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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Halifax caravan park! It’s right at the ramp!
  2. Sounds like the move did you well. Jetty, ramp, muddies, yft and a big smile says it all. Love your work! Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. So, after reading everyone’s comments, it inspired me to do something about it. Now this is not the “role of a man” but more a role of a parent thing! We decided to grab the keys from our friends property on the rural mid north coast and go spend a couple of days teaching our children things we did as kids! So. We’ve spent the last two days teaching them how to make a fire, a bow and arrow, a slingshot, no iPads etc, how to cook without power, how to make up games from nothing! We went fishing on the river, walking at night with a torch to view the wildlife, telling stories etc and they have had a ball. Just to add, we’ve had the opportunity to sleep on the comfort of the house but have chose to stay in the tent with no mods and cons just to add to the experience! Our days have been full and I think my wife and I have a new found respect from our kids and they have from us! So I think that’s it for now as I’m break the no social policy rule! Thanks for the inspiration raiders, I’m thoroughly enjoying myself! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Cheers Tara. It was a nice day out on the water!
  5. Welcome to fishraider Winston! Try putting a post on the “fishing trips” or “fishing chat” section. I’m sure there are some fishraiders up that way that may have the time to show you a few spots! Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Thanks bro! Yes I’m happy to share info and time when I get the chance! As I say “I always need an excuse to go fishing”.
  7. First perch and first fish on plastics, happy birthday indeed! She won’t forget that one! Well done young lady! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Cheers yowie! Thanks Cheers Sam! Great to see anyone get a pb but even better a raider! Yeah rick, weather looking crap for the next week! Of course I’ve got the week off too! ?
  9. Another possible record ay yowie! You can have that one! Haha! Prefer to see a good bunch of flatties! ? cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Thanks Thanks! There’s a year round snapper fishery up here, so anytimes a good time! Cheers KB. I enjoy seeing people catch good fish just as much as I enjoy catching them! Cheers Baz!
  11. Haha, very addictive way of fishing! Little bycatch, hit target boom ? We’ll do it again for sure!
  12. G’day raiders, After a few texts back and forth for a while with @quintrex52 (Jeremy) today was the day we finally got it together and managed to get out to Broughton Island. Left little beach at 5am and hit the sisters for the first spot. First drift a couple of touch’s but no solid hook ups, so I reset the drift and not long after I came up tight to nice 55cm snaps. After a little tuition for Jeremy he was in the swing of things but no takers. I was hoping I could get him onto something in the first area but it wasn’t to be! The lack of wind wasn’t helping our cause neither was the calm ocean and lack of current but we persisted. We moved areas and begin another drift. I scored a just legal and then another that both went back. Reset the drift a little wider, found some bait and boom........ Jeremy is onto a good fish, a few words of encouragement (and don’t touch that drag) and the reel was singing! After a good tussle we see some colour and into the net it goes! A good fish going 65cm. Hi 5’s all round and another added to the esky! Well done champ, you played it well. A pb at 65cm on soft plastics at your first attempt is an awesome effort! After that, conditions got calmer and the fishing quieter so after some whale demonstrations it was time to head home! Thanks for the day mate, it was nice to meet you and I’m glad you met your goal ✅ cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Mate that’s an awesome red!!! A day he’ll never forget and that’s the best part! Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Nice work lads! 80 plus fish in a session! That’s red hot fishing! Well done ? cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Yeah the struggle is real yowie! Mid season between cold and warm water species! I went out front today for about 1 hr in the sloppy chop. Almost took one over the stern so time to go! Managed 1 red at 40cm but fished the bay for a while and very unproductive! Can’t wait for the warmer water! Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Welcome aboard Dave! We appreciate you putting your hand up to assist running our great community! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Haha, not really, I never use bait. Only soft plastics! That way the fish are in front of the boat! P.s. quick tip, if your fishing soft plastics, never drive over the drift you intend to use as you spook the fish ?
  18. Cheers! If you have a mate that lives up here, there’s no better excuse to bring your boat up!
  19. No worries! If you see me up there, feel free to come and say hi, but don’t drive up my drift! Haha ?
  20. Haha Sam! I’m actually a bit more travelled than Port Stephens! I can navigate the entire Hawkesbury system without GPS and plenty other areas! Just not as experienced as Port! You need to travel up here for me to show you a few places and techniques that will help in your quests!
  21. I’m a bit confused tysh. You caught salmon and trevally but that’s a photo of a flathead??? Also mate, people are entitled to keep whatever fish they like as long as they are not protected and of legal size! Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Haha, your mate Dooley ay? Champion bloke! Baz is right about his info except the flatty are still in the upper half of the bay atm and will start moving down in numbers within the next few weeks!!
  23. @frankS Don’t worry, we have a mod team to keep it civil. @zmk1962 great thread for people to read about their experiences with different motors. My boat is a Haines Hunter 470 breeze. It has a 75hp oil injected 2 stroke merc. I’ve used it a few times....lol ? Got the boat 6 months old in 2007 and have put almost 6000 hrs on it (if the meter is right) In that time I’ve never had one issue except for a sticky starter motor which was easily fixed with some lubricant. I’ve only ever fully serviced the boat 3 times but I change spark plugs when needed and that’s it. Reason: my father in law has been a motor mechanic his whole life. He told me early on that a 2 stroke motor is a lawn mower on steroids! He said, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Well I’m glad I listen as 11 years later she’s still kicking and top speed is still 35knots. It still starts first go and is the perfect motor for my boat size! Although I’d love a bigger boat (wouldn’t we all) I wouldn’t swap my pairing of both boat and motor for anything! Fuel wise: I only have 2 x 25l tanks which can be an issue if venturing out wide but my standard trip of around 25nm sees me back to the ramp with plenty to spare! I use the cheapest fuel I can find to save my hip pocket (more money for lures) However, after each trip I flush the motor and make sure it’s well lubricated, washed and topped with oil. It is also important to change your fuel filter regularly! Other than that, you need to make sure you get out and use the bloody thing! It’s not a driveway ornament!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Welcome to fishraider. Read this thread as the information is all relevant..... Cheers scratchie!!!
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