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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. No flatties yowie? Definitely a bit quiet on your usual reports! Lucky you didn’t have a fine to go with it. That would have made for a shitty day! cheers scratchie!!!
  2. Great day out thanks Mick! Yep, on the last three trips we’ve been done in by this snapper in the same spot! We’ll get whiskers next time! Hopefully, lol 😝
  3. Thanks champ! No mick was using a 7inch pilchard zman. It didn’t bite, it inhaled it and off it went!
  4. Cheers Paul Thanks. Absolute cracker of a day. Nothing like the forecast the day before. Thanks mate Cheers. Can’t wait to tuck in! Cheers yowie! Mutton bird pie tastes good I’m lead to believe 😝 Thanks Thanks bud! Work hard for them. Sometimes! Haha 😂 Thanks toby Cheers bud. Yep N/E early too! Hopefully a good summer season ahead. Thanks Adem. We do work hard for our fish. Sometimes you just have to move to find them.
  5. That’s some good fishing there. Thanks for the report and keep em coming! cheers scratchie!!!
  6. G’day raiders, Just a quick report. Headed out today with @back cruncher and started early around 4am. A bit sketchy heading out in the pitch dark, with smoke filled sky but we took our time and filled up on slimies! Got up to the island and began our drift. Nothing really happening and many casts and I finally managed a pannie! Do a few more drifts for no result except those bloody mutton birds trying to pick up everything we cast. So we move on and finally find a patch of fish. I loaded up to a few nice ones and Mick made a rookie error and didn’t set the hook on his chance! Moved a few more times for no result. Then on the last few drifts, Mick loads up to a screamer and doesn’t forget to set the hook this time. The lines singing and without a chance to turn its head, crunch!!! Leader on the teeth and gone! We were both pretty devastated but it was good to see Mick load up on a decent fish on soft plastics. Next step is to land the bastard! Left not long after that. Great morning out there and thanks for the day Mick! cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Well that’s disappointing! A whole week of fishing and nothing? At least you didn’t have to work! cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Thanks for the report Frank. Regardless of the outcome fishing wise, it’s good to see you out and about! I’m sure there would have been some great conversations catching up with BN. It’s great to see Fishraiders meeting up and having a go! cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Some quality time with the young fella. Nice 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Thanks for the report! Cracker of a GT! cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Hi Cin, welcome to fishraider! Try doing a search “Forster” in the search engine. I’m sure there’s plenty of information you’ll find on the area. cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Good luck Frank and BN. I’ll be waiting for a report. I hope the fish gods look after you both! cheers scratchie!!!
  13. I understand the first bloke perfectly! But he did forget a marlin rod and reel. How can I let him know??? Lol 😝 Great stuff Donna! The lap is on my list one day too! cheers scratchie!!!
  14. I agree KC. I’ve been on a 560 Formosa tomahawk CC out to the shelf. We were faced with the worst storm I’ve ever encountered at sea and the boat held it own. I haven’t been on a tabs boat but the Formosa would be my next boat if I had money! 😫
  15. I was thinking bronze whaler! Not sure though 🤔
  16. It all comes down to YOUR preferences. Bugger everyone else. I have a half cabin Haines. For me, that is perfect for the type of fishing I do sometimes. Chasing Jew at night in the bay, staying in the Hawkesbury for hairtail or trolling the ocean. But then sometimes I wish I had a centre console whilst fishing for snapper or stick baiting. Although, then when I encounter the chop and wind etc on the way out or back I’m glad I have my boat because it suits MY applications and it’s not there just to please others! cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Scratchie

    Fish Heads

    Have to agree with Frank! When I spent a week fishing north of Coffs, we had people almost everyday waiting at the ramp asking for frames and heads! I’d love to see you do that in George Street Sydney though 😂 cheers scratchie!!!
  18. I’m a bit further north but we encountered some rat kings earlier this week. Water temp was 19.6 deg so warming up! A few bonito are about too! Not in numbers yet though! cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Great report Tyrone! Glad we could help you out with another PB. Saying the fishing was tough is an understatement. For the amount of casts we put in, we should have scored a lot better results. Definitely curse of the full moon. But congrats on your new PB. cheers scratchie!!!
  20. @Yowie always a hard decision between 20lb leader to entice the bite or 30lb leader to stop em! I may trial the 30lb on my next trip!
  21. Yes I would still use the same technique from a yak. I would probably use the same rod set up or a 6.6ft rod. The kayak would certainly limit your options, needing to fish closer to shore but I would still use the same technique once you have worked out your drift! The stealth then of a kayak would have an advantage. I know a few guys that target snapper up here around Fingal headland in the right conditions with great success. Hope that helps cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Unlucky Rick. It’s a hard to go past Broughton but I understand the call. Been some real good reports up there of late! As you said, you can’t catch them at home and not every trip is a success! Thanks for the report! cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Thanks Adrian. The swell was certainly up there early morning. Just lucky it was 10 secs apart. When your in the trough and can’t see the island it’s a worry! Thanks Adem. Many years of practice and a lot of luck! Cheers rebel. Thanks baz! Yep a long drought for you. Actually can’t remember the last Port Stephens red you got! There out there mate! Go get em! Sorry yowie but that’s all I could manage! Just couldn’t stop the other two! Nor could my mate on his Stella. Brutal in shallow water!
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