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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Now that would be a surprise! I’m yet to tick that one off the list. Maybe I don’t need to travel north! Haha 😂
  2. I would definitely beat that but can’t find the photo. Lol 😝 It’s amazing how small fish attack lures the same size or bigger than themselves. Good post! 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Haha, that’s dedication for ya! I’m sure that one will taste nice! Lol 😝 cheers scratchie!!!
  4. You should have enough to weigh in now! Good luck with your Comp! cheers scratchie!!!
  5. We landed quite a few this year in the 5-7kg range. And Woodsy landed an 8kg plus chasing snapper one arvo! There’s still heaps about and great fun! It’s a shame about their eating qualities 🤮
  6. Plenty of big Mack tuna are still roaming around PS but mainly Feb-April. They are a nuisance when your chasing longtail.
  7. Better you than me out there Rick! Conditions wouldn’t have been conducive to flicking sps, although I would have cast a mile! Lol 😝 Nice work on the reds champ! cheers scratchie!!!
  8. You bet they do! I’ve seen them working schools half way to Karuha.
  9. And they still do!!! This year saw the best season of Northern blue fin (longtail) tuna ever! Multiple hook ups on many trips and they even hung around until mid July
  10. Plenty of spangled emperor up here! Caught in July Bring on the coral trout and sailfish I say 😂😂😂 cheers scratchie!!!
  11. I reckon they are the same for me as mowies are for yowie! 😝
  12. That is an old man bream there, nice release. That jewy will go down treat to yowie! cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Yep, they are a pain in the arse! Especially when they’re quick enough to grab your plastics! Grrrr
  14. No worries Jeremy! Anytime champ, give me a call. 👍
  15. No worries 😉 But hopefully we have him before then! Will definitely let him go though!
  16. Good stuff rick! Making the most of your day. What’s that green stuff on the plate? Haha 😂 cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Thanks Baz! Oh Sorry Sam 😝lol. Mate, get stuck in and get it done. Summer is just around the corner!
  18. Haha! I’m thinking 30lb 🤔 Looking forward you meeting whiskers one day!
  19. It sure is! He kept casting all morning. Only a matter of time now!
  20. Cheers mate! Persistent=consistent Thanks Pete! Thanks BN. Plenty of snapper year round up here. It sometimes just takes a while to find them!
  21. Lol 😝 I only had a quick climpse of the photo and didn’t even see him!
  22. You can’t teach stupid or ignorance! The ocean needs to be respected regardless of any conditions. Good on your son for his efforts! cheers scratchie!!!
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