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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. They are common everywhere up the east coast. They are nicknamed "old mans boot" because that's what they taste like!
  2. Same comment from other post. If you actually read the post, he tells you!
  3. As a quick guide to this forum, it is not etiquette to ask someone for their fishing spot. It will help if you read through some of the fishing reports and use the search function on this site. Regards scratchie mod team
  4. Thanks guys. Tbh, a few years ago it wouldn't have be a thought or possible to chase beaks. But due to meeting and engaging, the generous and passionate fishos of this stagnating website, I now have a few under my belt and my son his first! I'm very lucky!
  5. Great stuff razzell. And welcome from behind the scene. It always good to post up your outings regardless of the results as it helps other fishos that venture where you have been. Congrats on a great fish and your pb. And thanks for sharing with us all. Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Well done mate. Always great to achieve a pb. I also think it's amazing as to how many people are willing to assist others in landing a fish! Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Fishraiders, Of late, there have been many submissions for the record section which is a true testament the increased knowledge and skill of many of our members. To make your record count when placing a submission for a record, you need to provide the following....... Make sure you have placed a report. Make sure you have the correct species you are claiming. Make sure you have a measurement of some sort, either a brag mat, measuring tape or something against the fish that you can measure later as proof. You must also be the sole angler of the fish and not just on the boat. The mods and admin are happy to approve all records that are submitted correctly and enjoy adding these to our records section. So please, before making a submission have all the appropriate measures in place so we can approve all your fabulous records. Cheers scratchie mod team!!!
  8. Scratchie

    Happy Birthday Ian

    Giddy up Ian! Mate, they always say, "the older you get, the wiser you become". You must be the smartest bloke I know! Have a great day champ! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Congrats fisholb, I'm pretty sure I heard that on the radio. Also heard a few sailfish being caught too! Hard bloody work gamefishing ay? Thought I was going to get pulled out the boat yesterday. Good luck for the rest of the tourno! Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Shouldn't you be looking for a job??? Wow Pete, that's a pretty impressive haul. Some good fish amongst that lot. Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Thanks swordies! Now he wants everyday off school to come fishing! Oh no, what have I started.
  12. G'day raiders, It's been a while between posts due to everything conspiring against me not to get out but that was going to happen today or yesterday. Firstly yesterday, boarded vengeance for a recon mission and when I found out I was the only decky I thought I best give scratchie jnr the day off school and come join the big boys. With reports from damo on reef magic and the day they had prior, I was pretty excited to get amongst them. But as game fishing goes expect the unexpected. We headed out, great conditions and tried everywhere and everything and couldn't raise a fish! We headed home and tried one last spot and the long corner goes off. Well today was not about me, so I told the boy to harness up while I cleared the lines and saddled him up for his first ever marlin! He kept calm, played the fish well and we tagged and released the little black in no time! It only went 35-40kg but at 14yo he can say he's got his first, couldn't be prouder! Today however, was my turn and I headed out this time with fellow raiders Gerry and Dom. Hoping for a few fish like the success we had last year. Collected our livies, bonito a bit scarce but managed a few and set off with the other 1000 boats. Changed from lures to skip baits as we approached the car park and the rigger goes off. I'm riding strike and settle in knowing this could be a good fish as it's taken the bonito. Get our first glimpse and it looks pretty small but was giving me some stick. In fact as I was adjusting my harness it nearly pulled me out the boat. It was stubborn and dove deep but with some words of encouragement (sledging-wind you big girl) we get it traced and it nearly rips the deckys hand off. Anyway a safe release and we called it for a 100kg+ black! Stoked! Unfortunately, that was it for the day but then nothing! Thanks go to Gerry and the boys! And Andrew on vengeance and stickybeak for organizing it. Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Never dumb to ask a question..... Hooked 7 Fought 7 Landed 6
  14. Well done boys! Out tomorrow, give us a shout! Champion boat damo, haven't heard any better today! Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. I'll be out but in port, onboard vengeance!!! Good luck!
  16. I wish mate! There will be 10,000 boats out there! They don't call it the car park for nothing!
  17. Best method I've found is to cable tie some flatty frames to the base.
  18. G'day raiders, Just wondering how many of you are heading Up to port for the shootout this weekend. Weather conditions seem ok except for the nor easters that crank up in the arvo this time of year. Plenty of fish being caught with reports daily of multiple fish tag and released. Good luck to all those raiders that head out!!! See ya on the water! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. At least the fish wasn't glowing with three eyes!
  20. Welcome to fishraider jim!!! Hope you find everything your looking for on site and I look forward to reading your posts! Cheers scratchie mod team!!!
  21. Or maybe even a tarwhine??? At least it's of legal size and looks great on that plate! Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Congrats mark! I know you offer spots on many occasions. Even I got an invite once but was unable to attend. Your are very generous with your time and are a valuable member of this forum! Well deserved Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Have used my mates 5000 flicking sp's at the fad. Hooked a yellow fin and never felt at any stage I was under the pump! Tried to steal it off him but he noticed (only joking) Great reel, probably one of the best I've used. Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Your not wrong! They are the fish whisperers. Congrats boys. Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
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