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Everything posted by OWZAT

  1. heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh . Mick
  2. G`day Fellas , Another Jew by Mick Morely ...Stats When when I can catch Up with him. Been waiting for him to get Broadband ...Shouldn`t be too much longer. Mick
  3. G`day Fellas , Those little Buggers will be in Plague proportions up around that area from now till the end of January early feb. The trick to getting the larger Schoolies is to seek out the deep holes , and for the Larger Fish , one must use larger baits that the little ones cant swallow . Good fun for the Junior anglesr though , but when you have Schooling Soapies , you also have a stack of Catfish as well , and thats where you have to be on your guard . Steve never mentioned the catties though , so maybe they are running late this year . Another weird thing that happens around this time of year is , huge swarms of Jelly fish seem to appear out of nowhere , and one can get severely stung when pulling up he Anchor . Mick
  4. OWZAT

    Pc Games

    G`day Fellas , POKER STARS....online ... It`s absolutely Marvellous how many players believe that This Game is Random. But best of all is the young Delinquents who go online and play under their Parents name or even their own , and honestly believe they are " The Man" , which makes my day when boasting of their skill at Poker. Mick
  5. G`day Fellas , As a former card carrying Member Of the Labor Party , I honestly believed that by sending Hand written letters to most of the Labor Front benchers and to the Premier Himself , I would have received a personal reply back . Not so I`m afraid , Rather , I received the standard "mushroom" auto email type reply in addressing my protest . I then emailed them , all in turn , and advised them that if they if they persisted in Pursuing this Scatterbrained Scheme , that I and many long time " true believers" would vote them out of Government in March 2007 . This second attempt was greeted with "Mushroom" reply no 2 , so as a direct result of those replies , I wrote a final hand written letter , explaing in full as to why I had resigned from the party. Now , the consensus of a large group of Retirees in my Little town of 3500 who I have personally approached and discussed this matter with , stated quite adamantly , that it would without doubt , create Mass unemployment and also send a huge Majority of buisnesses broke , who rely on the tourist trade. One quote form an informwed source stated (A recent study of the Mid North Coast , showed that Tourism alone , contributes 50 Million Dollars to the economy of Forster ) , and if you multiply that by all the Hamlets along the coast , it can only mean a total disaster awaits the Coastal Dwellers. So , with all that Info having been forwarded to the Relevant Parties , it would appear that they intend to proceed with their plan , at their own Peril , stupidly and arrogantly , ignoring the overwhelming evidence their own polls are telling them . Which only goes to Prove that Arrogance always replaces sanity when party is re-elected for a 4th term , Look at The Feds !. Mick
  6. G`day Fellas , Ok Rossco , So what Do You want us to Do ?? Mick
  7. Gday Fellas , Yeah Pete , Good Luck Mate . I also had a side bet for myself as well . Parlay $3.00.......Win Race...6.....NO.....9.....Zipping Race...8.....NO.....13....Safwa Race...9.....NO.....13....Brockmans Lass Race...10....NO.....1 ....Falaise Big Day , Big pools , milluns of chances , But Thats Punting !. Mick
  8. G`day Fellas , Todays Bets are In Melb . Parlay .....5.oo Place Race....7......NO.....1....Casual Pass Race....8......NO.....3....Celtic Bloom Race....10....NO....11...Finnis SEa Race ...8.......$10.... WIN......13...... SAFWA RACE....9......$10.....WIN......13.......BROCKMANS LASS Good Luck with Whatever You are on. Mick
  9. G`day Fellas , For not so Faint hearted , check out the link below . The Skipper is One cool dude , and could take me fishing anyday !. Mick
  10. G`day Fellas , Here are two more freak waves . The One that scares me the Most is the Old Black and white shot with that Monster wave heading for that ship already in the trough of another wave . Mick
  11. G`day Fellas , Here are some more freak waves . Mick
  12. g`day Fellas , I`m sure we will have some marine biologist on here tell us exactly what freak waves are , but I saw a doco sometime back with real footage of a wave 90feet high hitting one of those luxury Liners front on , and according to the Captain and crew it hardly caused a ripple except for a few alarming moments as the bow punched through the Wave halfway up it . Scary stuff though , I reckon a 4 metre swell is bad enough , just fancy looking out and up to one that high!. Just like scraping your Nails on the blackboard ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk. Mick
  13. G`day Fellas , The Captain Turns to The Ist Mate and says " George , How Long Can You Hold Your Breath for Under Water Mate "??? Mick G`day Fellas , Obviously designed for breaking through the rollers , and not going over the top I would think ! . But I think the whole Crew , would have been sucking in a deep breath . Mick
  14. G`day Fellas , Heya Humesy , Good On you mate , after all the trouble you went to , it would have been a crime to loose him at the drop off. So many good Fish have been won or lost at that exact moment. So , now that you have nailed your Ist beach Jew , you will be saying to yourself , " Well now , what was all the fuss about , I can do This "! , Now Just wait till tomorrow night when I come back down here armed to the teeth with all the Right Gear.". IS that BarbeCued Jewfish Cutlets I can smell ???.....Yummy. Mick
  15. G`day Fellas, Today We are Moving My Daughter to another House , So Only One bet today. $ 40.oo To Win ...................NO 5 ........ OUR SMOKIN JOE In THe Caulfield Cup . But we couldn`t resisit taking One Long priced Roughie , so we had ..... 5x5 ......No..... 13 .............Melb race 3 Our Mohave . Good Luck TO All !. Gota Get Back to Work. Mick
  16. G`day Fellas , Kanty, the goon I`m refering to , is a virtual Sand Pit that has encased the entrance to The South Arm Of the Manning River . Namely Mud bishop Lagoon , fishable , but really hard work !!. Mick
  17. G`day Fellas , don`t worry about the last 20 years boys , nothing has changed in 50 !!!. Mick
  18. G`day Fellas , Slipped down to the Lagoon with Lozza to kill a few Hours , and managed to Nab a brace of 40 Cm Flatties , and a very healthy 40cm flounder . But what amazed me was , the flounder swallowed 4inch Softie all the way down to the Jig head . Lozza also had the Blood pumping when he foul hooked a small Stingray , which gave him no end of stick for a few minutes . A Lot of smaller Flatties were evident , but It wasn`t too bad,seeing as we were there on the wrong part of the tide . Mick
  19. G`day Fellas . The Ist Pic , is a little Underexposed , dont you think ? . Now Perhaps next time , you should open the lens cover door , Or with an SLR , remove the Lens cap !. Mick
  20. Jewelery , I`m even cheaper now mate , Only drink on Social occasions these day. Miss the smoking though , not a day goes by after 10 years , where I don`t feel like lighting up . Mick
  21. G`day Fellas , Chris , the best local knowledge is only obtainable by the following Method. 1. Walk into the bar of the Local PuB 2. Seek out a porky type character sitting in the corner of that Bar , wearing shorts , thongs , and a Blue work singlet . 3. Shout him a schooner of his prefered brand of ale ,and pull up a bar stool. Say Cheers , and then ask him where there`e Biting , and how do ya fish for them. 5 schooners later, not only will you know where , When , & how to Catch your quarry , but you will know evey spot within a 20 kilm strip of coastline from the pub you are in , who all the local thieves are , where they live, where the breathalyser will be at a certain hour , and especially.....who`s sleeping with who . Works for me every time. Mick
  22. G`day Fellas , Kenny ,how about you post the link , so we can see what the regulations are in full . 6 cms what ? wide long ?, Square ? . Mick This is the one I think you are refering to Mate . And I think I`m Ok , because one could argue that the opening is less than 6 cms wide . But if the day ever comes , when Fishing Inspectors are found to be roaming the foreshores of our Estuaries measuring Poddy Traps openings , they I will definately give it all away. Mick
  23. G`day Fellas , A Trifecta of Jews taken at Forster , weights etc, etc, tomorrow.. Can`t find the List again... Mick
  24. G`day Fellas , Here`s the Berley . Where`s the Main Course. Mick
  25. G`day Fellas , Huh , Having just tuned into the ABC , I was amazed to hear that the very subject I had been discussing only two weeks ago , namely " The State Of Our Armed Forces " with a recently Retired RSM of 30 years , was going to be run on 4 Corners tonight . The Sar Major , was desparingly adament that we are In dire need of Recruits . The reasons were too many to list here , Low Morale , Low Pay , to name a few , but as I understand it , all is promised to be revealed tonight on Aunty . The sadly disallusioned former RSM , said quite frankly , that if the Army could not get at least 20,000 new recruits in the next year , then Goss was " The Federal Government will reintroduce Conscription" !. Now I don`t think that that is such a bad idea , with a legitimate 7.6 % of the nation unemployed , but it might be a big ask considering the State of the Middle East conflict. Now I have to say , that although I did my National Service , mine was in 1959 , which was the very last intake , but the training was just as fierce as any other , probably a little more actually , because most of the REGS were Korean War Vets , and they somehow resented the fact that as it was over , they would no longer be needed , so they stuck it to us. I also have to say , that my 103 Days spent in National Service Changed me forever , as It did for many others , and I have never regretted one day of it. So , Is this Program tonight by Chris Masters , an in deptht look at the problems the Army is having at gaining recruits , or is it a whistle blowing exercise by 4 corners of a more sinister plot being hatched By the Libs to Reintroduce Conscription. Politcal Post .....Perhaps , but It concerns all of us in a way . What do you lot think ??? Mick
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