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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. I'm assuming it would be safe on the basis that you are not consuming it regularly. I'm not an expert either but if you are unsure, then send it back. I eat my wife's cooking once a month and I'm still ok! Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Check this previous post out......... http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=68646&hl=%2Bhow+%2Bto+%2Bfind+%2Bgutter Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Buy cheap polarized ones. I've lost countless pairs off the boat, sitting on them, kids breaking them etc. If I bought the expensive pairs every time I needed them, I wouldn't have anymore money for fishing gear! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Good to see you back on the Jew hunt mate and you haven't lost your touch. Wow, that is an usual catch, can't say that's ever happened to me. What did you do with it??? Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Enough of the "old". I think got a few years on me champ! Lol. Heaps of bream atm up here. Your boys would love it. Btw the flatties are starting to chew too!
  6. What a game, what a win and what courage from Sam Burgess!
  7. I agree but we'll have to wait until next year yet again
  8. Go the bunnies!!! Enjoy the day Donna. It's exactly what I'll be doing. Going for a kayak now and then a backyard BBQ. What a great day!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Thanks guys! Port stephens is just an amazing place to fish and I'm very blessed to be living in this part of the world. Today was flatty day on SP's and they didnt disappoint. Tomorrow I might just go chase those kings! Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. G'day raiders, Had planned to catch up with mate and fellow raider Dom this arvo and hopefully chase some snapper off the rocks. Well, the wind conspired against us so I had to change plans and I decided we go for a fish off the nelson bay breakwall. So Dom brought a mate along and I took the two eldest boys along and we arrived right on the tide change. With Dom being a plastic specialist and me with my hybrid technique the lines went out and the fish gods favored me first, a nice healthy bream! From then on it was constant hook ups and many fish landed and dropped. Doms mate tried fishing my way and landed a few too, that he was pretty happy about. I even convinced Dom of my technique and he gave in and landed a nice 35cm+ bream. Not to be our done, I landed a cracker that bricked me twice but I managed to land him after some freespool and put some hurt on him. As the light began to fade it was time for a few more casts and then it was scratchie jnrs turn. He got a new rod today for his birthday tomorrow and what a way to christen it with a cracking bream and a PB for him going just under 40cm. All up we probably landed 15-20 bream between us. Released most but kept a few for the table! Not a bad afternoon. For a bit of further information for those visiting the bay, I ran into 3 blokes who had been chasing kings further down the wall. In 3 days they have hooked 8 kings between 3 of them and they have not landed one. I thought there gear might have been a bit limp but when I seen his Stella 10000 and 80lb line and the trebles pull of his popper, I got pretty excited. There's some big fish out there! Thanks for reading, Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Frost bite esky. 42lt solid unit and has a measure sticker on top of it. Take mine everywhere! Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Nice work yowie! It was very depressing heading to work at 4am seeing all the boats on tow going the other way! Good feed there champ! Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Happy birthday Donna. Hope you have a great day! But I never said Stewy could put up a photo of me without permission! Lol Cheers scratchie!!! Xxx
  14. Well boys. You out fished your old dad again! It was a bit of a struggle out there but it was good to see the flatties starting to chew in the arvo. It's a good sign to come. Good persistence boys! Cheers scratchie!!! (Very much senior)
  15. Wow...... Actually watched ifish today and they were fishing there. Just an awesome fish. Can only image the runs they take at speed. Looks like an epic trip mate. Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Oh yeah, that was not evenrude! Lol
  17. You can....... Just minus 30 years from your birth certificate! Lol
  18. I've only fished there once, where you turn left on the dirt track before the caravan park. Easy access to the back water there. We were able to pump nippers easy. Threw lures and SP's most of the day. Some stonker whiting there. Caught a 45cm cracker on small poppers. Not sure about this time of year though! Also got a luderick on a deep diver. Great place to fish! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Good to see your still out and about! Nice kings there mate and thanks for the report! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. Thanks guys! It was a great day spent on Stockton beach with many friends from different times on my life. Fishraider was represented by stickybeak who was up at broughton fishing. He gave me a call, I told him what I was doing, so he came back and turned up with his boys! Awesome mate! You know your definately getting older when your excited to go to bed by 8pm! Believe it or not, I didn't even throw a line in yesterday as it was great to relax and catch up with friends. So today im taking the boat into the bay. Hope the fish are biting! Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Nice work mate. I didn't think that size existed in the nepean, but i'm happy to say you proved all of us wrong. Well done champ! cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Try this mark. Not that far out. A good chance of a few different species if they are about! Troll from pittwater to the mark and your a chance of salmon and tailor as well. Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Good luck Steve! I bet you nail a hoody that pulls your shoulder out. Hopefully not, but I bet it will be a good feeling getting out on the water! Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Snapper are renown for feeding in low light periods, dawn/dusk. At night, well you might getting lucky occasionally! Cheers scratchie!!!
  25. Good luck boys! Hope you get stuck into some real beauties! Look forward to your reports! Cheers scratchie!!!
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