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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. To add fab1, you will also notice many people that will start their post by saying "first time poster, long time lurker". This is because they are viewing content on the site regarding techniques and stories that they aspire too. Then the penny drops and they finally get it and they are only to happy to share their journey. For me, and as an active moderator of this site, I have learnt more about fishing from reading members reports, than I have in the 20+ years of fishing prior to becoming a member. I have seen "the other sites" and nothing compares in comparison to this forum. I have met so many raiders that I can now call mates and communicate with them sometimes on a daily basis. The admin of this site are very proactive in asking the members what they would like and organise as many socials to fulfil these requests. You have contributed a lot to this site recently and I'm sure have helped other raiders more than realise. So continue to place your posts and information as I know it insipires other to do the same! Cheers scratchie mod team
  2. Jani, please send me a box of tissues! Well said, and most of us feel the same way! It's just nice to see it writing. Fishraider member: Scratchie
  3. If your fish is of legal size then there are no rules pertaining the disposal of guts and gills to the best if my knowledge. It is purely just berley. Compared with what some people dispose of at sea, I don't foresee any issues there. Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. For all those raiders heading up this way to chase some beaks, the water is super warm in close, blue colbolt only a few miles out and bait everywhere! Good luck to those that venture! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Geez yowie! Is there any more fish left in the hacking??? The rate at which you catch fish, you'd leave a trawler for dead! Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Mungo brush north of tea gardens. Caravan park at port Macquarie. Diamond beach Forster
  7. Divey, From my research they can grow up to 45kgs and have a life span of about five years. Here is a photo of one caught in Mexico in 2011..... This fish weighed 90lbs (40.9kg) What you guys caught was a cracker of a fish but I guess the only way to know would be to whack it on the scales. I've never heard a fisherman lie before. Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Pm's only please! And maybe do a search on this site. Some may have already found a few!
  9. Fishraiders, We all condemn the practice of keeping undersized fish and it is illegal. Education is the key. We do not need any stories of violence reported on this forum. Let's stick to the fishing reports and if this sort of activity happens in your journeys, THEN REPORT IT. Fisho.sid has provided all the information you require...... Reporting illegal activities Report illegal or suspect fishing activities to the nearest NSW DPI fisheries office via the Fishers Watch Phoneline on free call 1800 043 536 or online at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/compliance or Sydney North 12 Shirley Road, Wollstonecraft 2065 02 8437 4903 or 0419 185 363 NSW Recreational Saltwater Fishing Guide Contact details 80 Coastal offices Sydney South 1 Water Street, Sans Souci 2219 02 9529 6021 or 0408 601 951 Regards, Scratchie mod team
  10. Sgt, a great report and account of journey! For me, narrabeen was lakes was where my fishing addiction all started for me as an 8yo. I was at a camp at Stewart house and they took us there for the day to play sports and have lunch. Having never been fishing before I asked the teacher if I could try and he went back and got two handlines and some prawns. I baited up, tossed out and waited patiently for a fish. 30mins went by and nothing. I pulled in my line, re baited and cast out. What happened next was the most thrilling fight I could imagine. Bang, the handline was zooming up and down the lake and I fought this fish for 10mins with no help. Everyone watched while I landed this fish and it is still the biggest bream I've ever caught at 46cm and obese! I kept it and asked the chef at camp to cook it for me for dinner. He offered me $20 but I wanted to eat it, so I said $10 and I'll go you halves! I have been back there a few times as an adult but never had the same result. Sorry for the long reply but it bought back a few memories seeing your post. Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Great stuff damo! There out there. Some great reports came in from the weekend especially considering the conditions. Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Thanks for the photos and videos langers! They are inspiring me to chuck a sickie everyday we get good weather! Your on a roll champ! And yes mine does taste better than yours! (Personal joke) Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Nothing like a feed of whiting! Nice catch fab1. Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Nice fish Gerry! Good to see you get out and get amongst them. Let's hope it's a good season. Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Brad, give our site sponsor Huey marine a call. He'd have some good advice for you! Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Me three!!! I'd be spewing if that's the result of a newly installed motor. Definately take it back!
  17. Good work yowie! At least you can get out for a fish. I'm pretty frustrated up here atm! And isn't it funny how two rods go off at once. Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. Good on her! It's great seeing the ladies get involved in local fishing clubs. Although the ladies in my club are kicking my butt! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Willy weather on Saturday has Sydney at 3.3m swell and Sunday 2.7m. Good luck, let us know how you go!
  20. Good tip mike! Welcome to the site. My first tip would be to check the weather conditions before doing any boating. The weather is one of the most crucial parts of boating and safety. There is a link at the top of this site to seabreeze. Although the bay and estuaries should fish well this weekend. Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Mate, we don't let riff raff up here! Lol. Touch wood but never had anything stolen up here in four years and my boats in the driveway! If your concerned, there is a storage place at taylors beach that will rent spaces for boats! Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Hi jim, I'm fortunate to be able to look at the ocean from my window and boy does it look angry! Very choppy and expected to increase throughout the week! I agree, take care people! Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. I've tried yelling at the fish to jump on my line! It's never worked though I've even begged and pleaded but still no result! Cheers scratchie!!!
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