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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. 2 hours ago, dlvbw said:

    All good Jeff, I appreciate the advice you gave me for the land based locations. 

    Great work on the fish. We plan on coming up again in late summer/autumn so will catch up then.



    Glad you enjoyed your stay up here D. It’s a pretty special place. Yes mate, you let me know next time and we’ll lock something in! 

    1 hour ago, frankS said:

    Agree with others about the front cover shot, magnificent ! love the sun rays coming through the dorsal fin. Well worth blowing up and framing to stand beside your Snapper mold in the trophy room. ( I'm sure you would have one of them ).


    Thanks Frank. Nah mate, no trophy room. The wife let’s me go fishing whenever I want, she doesn’t want to worship it 🤣🤣 and I’m not pushing the envelope. 

    11 minutes ago, longy509 said:

    Nice work good to see you back on the board and all the best to back cruncher

    Cheers longy! It’s good to start seeing a few turn up! Early morning is the key! 

    53 minutes ago, the skipper said:

    Awesome stuff Mate mouth watering snapper must organise a return trip.


    The Skipper

    Thanks Skip. Come back up when your ready! 👍

  2. 4 hours ago, Rebel said:

    Great day out. Well done. Super photos.

    Sure was Rebel, thanks 

    4 hours ago, back cruncher said:

    Hi all... well done Jeff,that sunrise pic is cover photo material.

    I be back soon mate,with a vengeance.

    Cool photo aye! Can’t wait for you to get back buddy! We got some catching up to do! 

    4 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

    Top report @Scratchie .... agree about that photo ...forget "the Mona Lisa" ....

    we raiders have "the Sunrise Snapper" .... !

    Who needs more !

    Cheers Zoran

    Haha 😂 thanks Zoran! I was pretty impressed by the image! 

    2 hours ago, Welster said:

    It’s great to see the snapper are finally playing ball.   Well done and a cracking photo. 

    Thanks champ. It was nice to get a few runs on the board. 

    2 hours ago, Yowie said:

    Another good box of reddies there Scratchie.

    They went down a treat yowie! It’s been a while 🤔

  3. G’day raiders, 

    Well it was certainly a busy week last week and I forwent a lot of sleep. The balance between work, family, sleep and fishing wasn’t ideal but I did the best i could with everything. 
    I was trying to tee up a session with @dlvbwbut a lot of things conspired against us and it wasn’t possible. Sorry mate! 
    So on my next available day off, I got an invite to go out on a mates boat and thought I was no chance for a leave pass but the beautiful wife I have said “sure. I have some shopping to do”. 🤔🤔🤔

    Anyway, got out early and found bait really hard to come by. Bailed on that after 5 minutes and hit the island. The wind was pushing hard from the south, so that set the drift. Second cast, my mate comes tight and a solid 50 to the esky. Then another that was legal but not what we were after so it went back. We were approaching a bommie and I cast out, bang! This thing smacked hard in 4m of water. It took a bit of pressure and luck but I got him boat side and into the net.  (Cracking photo) 


    We had a few more drifts but decided to move about and make the most of the overcast conditions and good drift. 
    Next spot looked good to with promising signs of bait. A few casts later I was rewarded with another nice snapper that really it did its best to use the current and structure! 


    Changed a few locations after that but the wind was now blowing hard from the s/e at 20knots and was rendered useless for casting plastics. So we packed up by 930 and took our time heading home pretty happy with our efforts. 

    The title of this post is not only about my dedication to snapper but I’d also like to dedicate this post to my mate @back cruncher that is in a different type of fight at the moment. I know he is hanging to get back out there fishing and as soon as he is well enough, then watch this space! Get well soon brother 👍 Some snapper coming your way real soon. 


    Tight lines all, 


    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 25
  4. 1 hour ago, blaxland said:

    Thanks scratchie its good to know the grass is not always greener on the other side. well done on your persistence. 

    No worries! I’ve been out of foreshore ramp on a busy day and the Gold Coast makes that look like a quiet day 🤔

    • Like 2
  5. 40 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    Not like your usual catches Scratchie, and that is why I fish mid-week if I can. 

    An eventful time away by the sounds of it. Too many people staying at home and into the fishing.

    Never fishing weekends again unless it’s trolling for marlin. Monday to Friday is the go! 👍

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, tyrone07 said:

    I'm surprised you didn't hook a snapper on the skirts mate, two legends glad you snuck in a visit 

    Haha! No snapper to be found up there mate. Too many people driving over the drift 🤣🤣

    4 hours ago, Rebel said:

    Great report and photos.


    3 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    Nice you had time away @Scratchie

    @big Neil I am fast losing my "I'll be back attitude" 

    It has been a while since I caught a fish. Last was hairtail :(

    Anglers all over are reporting fishing being hard for a while now. Wonder what has gone wrong with our systems?

    Jeff I cant believe Brandon is a learner driver oh boy 

    Thanks Donna. Yep they growing up way to fast! 
    On the fishing side, not sure why it’s so quiet. Hopefully it changes soon. My patience is wearing thin 😩

  7. 9 hours ago, big Neil said:

    Thanks for the report Scratchie. A long drive and a lot of time spent on the water, coupled with the problems which you encountered with the boat and trailer. These things would normally create a level of annoyance in any angler. To your credit your many years of trials and tribulations simply create a "I'll be back" attitude. I hope you do get to catch up with Woodsy again and get among the fish which Qld have on offer.


    Cheers, bn

    Cheers BN. 
    Sometimes it’s all about the journey than the result! Gotta love fishing 🤙

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Blackfish said:

    Certainly seems your putting in some hard yards Scratchie.

    Hope your luck turns around for you and nail a few fish.

    Cheers mate! Yeah the effort is there but the fish aren’t! 

    1 hour ago, Smobaby said:

    Know were you are coming from the place is over fished even the locals admit the fact. The mother in law lives at Currumbin, have fished the creek and Palm beach reef hard when visiting during Christmas . Never seen so many boats in one area 50 plus, have to do the yards to get a fish. No fishing licence required only pay once for a boat license never seen a fisheries officer ?

    I guess just so many boats and everyone wants a piece of the action. But the etiquette just doesn’t exist. 

    1 hour ago, frankS said:

    Didn't think you could get into Qld till December. Bloke from Brisbane bought  one of my boats and he can't come down till first week in December or he would have to isolate when he went back over the border.

    Good to hear you got on the water, better fishing next time. Love Qld but always touch and go with the wind, specially up around Harvey bay.


    Frank, because I live out of the CBD of Sydney I’m free to travel up there. 
    I picked the weather window well and conditions were glamorous. Just wish the fishing was better! 

  9. Gday raiders, 

    After my fishing mate Woodsy moved to QLD about a year ago, we haven’t caught up for a fish. There’s been plenty of texting and phone calls but as soon as the premier opened the boarder, I thought right it’s time to go! 
    We hatched a plan to fish Moreton Island Saturday and Gold Coast on the Sunday. 
    I travelled up on Friday with one of my boys (Brandon) and gave him a bit of a drive along the way! (Learner=Left at few gears at Coffs) Crossed the boarder pretty easy and arrived around lunchtime, to see @Woodsy1making final preparations to the boat. We decided to go down to the marina for lunch and then the tackle store on the way home before getting our gear ready after a nice swim and bbq. Excitement and anticipation was high and it was good to see my mate after such a long time. Plans were made and a 2am get up was the call. 


    Well, we left on time and 5 minutes down the road Woodsy remembers that he forgot the winch handle. No stress 10 min turn around and off we go! We are driving down the freeway and there is a car behind us flashing it’s lights. Oh no, not the police! So we pull up and here’s this young lass saying there’s smoke coming from our boat. Oops, the trailer has blow a tyre! 
    Damn, after spending some time fixing it roadside the call was made to change plans  and fish the Goldy. Nothing was going to stop us! 


    So we get to the ramp and it’s pretty busy and it was only 3:40. We put the boat in and I’d put the bungs in the wrong spot and the boat starts filling up. Oh gees! Fix that up and we are finally off! We hit the bait grounds and Woodsy warned me of the boat traffic but I had no idea what I was about to witness! Boats everywhere in the 100’s 😩😩😩 The fishing pressure up there on the weekends is massive. Way more than down here. Anyway, we collected a few livies and moved on! We trolled to the inside fads that were standing room only then kept heading wide. Got to the widest fad that was still packed but managed a drive by and hooked up first pass! 


    We then worked the area and managed to squeeze in a drift and out went the livie that was demolished in seconds and woodsy lands another. We tried a few more drifts and some flybys and then moved on to find our own patch. But there were no more takers and considering the start we had to the day, I’d call that a success! 


    After some more research and feedback from some locals we made the trek to Moreton Island. We’d seen some reports of wahoo during the week and the fisherman we are, our confidence of getting a decent fish was high. On the trip (31nm out) we were nearing our spot and there were bust ups everywhere. We stopped and threw a few metals about but to no avail. We kept pushing on, and got to flinders shoal and set the spread. Outriggers out, 2 x 2m divers 1 x 6m diver and 2 x skirts. With all bases covered the wait was on! 


    Once again, I was surprised by the amount of boats working the area such a long way out and the pressure continues. Sad to say that after 5 hours of trolling, not a single hit. And we didn’t see anyone land anything either. So it was lines in but we couldn’t leave without having a bite to eat and a beautiful swim in the crystal clear water at 26deg. 
    Headed home Monday still contemplating what could have been but hey, that’s fishing! 
    It was great to catch up with Woodsy and his hospitality was second to none. We both know that I can’t leave it there and will be back ASAP! 

    tight lines all, 

    cheers scratchie!!! 


    • Like 13
  10. 9 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    Where is the pic please? I thought I was good to have Stewy’s marlin inside the house. It takes up a whole wall grrrr

    Good on you Jody 🎣🐬🐟🐠🦐🦞🦀🦑

    It’s a nice marlin! 👍

    Pic to come. Just have to pick up my new fish tank first! 🤣

    3 minutes ago, Welster said:

    Looks great Scratchie.   Do you have another wall for Whiskers?

    Whiskers will be mounted over the bed 🤣

    • Haha 3
  11. G’day raiders, 

    Today I went and picked up my snapper mount. Something that I’ve wanted for a long time and the wait has been pain staking. But what a job this guy did. 
    Every scale is hand painted and it takes 50 hours or more to create this master piece. Add in the 50,000 plus casts it took me to catch the bugger, it’s a lifetime in the making! 


    If you ever want to have your fish immortalised, then send me a pm and I’ll pass on the info! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 14
  12. 33 minutes ago, 61 crusher said:

    With any luck scratchie you’ll have those snapper & Broughton to yourself well except for maybe @rickmarlin62 😄but then again a million bucks is damn tempting 

    I reckon the kingy spots will be like Pitt street 🤪

    I reckon your right Dieter! Sydney Harbour will have a few new car parks! 🤣

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