frustrating day of my life trying to log on to my Account with the TAB. As from today , all account holders had to re-register , sounds simple doesn`t it , type in Code , Account no, passsword , and bingo away you go , "Wrong". The entire network went into Meltdown by 11 am , because of programming errors , and absolute Amateurs in charge of settting up the new site. Anyone who bets with the TAB Online , will fully understand whats gone on since Melbourne took it over. Their " new site Is a dinosaur " , so slow , its faster to walk to the Bowlo , and put your bets on manually. On saturdays , the buisiest day of the week , its not uncommon for the site to go down for an hour or so , or just not load at all. But today " The New beginning " was laughable , It was a major embarrasment for The Vics , and I can`t see it getting any better somehow . After waiting to talk to somebody from customer Support for an Hour , they were at a loss to help , and only the intervention of a superevisor allowed me to preceed , only to find That After 3 tries at putting in the wrong info they Gave me , I was locked Out again , and again ,and again. Customer Support was no longer taking Calls for assistance by NOON , and one can only wonder how the TAB can prosper , when its mamaged by a bunch of DILLs . Mick
  21. G`day Fellas , Two Hand Shakes , 5 big Hugs and kisses , followed by cards from the Grandkids , then Two envelopes , which contained the Usual $100.oo twice , then , the Cards from the litle ones , go in the Pirates Treasure Chest , or as I like to call it " The Time Capsule", to be opened some time in the future. Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , Wetty , Correct me if I`m wrong , but didn`t Bill Gates and his Merry bunch of bandits , swipe the whole thing from Apple ??. Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets As Usual , Are In Melb. Parlay....5.oo ........ Place Race .....4.....NO......12.......Napa Sky Race......5.....NO.......11......Assertive Guest Race......6.....NO.........4......Niconero Race......5.......10X10......NO....11....Assertive Guest I also like ..NO....12..... Race.. 8...Shadoways. Good Luck whatever you are on Mick
  24. G`day Fellas , Sound Familiar ??. At a recent conference Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with the technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon." In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press release stating: If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics: • For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day. • Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car. • Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull over to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this. • Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine. • Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive--but would run on only five percent of the roads. • The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation" warning light. • The airbag system would ask "Are you sure?" before deploying. • Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna. • Every time a new car was introduced, car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car. • You'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off. Mick
  25. OWZAT

    Nrl Or Afl

    G`day Fellas , Got this email from my Sis In Law this morning . ARL stands for Australian Rugby League and AFL stands for Australian Football League Does the following apply to the ARL OR AFL? This is good !!!! 36 have been accused of spousal abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 19 have been accused of writing bad checks 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses 3 have done time for assault 71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges 8 have been arrested for shoplifting 21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year Can you guess which organization this is? Give up yet? . . . Scroll down, Neither, it's the 535 members of the AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT IN CANBERRA The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line. You gotta pass this one on! And I have !> Mick
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