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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Nice. Some anchor chain & nylon rope. Whatever it takes 😊
  2. Wasn't quite sure where to put this? Fishing reports, well its certainly being reported on 🤣 Game fishing reports, well you have to be game right 😜 Tackle talk, I'd like to know what his set up was 😂 Catch of the month, a Versace necklace is a way bigger catch than anything I have caught General pictures, well they've got yours mate so expect a knock on the door anytime soon 😂 The dark room, he'll be in one soon 😉 Submit you record fish pics here 🤐 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-04/man-steals-versace-necklace-with-fishing-rod-in-melbourne-cbd/12023390
  3. That's the key to diagnosing the issue, replicating the conditions in which this happens. They have a few more electronic systems on them compared to smaller 2 strokes like the CD ignition system so hard to say. Is it auto choke? maybe its not turning off when hot?? Id be taking back to the Mech & get it checked over again, maybe run it at home for a while before taking it in!
  4. Heard about that on the radio as I got in the car this morning from the traffic report. Dam embarrassing & costly 😥 Whats the saying...…………..check, re check, then check it again. I almost drove off one morning with the jockey wheel down, found it on the second circuit of the boat/trailer.
  5. Awesome work Jeff. Do we have to wait for winter to roll around for the next meet 🥺
  6. Plenty of info on PS here. Some are stickied in fishing chat. Just type it into the search bar & away you go
  7. Fishing in Sydney Harbour Previous test results have revealed elevated levels of dioxins in fish and crustaceans across Sydney Harbour, including Parramatta River and other connected tidal waterways. A ban was consequently placed on commercial fishing in 2006 as a precautionary measure. Recreational fishing in the Harbour has not been banned, but fishers are urged to follow dietary advice on the consumption of seafood from the Sydney Harbour, Parramatta River and other connected tidal waterways. Fishers can also continue to practise catch and release. Based on advice from an expert panel, the Government is recommending that: No fish or crustaceans caught west of the Sydney Harbour Bridge should be eaten. You should release your catch. For fish caught east of the Sydney Harbour Bridge generally no more than 150 grams per month should be consumed. Testing of popular species has allowed for more accurate dietary advice. The table below provides advice on the maximum consumption of single species: https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-skills/fishing-in-sydney-harbour When a government body conducts scientific studies & gives out specific information I would tend to listen to it. But as individuals we make our own decisions & face consequences with that knowledge in hand. Each to their own 🤐 Mind you I don't think people are to concerned, not even one reply from this thread I started last year 🙄
  8. Nice work Chris I have a tackle box of gear like vibes & various other stuff I never use, have to get them out more often. According to the DPI you shouldn't eat any fish caught west of the harbour bridge!
  9. You never know, what will work one day wont the next. It also pays to have some metal casting lures in the kit & some SP's & jigheads. Don't always rely on baits!
  10. What is the bait?? If you are targeting kings I would be floating live bait. Salmon on the other hand if they are around will take almost anything!
  11. Hi Skip, I avoid that place on weekends for that reason although I did not know there was a 'car only' section there. Security should be ensuring as cars without trailers pull in that they are directed to that area!! I would be sending Botany bay council an email on this for sure! On the rare occasion I do go out on a weekend I travel a bit further to some other ramps that access the bay
  12. I never said it was for power! Just merely stating we have had one for years.
  13. Cheers, yeh Im still working out the whole colour thing but I guess what attracts me isn't necessarily going to work on attracting the squid 😂
  14. In the height of L2 restrictions we had a small mains leak in the street behind my building, was leaking at the rate of 100ltrs a minute, Sydney water assessed it & then came back 2 weeks later to fix it. Meanwhile we would be fined for not adhering to 'their' rules 🙄
  15. We have had a nuclear reactor in Sydney at Lucas heights since I can remember, the Aus gov will wake up some day to how great a solution it is over fossil & lack of efficiency of green alternatives.
  16. I got myself one of those for Xmas, very cool & makes life tying the FG so much easier. Enjoy!
  17. Any time you can be entertained by catching a fish right in the heart of a city I like to see. What I don't like to see is such a crude method of holding a fish especially if being returned! Maybe get some lip grips, at least that way you wont crush the teeth/mouth of such a great looking fish, especially if it starts going off & then potentially hinder its survival! If we want to return a fish we need to give it the best chance possible! I might be over reacting but hey just asking you to think about it 😉 Respect!
  18. @FishyMcFishFace Im still new to the whole 'egi' thing, only started to target them towards the end of last year & I am slowly building up the gear & yeh it would be a bugger to lose gear like that but you learn what not to do when it starts to hit you in the back pocket. Went to my local store that has the name of a big snake & picked up these 4 for $50. Not a bad deal 😁 I have a DAICHISEIKO Egi Rack bigV Squid Jig Case Holder on the way that was fairly cheap via fleabay. Watch out for sales & build the gear back up is about all you can do unless you want to become shark bait 😜 plus don't make the same mistake twice!
  19. Definitely, would be to hard in most existing building but I hope they are doing it in the new builds? Maybe someone in the building/architect area could comment on if it is happening?
  20. Totally, I hope with all these new 50/100/200 apartment buildings going up everywhere it mandatory to have tanks installed in them somewhere! So much coastal rain just ends up in stormwater drains. & goes out right next to the desalination plant! Many people aren't lucky enough to able to have them eg. apartment holders/townhouses etc. If you own a freestanding home then yes sure. Im sure the gov had a water tank subsidy going but how many took it up?
  21. Well done, at least you got a couple of great fish What can you say about that except some twits just have a death wish
  22. Wow, what a horrible & devastating summer it was here in NSW with the fires & then some of the same people being hit by floods. I know several adjoining property owners in the Adelong area that had their 15000 hectare properties wiped out in the fires with only houses & shed still standing(thank goodness!) but major livestock losses in to 1000's with one of them hit by a double blow also losing a 2nd property which was an apple orchard at Batlow. They are all hard at work fixing infrastructure, fencing etc & as far as I am aware have not seen a single cent from all those donations, which is why my mate & I donated money directly to them through their local Elders accounts. One good note is we have seen the L2 restrictions reduced. I guess with that's happened with the dam level dropping the way it did it does highlight we all need to think more about the way we use water & not take it for granted, BUT governments need to look at better ways of 'future proofing' our water supply. https://www.sydneywater.com.au/SW/Whatsthelatest/SWP_CDF_DD_219132 Still as mentioned in other threads, imo the Sydney basin is being way overpopulated & unless they come up with a solution in months we could be back to under 50% & back to L2. Heard that there could be a plan to raise the height of Warragamba, but it still has to rain!
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