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Everything posted by harold

  1. What a great whiting. I haven't seen one that big for a while.
  2. Casso, what a great mornings fishing. Congratulations.
  3. Great to read of your adventure. Thanks for sharing.
  4. That is what I dream of catching in Pittwater. i won't hold my breath. Congratulations.
  5. Good try and good luck for next time
  6. I have fished smiths creek a number of times and it has always been dead as a dodo. I am told there are large bream caught at the mouth. Congrats to you for your catches.
  7. Just had our gen set serviced and that involves changing the impeller and that was about. $550. We have to do that every 100 hours which is very easy to rack up in 3 months in winter.
  8. I pay $1440 per month for a berth in Pittwater
  9. Well, that is what warranty is for. Let the dealer sort it out and relax whilst they do it. At least you know the bilge pump works!!!
  10. The trouble is if you catch them and take the law into your own hands you go from being in the right to being in the wrong. Best let the police know and they can keep their eye out for what is clearly a bunch of dogs off the street.
  11. Take a key and make sure the transom is not soft by poking it in a few places. Also look for any bubbles in the glass as it could be osmosis. I would rub my hand over the external side of the hull and feel for any irregularities, these could be repairs.
  12. We are going to Jerusalem tomorrow after school and will see if we can raise a Hairtail or two. If not then we will wander the waters of Pittwater looking for anything that will take our bait for the rest of the weekend.
  13. It is the biggest Kingy I have seen caught off Sydney for quite a while. Congrats.
  14. A belated thank you to Stewie and Donna and their assistants for putting on a great weekend. Next year my company will be putting $1,000 in cash prizes up for grabs. The finer details will be worked out with our marketing people and Stewie/Donna will make the announcements closer to the date. Happy fishing.
  15. harold

    God help us all

    Dead set fool and he could well kill some poor innocent person.
  16. We wanted to buy some tackle and associated stuff but what was available was very limited. Also, I thought the queue and ferry took up too much time. We went Sunday morning and I guess it was 40 minutes getting to gebe island and 30 coming back. The hall is simply huge and it was jam packed with interesting stuff. Will I go next year? probably not. We will wait until it is all reunited in 2017 (I think). Will go to sanctuary cove next year. Stay safe
  17. What a great event the social was. Great weather (mostly) great fish and great people. I would like to thank Stewie and Donna for their hospitality and commitment to Fishraider. Scratchie, I hope you made it home ok. In all the years I have owned boats this would be the only time I have not had the spare fuel tank full of unleaded. My apologies to you. We are looking forward to the same event next year.
  18. Catching this Hairtail has a funny tale attached to it. Once we took the picture I put it in a bucket but, unbeknown to me, the thing was still alive. Next thing it jumped out of the bucket and was slithering along the deck, then, it found the gap which leads to the scuppers and blow me down if it didn't get itself completely down there in a nano second. The next task was trying to work out how to get the stupid, wiggling, snapping thing out of there. So I got a knife and pinned its tail then got my wife to hold the knife. I grabbed the fish pliers and over the next 10 minutes I tried to grab it. Finally I succeeded and pulled it out by the tail. then, my wife drops the knife down the scuppers and we can't see it. So I now have to get in the sub arctic temperature water today and put my hand up into the scupper outlet to grab the knife. Should have stayed in bed! Seriously, you guys should get out here, the feeling of friendship and the joy of being out with a group of like minded people is terrific.
  19. I have a pic of a Hairtail we caught last night but don't know how to post. Is there someone I can email or SMS to and they can post it?
  20. Donna, how long is the longest so far? We have a half decent one and lost a huge fish at the transom.
  21. By the way, we ate scratches fish for dinner as he was kind enough to give it to us. Thank you scratchie and it was delicious.
  22. Mr and mrs swordie, are there any prizes for the comp?
  23. We have landed two and lost one at the back of the boat. It was a huge fish and simply broke our line. Cest la vie. We continue trying.
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