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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. 47 minutes ago, noelm said:

    How much more education can you give? There's been adds on TV, news that has these tragedies in them regularly, there's signs in a dozen languages, there's safety devices at these locations, there is countless incidents at this location, but, no one takes notice, I can see (unfortunately) a full lockout, but people will still skirt around the laws, but at least there's some legal recourse to fine those breaking the law, however, my biggest fear is, ban this spot, then another, then another. Sorry for ranting on about this, but it's something that really gets me riled up, I have been involved in way too many rescues and know what it's like for families waiting, Police and other organisations putting their own safety in peril, and the often tragic outcome.

    All I can say to anyone reading this topic is this, lead by example and don’t put yourself in that statistic list! 

    • Like 4
  2. 19 hours ago, Brendonjohnson said:

    Unreal session! 🤙

    Thanks mate! They were on the chew that’s for sure! 

    1 hour ago, GordoRetired said:

    Scratchie goes fishing and we all get to see multiple pictures of the kind of Snapper I dream of catching. Another good day out. Well done 🙂

    Cheers Gordo! Guess you can only catch what’s in front of you! 🤣🤣

    • Like 1
  3. Awesome Bruce! Probably the only time I don’t mind being out fished is when one of my kids do it to me! Just like the other day. Although don’t let it happen to you too many times. The banter on the way home is not funny! 🤔

    cheers scratchie!!! 

  4. This story and many like it, are all tragic regardless of the circumstances. 
    My sincere condolences to their family and friends. 

    Being aware of your surroundings and having the right safety equipment goes a long way to protecting your well being. This goes for all fisherman! River, rock, beach, boat, inshore, offshore all come with an element of risk on the calmest of days. 

    At the end of the day......NO fish is worth dying for! 

    Stay safe fishraiders and check your safety gear! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

    Good on you team Scratchie - awesome stuff. Sounds like one of those days that you remember forever. Glad you made it back safely.

    Cheers Sam! It was an awesome day and the fishing red hot. 
    I was disappointed in the breakdown as I’ve spent the last 6 months updating the boat to have it in perfect order. But this was something that was unforeseeable and just had to be dealt with at the time! All’s well that ends well. 🤙 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 16 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

    Nice lot of reds jeff  good to fish with the kids hey

    Thanks Rick! My kids love it especially when they show their dad up! 🤬🤣

    15 hours ago, jenno64 said:

    Glad you made it back safely.....great to see the next gen looking very comfortable in your shoes!

    Cheers mate! Yes they are very keen and good anglers the lot of them! 

    15 hours ago, Hoods said:

    Nice report Scratchie - Thank you. Whats his name?? Little Scratchie??!! Better be careful or he will be the one to boat Whiskers!!

    Little scratchie Jnr! (Brandon)  And I was worried about that yesterday (whiskers) cause he was on fire and we were fishing that area. Don’t worry, I had a pair of scissors ready! 🤣🤣🤣


    15 hours ago, masterfisho7 said:

    Well done some top reds there 

    Thanks 🙏 

    14 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

    What do they say, the apples dont fall far from the tree.


    Well done fella's, some cracking Snaps there :biggrinthumb:

    That’s true. But he’s definitely fitter faster and stronger than I was at that age! And a better angler! 

    13 hours ago, Yowie said:

    Nice bag of reds again Scratchie. Your young blokes are fish maniacs like you. 😂 Nothing wrong with that. My son likes fishing, but he is usually chefing away in a kitchen.

    Thanks yowie! Yeah they all love it. They enjoy the whole journey. Boy was copping it yesterday how good he was! Damn, he’s usually netting for me! 🤣🤣🤣

    2 hours ago, Rebel said:

    Great report and photos. Your son looks really happy.

    Thanks. He was happy I was the net boy for a change! 

    1 hour ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    Well done @little scratchie jnr growing up so fast 

    Thanks! Isn’t he what. Even looking at the photos I thought it was Tyran! Haha 

    1 hour ago, zmk1962 said:

    👍 🤙 👍  ... guess the fruit didn't fall (sorry wasn't cast) far from the tree ! ....

    Looks like an awesome day out congrats.  Can't beat being out with the family - fish or no fish.

    Cheers Zoran

    Cheers Zoran. And I agree. Fishing with the family is always the moments I actually look forward to the most! And it’s something I hope they do with their family in the future. 

    1 hour ago, big Neil said:

    A great report Scratchie. Always the best to have a bit of bonding time as they get a bit older and find other interests. Glad you were able to get back to shore despite the problem with the motor. Just shows how easily (and unexpected) these things can happen and why it's super important to know how to find and overcome problems while on the water. 

    Tight lines, bn

    Thanks BN. It was an awesome day up until then. I’m no mechanic but I am pretty good at problem solving. It was still a long trip back 😩😩😝

    • Like 1
  7. G’day raiders, 

    Headed out this morning with my second son in tow. A bit of an early get up for him but he shook off the sleep eyes and off we went. 
    Picked up some bait pretty easy at cabbage tree and left for our first mark. 
    Got the drift sorted and first cast the young fella was onto a screamer. Netted that one and continued our drift. I managed a nice pannie then it was time to move. Got to our next mark and it was all happening. Live bait everywhere, the boys hooked up again, livie goes off, then I’m hooked up! Left the live bait rod, got mine in, netted the boys, picked up the rod and it was gone but we were still smiling. A few more for the box. 
    Changed locations again and with a perfect drift anticipation was high! And we had every right to be, the boys reel is singing again and after a decent fight, onboard comes another cracker. 
    Then we see some kings and huge ones rounding up garfish. So we troll our livie around the area but the throttle didn’t seem to be engaging properly. We stop fishing and check the motor to find a clip that holds the throttle open had broke. 😩😩😩Now I needed to manually feather it as we called it a day and headed home. Just a small plastic bit ruined what was a cracking morning on the water but we didn’t let it take the smile off ours faces! 
    Made it back safely. Although it did take a bit of time but still a great day to share with my boy! 

    Thanks for reading, 


    cheers scratchie!!! 







    • Like 18
  8. Yewwwwww Sam! That’s a beauty! Congrats on the PB. You put in the hours and the marlin will come. There has been plenty caught on the East Coast so far. The sound of the screaming reel is always in the back of my thoughts too! You’ll have to share that feast with your sister! Well done again mate and don’t forget the gaff next time 🤣🤣

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 1
  9. 56 minutes ago, PaddyT said:

    You can keep the seals-sails and little blacks are not afraid of shallow water so if there is something for them to eat not much is suprising-none the less its a cool video-but that net made me laugh my head off-maybe he was going to clock the fish on the head?

    Have too agree! The net got me too 🤣🤣🤣

  10. 4 hours ago, flatheadluke said:

    Interesting technique. You’re much braver than me - a big snapper like that swimming off with a live bait, I’d be too scared of getting a finger (or hand) caught up in the braid to tighten the drag while line is peeing off in free spool. But hey it works!

    My bad. I wrote that without re-reading it. Drop bail arm and increase drag! Cheers Luke 

  11. 8 hours ago, GoingFishing said:

    As always, awesome reddie there Jeff. Would this fella be classified as Whiskers or is that only reserved for the bad boys over 90cm.

    Some bloody good conditions in the background too.

    Thanks Sam. Terrible conditions for snapper fishing 😩

    As for whiskers, same area but unfortunately not him! You’ll know when I get him because you Sydney folk will hear me from up here! 🤣

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 2 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

    Congrats on another fine fish Jeff ... I’m drooling 🤤.... I hope at some point a FR PS get together can be arranged. 
    BTW, I always study posts for techniques and tips 🧐 and on re-reading it occurred to me that this fine fish was attracted to the boat by the SPs you were casting, it only took the live BAIT because that was the only thing in the water between casts. 
    Just saying so that some other member doesn’t get confused on how the fish was actually caught. 🙄
    So well done again on your exemplary SP fishing skills. 
    cheers Zoran 

    Thanks Zoran. 

    But actually it’s a very good point. And I’m not sure if I wrote it in my article. But when I’m fishing with soft plastics I always drift a livie behind me. Why, because it’s an extra line in the water and you never know what you’ve missed or is going to turn up. You often forget that it’s even there until the line starts screaming. Also due to the fact of the areas I fish are renown for big kings, cobia etc. Woodsy and I even landed a mako in front of Rickmarlin one day! Lol. 
    Last year I managed 3 snapper on livies and the year before the count was about 25. Some huge ones in that too! 

    Too add, as I approach my intended drift I deploy them unweighted about 40m from the boat before I cut the engine to start my drift. The perfect drift is between 0.6-1.0knot and that will keep the livie on the surface and maintain its distance from the boat. The drag is set very loose and allows the live bait to swim freely but hindered at the same time. This creates panic at any approaching predators and often induces a bite. Once the bait is taken, I will open the bail arm and count to 10 if I have the patience. Tighten the drag with a bit of pressure and flip over the bail arm. But I do not strike. Let the circle do it’s work! 

    This fish was never coming off and was perfectly hooked. So I hope that helps explain the capture in this instance! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 6
  13. 1 hour ago, Ribs said:

    👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Another solid snap there mate, u will be happy with all the tourists gone. I’ll be up there with a couple of mates 20th -23rd for a muck around, if you are around shoaly pub pop in and say gday mate. 

    Cheers buddy! Think I’m away that weekend for kids sport 😩

  14. 3 hours ago, Rebel said:

    You have struck again. Super photos.

    Cheers mate

    3 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

    If I could just catch one of those a year I'd be over the moon.


    Well done as usual scratchie :biggrinthumb:

    Thanks KC. If you had the same fishing grounds as me, you probably would. 

    3 hours ago, Fab1 said:

    Fantastic report mate!Loved the read.

    Those snapper look like my bream whem I've magnified them 1000 times.

    Haha! Caught my fair share of those bream over the years too. 

    15 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    Good work again Scratchie, but, I am stuck at home. Knee is rooted - no walking, beach swimming, fishing, gardening.  🤢

    Thanks Yowie! That’s not good mate. Bloody clam day out there and my feet and back are feeling it. We can’t stop old age 😩

    • Haha 2
  15. G’day raiders, 

    Just a quick report from up here. With all the tourists headed home, a mate and me @Rodeoheaded up to Broughton early. Filled up with livies really easy this time. Got to our mark and started the drift. First cast I was on to a nice 50+ pannie. The drift was slow due to a lack of wind but we kept at it. Lots of casts but the whole time drifting a livey behind us. As we headed into whiskers territory, the livey gets nervous and away she goes. I drop the bail arm, count to 5 and lock it up! This thing took a bit of string but once it stopped you could feel the tail beat of a good snapper. A bit underwhelming on the gear that I was on but still fun all the same. 
    The day got calmer and the drift much slower. Changed a few locations and added another few pannies to the box. Then it glassed out, so we trolled some slimies around for no hits! So we pulled the plug and headed home. 
    Got to the ramp and @Peter Nelson was trying to put his boat on solo, so I gave him hand and had a chat! 
    Great morning on the water with the Island very quiet compared to the last 6 weeks. 
    Can’t wait to get back out there and do it all again. 

    cheers scratchie!!! 




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