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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. That’s a fair lump of a flatty yowie! And kings and Jew on handlines, love it!!! Nice work! Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Boom! My two favourite fish to target, catch and eat right there! Isn’t it great when a plan comes together! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Oh mate, that’s a real shame! On a positive, at least you both caught one fish each cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Thanks BN. There is no place on this earth that I feel more solace than on the water!
  5. Gees mate that it some bad luck. Good news is, they come in 3’s so that should be it. Maybe need some salt air and fishing to relieve your stress! See ya on the water!
  6. Welcome to fishraider woodsy and that’s not a bad first post! I’m sure you enjoyed the fruits of your labor! Look for forward to your next post! Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Either way, you got your revenge! cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Awesome Sam! That looks insane! Congrats!
  9. What did you decide to do Sam?
  10. Congrats on your first jewy! And a keeper at that. Seems to be plenty around atm! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Cheers mate! To add, free jumping whales, dolphins and then when back in the bay, a master class from the roulette squadron! Great weekend!
  12. Cheers mate! It’s was nice to have the time off to wet a line!
  13. No mate, never got the chance but thanks heaps as that’s another option to try! Happy to return the favour!
  14. Cheers rick! Water super clear. My mate was freaking that we would hit a bommie. I said mate we’re in 12m of water! Haha. I’ll be back up there ASAP!
  15. Nice work mate! That’s a good size popper for whiting! Great fun on the flats and very addictive way of fishing! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Nice work yowie! Kids are funny aren’t they. So keen to go fishing but not keen for the wake up call. Haha. Caught a few eagle rays the other day. My son says, big flatty dad. Never had to chase a flatty before. Lol cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Cheers! The kings were frustrating as there were some good sized ones amongst them. Thanks yowie! For the time on water it was really tough fishing. I was happy to manage a few!
  18. G’day raiders, What better excuse is there to go fishing than having your local club Comp on, with good weather and also having the weekend off from work. Friday Lines in at 4pm and took the family out onto the bay to troll for flatty after some great advice from many raiders. Unfortunately, I did not hook up but it is a work in progress. Next plan was to catch some whiting for live bait and head to my Jew hole. Perfect conditions that night and I was confident we might get one. The only problem was someone was sitting in my hole so I anchored downhill. Two hours pass and I could smell them in the air. I had one whiting and one yakka sitting in a great hole. As the sun fades out, the other boat leaves and my mate turns up to say hi. Well he starts the drift not far from where the other boat was (my spot) and first cast hooks up to a 113cm Jew! Congrats to him but more a$&e than class! Good one bevy! Anyway, after they released him and I think they spooked the rest, I pulled the pin and set for Home. Saturday I headed to Broughton with my son and his mate and the plan was to start early, leave early. Got to Broughton in trying conditions with a bit of wind, chop and thick fog. Started to cast and for an hour not a touch. Water was 20.4 and super clear. As the sun rose, the wind and swell dropped right off, so not really good for drifting but we pushed on and I managed a nice snaps going just on 60cm. Worked a few other areas for no result. No much bait about and no current. Combine this with clear water and swell we had our backs against it. We moved on and finally found some action with schools of kings. But everyone of them were either one or two centimetres short! great fun all the same! Finished there and headed home! Sunday Up early again but this time picked a mate up from our club and took him to Broughton! He’s only ever been up there once and was keen to see my spots. Similar conditions to the day before but a little more wind for drifting. I was teaching him the art of sps but after no return he reached for the bait. I managed 3 snaps for the esky whilst he brought up every reef species the island had to offer except a keeper. We tried many different spots and finally found some bait. I was flicking around and notice a swam of bait under the boat. As I worked my lure back I noticed a huge swirl behind it and I proceeded to wind with vigor. Then next to the boat was a school of kings and huge at that. (Some well over a meter) So we drift the area for some time and my mate gets snagged to the bottom, well he thought so until the bottom headed for the bommie at warp speed. I turn the boat and start to chase it but it wasn’t to be and dusted him 150m away. We drifted a few more times but no luck so I decided to head to where I hooked the kings the day before. We started trolling the area and I hooked up straight away to a 64.5cm king haha. After a quick release we look at the time and it’s got the better of us so it was time to go! Get back to the ramp and start to gut and gill my fish and over comes fellow raider “Ribs” to say hi! (Good to see you mate) Well that was the end of my trip but it was great to see Mrs scratchie take the 2 younger ones for a fish whilst I was out and scratchie Jnr went out with a mate and nailed 3 good flatty that he weighed and won the junior section and also broke the Jnr record with a nice flatty @1.17kg Well done Brando! Until next, tight lines! cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Feedback: spent two hours trolling today for no result. These are the lures I used........ A good mixture. I worked the 1.5-4m area. After that I pulled them in and drifted the same area for 2 small flatties on sps in 15mins. I will try again in a month or so when they move into the bay in numbers! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. Hey raiders, once again thank you all for your input. I rummaged through the boxes today and found an array of weapons that you have all mentioned. As I said in my original post, I have no problem scoring a bag on sp’s or bait! My favourite go to sps are squidgy fish, 5in gulp jerk shad Pilchard, bloodyworm wrigglers, or drop bears. All dynamite when their on the chew!! Im heading out tomorrow arvo weather permitting and I’ll report back on the results! Cheers scratchie!!!
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