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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Some nice fish there Damian! Any more info than that? Bait/lure? Out of? Give the raiders something! Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Well here's your chance........ http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=76647&page=3#entry546629
  3. Welcome to Fishraider. I can't say I've ever heard that one before but IMO the only place for carp are in the bin. I've also moved your post as it is not a fishing report . Cheers scratchie mod team
  4. Far be it from me to talk up Port Stephens but I think it ticks all the boxes with everything you are looking for! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Well good luck out there and look forward to your first blue water report! Will catch up one day!
  6. Mate, I've been waiting for the day you put up this post. What an awesome looking boat. Lots of hard work there. But you've finished right towards the end of marlin season! I know you'd be hanging to get out. At least you've got the boat for it now! Tight lines, Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. I agree with tef1on. There's no marlin in the harbour. Your set up is fine. Damn those birds, they've done that to me before too! A float or a balloon is a good idea. Better luck next time! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Nothing pretty about my face steve! I've got a good head for the radio! Certain areas fish better at different times. I've spent enough time to know when to be where! Bit trying new spots can sometimes be rewarding. Water temp was 23.7
  9. G'day raiders, Headed out today with a mate in his boat and we were keen to get a few to weigh in for our fishing club. We only decided Thursday to head out over a few beers with no real plan in mind. So we get to ramp at 6am, launch and straight out the heads. We were greeted by some really wind blown chop which made drifting for livies a real pain in the ass! Then my mates bait well didn't work, the slimies weren't there, but there were more sweep than you could poke a stick at. We decide to head straight up to broughton with the bait we've got and catch some up there. With the conditions the way they were we headed wide a little and set out the lures to troll up there. I explained we needed to troll at no more than 8knot but I think that was lost somewhere in translation hence the chance of landing anything. So we were at least there in time for a few snapper in my favourite spot but we seem to continue past there and over to his spot. Hmmmm!!!! Ok new plan. Well, we wasted the best part of the morning dropping baits with pickets everywhere. I decided to change bait and rig. I drop down and come up tight. Nice little fight with a few head shakes and up comes a nice 60cm sand flatty and a PB for me on that species. I was pretty happy with that but this was the snapper spot, hmmmm! Anyway, we moved around from place to place and caught a million sweep, wrasse, baker and enough just legal size snapper to start an aquarium but nothing I was after. We managed 5 decent sized flatty for the table. But you learn something every time you go fishing and today for me, it was to make my own plan! It was still great to be out with a mate on the water. Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Broughton island, trolling up there. Try find some big bitey things. If the weather doesn't play ball, will fish the bay for kings, jew and longtail. Good luck out there! Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Thanks guys! Yes, an awesome pastime to share with your children. I focus a lot with them about catch and release. Most of the fish we catch are released but then there are the times where keeping a few for dinner, is a rewarding experience too.
  12. Thanks guys, it was a fun afternoon. Ed, always enjoy taking the boys. Ben, love my little platform. The hard bit is making home in time for dinner. Lol And yes the boys are growing and learning fast. The eldest with his first marlin the other week! Wow. Dave, they've all hand a rod in their hand since they were born. As for the gear, well you get that when learning but most were my old el cheapo jigs!
  13. G'day raiders, Had the chance to get out this arvo with my two eldest boys and a few of their mates and took them down to stones to catch a few squid. So we all cast out and on first to a small squid that I thought would make for a great live bait around the corner. So as timing has it, my eldest is snagged and loses his jig (which between him and his mates they owe me a new set) So, I help him set up my 20lb rod with a float and chucked the squid out live. Within a few minutes the lines screaming and he lands a nice sambo and returned to the drink. We managed to keep the squid for a second go but not alive and a few minutes more he's on again with a better fight and a few aerials, and we land this nice big fat salmon. Between us we managed a few nice fat healthy squid that one of the boys took home and we used some for bait. It was a nice way to spend the arvo with my two eldest boys and a few of their mates. They were all well behaved and really enjoy their fishing! Tight lines all, Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. No worries guys! That's what this article is there for. Lots of action in the bay atm. Land based a little more difficult but there's still plenty around.
  15. Awesome work damo! The stripes are going off atm. The water and conditions are perfect out there for blue water fishing! Hope you bag a few today too! Cheers Scratchie!!!
  16. Well done mate! Congrats on the pb and a beauty at that. I don't think the photo does it justice. A 45cm whiting is a huge fish. Also a great feed there mate, you gotta be happy with that! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Of course Vic! I will be entering with swordy and des under the team Fishraider banner. I'm happy to provide any info that our members need for the best chance of getting a fish! Great tournament vic, don't miss out! There could be a few beaks still around too!
  18. Great to see muzz! If you get it can you post up a photo of it? And be sure to post your adventures! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. The new record to beat for longfin perch is 43cm caught by Katoe on bait whilst bottom bashing off botany.
  20. Without a doubt the best time of year to fish up here! The bay and offshore comes alive with many species following the warm currents. The garfish have rolled in with them brings the longtail tuna. The big flatties come down the estuary system and you find them throughout the bay, as well as big bream and whiting. Offshore, catching baitfish is easy as 1,2,3 and plenty of bonito about which is great fun on light gear. Then there's broughton island which is on fire and producing hoodlum kings and snapper not to mention drummer, groper, trag and many other species! And there's always that chance of a hooking a marlin in close as the little blacks bathe in the shallows! So what better excuse is there than the Tbft! Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. G'day raiders, Just a quick report from the big blue today. Headed out with fellow raider gh1952 and a few mates. Loaded up with bait really quickly and had slimies and bonito jump on board begging to be used as skip bait. Drove straight out to the carpark and was faced with a bit of wind and chop. Ideal conditions for skipping. So out they went and right on the change of the tide the long rigger is pulled out and no one notices for a while because some rookie has forgotten to put the ratchet on. Oops! But we still managed to come up tight and my mate jumps in the chair and we land and release a nice 70kg stripe marlin! This was a first for him and hi fives all round. Lines go back out and 20mins later same rigger pulls out and takes some line and I come up tight. Get my other mate to sit in the chair and then the weight is gone! Did I make another rookie error and not leave it long enough??? Hmmmm not sure but I had weight so the hook was there! Any way that was it for the day. It was pretty tough going today, but they are still out there! Water temp was 24.2 at the carpark and 25.2 at the 100m and 23.9 at the heads. Plenty of bait around also. Thanks once again Gerry for a great day and my mate Haro "thefishgod"for teaching me a thing or two! Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Make for a great feed and keep the rest for bait! Congrats on your first catch!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
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