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sam bros

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Everything posted by sam bros

  1. Nice work Been wanting to give that wharf a go for a while If you don't mind me asking What were they caught on?
  2. That's awesome stuff mate Look out for the kingies this summer
  3. Nice work mate Salmon fishing can be very frustrating at times
  4. Great work Sounds like an awesome day
  5. Awesome effort to catch that on such light gear Well done
  6. Nice work good to see that the jews are still on the central coast beaches
  7. wow Those are some stonker snapper Did you get them on plastics?
  8. Nice sambos Been meaning to hit the beach again Good to they are still there Now all you need to do is strip a fillet of the salmon and try to hook onto a monster jew cheers
  9. To consistently catch solid snapper, wow You guys are the snapper king Awesome work
  10. Bad luck mate We've all had those bad days fishing where we cant entice one fish, Hopefully you have better luck next time What rig, bait etc were you using? Hopefully some raiders can help you out.
  11. Wow Awesome haul of squid They are massive
  12. bring some gangs and some pillies with you because if the lures dont get you any fish, the bait might get you onto some tailor and salmon cheers
  13. Been a few caught off Maroubra Beach But more so in the northern beaches like manly and dee why
  14. congrats on the salmon always good fun, especially off the rocks, where you have so many snags to worry about nice work
  15. I'm probably gonna go on monday Have heard a lot of good things about it
  16. There's been a few jewies that have been caught of the central coast beaches recently Not sure how its going down south though
  17. Have you caught blackfish from terrigal before? Out of curiosity
  18. Wait just realised Did you use the head of a bream as bait? Never heard of that before
  19. Same I find that the bream and flatties die down off the beach during the winter, Barely catch any during winter But don't really mind, salmon and tailor are great fun
  20. Bad luck mate Sometimes the pre ready gang hooks come off very easily Has happened to me before I always just tighten them a bit with pliers so they stay on better
  21. yeah crimson banded wrasse very similar to parrot fish and sounds like an awesome day on the water with your daughter cheers
  22. bad luck mate you still caught something though you should've given the beach a go with some pillies there have been a lot of salmon off the beach, more so than the rocks cheers
  23. This social looks really great Hopefully next year I am able to come Well done guys Stay Warm and keep catching em cheers
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