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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Mr Groper, that is a massive cuttlefish. What do you do with it??? Are they ok to eat or is that your bait for the next 3 years??? What a monster! Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Some good fishing there chewie! Feels good with a new outfit. Bet you can't wait til your next session! Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. That's great work on that type of gear meg! Any bigger and you would have been in real trouble though. It's been a good year for the dollies this year! Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. G'day raiders, After fishing port stephens for the past 15years, I was presented with an opportunity to go fishing solo today so I took it. I usually hit the same areas which guarantee me a feed but today I thought I would do something different. I set out at 930 and the low tide change was at 10. I found a spot that I'd been looking at for a while. Using a 80mm squidgy fish I begin to cast and 1st cast I'm on...... A nice little 38cm flatty. Second cast goes in and I come up tight but the fight was different and I pull in a big grinner. Never caught one that big before. Anyway, next cast hop hop bang zzzzzzzz I'm on and this fish ain't happy, leaps out the water like salmon but it's another flatty but bigger. After some net negotiation onboard comes a nice 50cm flatty. I'm thinking great spot! Next cast, I'm on again but to a much larger fish. Play the fish, get it boat side and I'm ready to net it but head shakes and it's gill raker cuts the leader. Oh well, I drive back to start the drift again. This time went I cast I feel a pulse on the end of the line and I know it's a squid or cuttlefish. I wind in slow and a decent size cuttle and keep that later for bait. However, by now the tide has changed and every cast feels like a cuttlefish. No more flatty bites, despite numerous drifts and this is the 3rd time I've noticed this. Has anyone else had the same problem fishing a river, bay or estuary??? Decided to move and used the cuttlefish as bait and managed an ok bream to the bag! I pulled up a million other undersized fish but I had to head home as the kids were due home from school. I had a great day on the water and did some really good research to add to my usual spots! Thanks for reading! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Lol..... Don't own a pair of white undies. I own a pair that used to be white!
  6. Is anyone from the SP social day able to provide some feedback?
  7. Every game fishing boat I've been on has all rods set up with mono 10, 15 and 24kg. As scaffsta said, he uses braid with mono and leader and has never had a problem so I guess it's personal preference. As long as your set up has some "give" in it you should be fine! And yes a snap swivel is a must. 150lb minimum. Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Great stuff whitewash and what a fabulous report you put together. It felt like I was there with you. Awesome C&R and on SP's too! Champion effort! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Great advise there Ian. Also change the colors and sizes of SP's you are using.
  10. How's the fishing going up there ray??? Got any pics you can share with us? Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Forgot bread once to catch bait. Cut a bit of my white shirt and snelled it to a small hook. Worked a treat and the yakkas loved it. Caught 10 in about 15mins. Sometimes you just need to improvise! Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Thought I put up a photo of the result!!! Pranko crumbed flathead with beer battered chips and appleslaw. All the family hoed it down and there was enough to share with the neighbours! Also a homemade garlic aoli, glass of red and in front of a nice fire! Doesn't get any better than that!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Shame on you stewy! We know donna wouldn't have made a mistake like that. Congrats Geoff and Lyn, you are both well deserved of gold membership and your input and efforts are greatly appreciated. My kids love their new game and that just shows what type of people you are, selfless! You didn't have to do something like that, yet you did and brought a smile to their face! Thank you! Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Cheers yowie! He has been fishing since he can hold a rod. He has found a renewed interest with the SP's though.
  15. Good stuff witha! It's always rewarding coming up tight while throwing SP's, even of it's not your target! Well done Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Funny post Ryder. It is amazing what you can hook onto! I hate how my fish always shrinks as is comes up the water column. Especially when my 5kg Jew turns into a pinky! Cheers scratchie!!! P.s I would have stood there with him and encouraged the fight. Eventually it would have pulled and you could have said "bad luck mate, you'll get him next time"
  17. Not a bad first post son!!! Feedback: you failed to say thanks dad for taking me. It was your brothers birthday and he caught some of the fish too. Your sister caught a cracking fish but your brother dropped it. And that your dad LET you kids catch all the fish! But it was a great arvo on the water!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. Thanks for all your kind words. It's great to share your passion with your kids, like many of you do! I'm just fortunate to live close to the water and there's no real effort needed to go fishing! Thanks stewy for taking the time to show my eldest a thing or two. I woke up this morning to him holding a line at my face saying "did I tie this right"
  19. You are 100% correct TC. It maybe just a typo!
  20. Thanks Steve! No stress mate, there's always the next social and I'll be at the hairtail social for sure! it's always good to get out there with fellow raiders! Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Thanks guys and for the record, tiny scratchie is just 4yo and he cast, played, hooked and wound in his own fish! I was very proud, just as much as he was! I would have loved a 57cm PB at age 4, on a SP too! Wow!
  22. G'day raiders, After going to the SP's social yesterday, my kids were keen to go out and try their new found skills. So after school this arvo I decided to take them out with no bait at all, only for our crab traps and let them throw a few SP's around. Firstly, we set out the traps then set up all our rods with different SP's and drifted and round the bay. First on was tiny scratchie with a spirited little trev and a big smile from the young one! Then, after a few more casts and a bit of further tuition from yours truly, little Scratchie jnr is on to a nice fish, he plays it really well and netted by scratchie jnr! A cracking flatty coming in at 55cm. After sharing the rod with tiny scratchie and him showing me up, I was keen to make a mends but dropped a few chances. While re-rigging another rod, tiny scratchie says "dad I'm on". The area we were drifting had many weeds and sand, and I thought he's snagged but then I see the line bouncing. With a bit of encouragement, I talk him through winding it up and to my surprise, up comes a bigger flatty going 57cm It was then time to call it a day and we proceeded to go and pick up out crab traps. Of the 5 witches hats 3 held crabs, one was too small and one dropped at the boat but one keeper. It was a great afternoon with the boys and their new found skills brought a smile to everyone's face! Thanks for reading! Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. P.s missing a few stickbaits, skirts, lures, plastics as well.
  24. Cheers blairy, can you please send them back to me! Lol Your very brave heading out there on Saturday. The wind was terrible. Even my under 10 footy team were kicking goals from 40m out. Well done on the dollies mate, make for great eating and congrats on your PB. Cheers scratchie!!!
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