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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Nice bait or feed there!!! cheers scratchie!!!!
  2. Welcome to fishraider busy! Nice boat and well done on the squid. A good feed or even better baits there! Definitely sounds like a busy morning. Good on you for helping a distressed person out! Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. I would only give 50%. Definitely take it for a test drive once complete! And if everything checks out, that’s when I’d pay them! If you pay in full up front, I almost guarantee you it won’t be done in a timely fashion! Just my opinion! Good luck with your new purchase! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Yes I took you there Baz! That area is all cod rock to me! ?
  5. Ouch rick!!! Seen a few good fish come from that area!
  6. Gee’s, I can see a few good fishing spots there! I may have quiet a few reports on raider from those areas! ?
  7. No, not really! Looks like a fair size tinny. Seen a lot smaller out there. As always depends on experience! In this case, either over confident or in unfamiliar territory or just sh&t happens!
  8. Also, check the Fishraider records lure section! I’m sure you could add a few there for your efforts! ?
  9. What a fantastic report of your trip Dave! I cant say I’d be as keen as you knowing there are crocs around though ? But, you and Amy obviously had great time and you nailed a few species including the JP you wanted! Well done to you both! Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. The 6 P theory “Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance”. I apply this every time I go fishing and still have shit days! Chin up Sam, at least you got on the water. Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Wow! There was a bit of swell about today! Dare say he got rolled by the bommie at cod rock! Glad all ended ok! Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. A note to all Fishraiders when placing a fishing report! Whilst we enjoy to see you good people out there catching fish and posting a report, just simply placing a picture to the report is not what fishraider is about! The content you provide with your report is what makes this site stand out from all others! It doesn’t have to be worded like journalist nor do we mind spelling mistakes etc etc but he are a few things that may help you construct a better report! General area you were fishing? what time did you leave and return? What style of fishing were you doing? What gear did you use? Were you land based or from a boat? These are just some simple pointers but the more content you provide, the more information EVERYONE can get out of it! NOW, that’s what Fishraiders about! Regards, Fishraider Moderation Team
  13. A note to all Fishraiders when placing a fishing report! Whilst we enjoy to see you good people out there catching fish and posting a report, just simply placing a picture to the report is not what fishraider is about! The content you provide with your report is what makes this site stand out from all others! It doesn’t have to be worded like journalist nor do we mind spelling mistakes etc etc but he are a few things that may help you construct a better report! General area you were fishing? what time did you leave and return? What style of fishing were you doing? What gear did you use? Were you land based or from a boat? These are just some simple pointers but the more content you provide, the more information EVERYONE can get out of it! NOW, that’s what Fishraiders about! If you need any further advice, please feel free to contact any of our mod team. Regards, Fishraider Moderation Team
  14. Nice fish Tyrone! In regards to whether the fish is male or female is debatable now as you have released it! However, from my understanding after much research and plenty of discussions with my mates in fisheries, a flathead is not an Asexual fish and does not change sex on size limit. It could very well have been male or female but it is commonly recognised that most fish of that size are “breeders”. Either way your decision on C&R is totally up to you but nice lizard you found there! Always good to get amongst them! Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Good stuff yowie! I’m definitely a bit partial to a nice fillet of shark! Gummies are very good eating. I served the kids some mako I got a couple of weeks ago and they hoed it down! Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. At least it was a leisurely paddle. Your not missing anything up this way Rick! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Great haul there Sam! And good on you for showing your mate a few spots and how it’s done! It also helps with there confidence when there’s another boat nearby! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. And that’s what it’s all about!!! Well done lads. ??? Its great to see fishraiders meet up and comeback to report stories like this! Champion effort! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. You can tell by the defensive and accepting posture that the one on the left is male! That’s all I’ve got to say! ? cheers scratchie!!!
  20. Nothing, only that it’s polar opposites to fishing! If I’m frustrated playing that, I’ll just have beer!
  21. Absolutely nothing from me anyway! Threw sps all morning and had livey drifting behind. Mate, scored 4 small snaps on bait. Not a touch on my line and the livey returned to live another day! Couldn’t even find a flatty on my usual patch! To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I might take up lawn bowls ? cheers scratchie!!!
  22. I think they’ve all moved to SA or VIC. Same thing for me today up here Jon if it makes you feel any better. Found a few patches of just legal ones but other than that it was dead! Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Sounds like the perfect day! I’m glad you got half decent weather by the looks of it! Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Well done fellas! Very nice haul indeed! Cheers scratchie!!!
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