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Everything posted by harold

  1. Arrived at WB about 11am yesterday and picked up a mooring. There was only 1 house boat there. We fished the afternoon and caught only throw backs so about 3.30 I rigged the Hairtail rods. We put the bait in about 5pm and over the next hour I lost 2 that I thought I had caught. Seems they were only partially hooked. Over the next couple of hours we caught and landed 3, all about the 1 metre mark. Tried for squid but unlike last week there were zero prepared to come aboard and say hi! Interestingly enough last night there were only a handful of boats in WB, perhaps 8 including us. The boys on the houseboat told me they caught 5 last night. Came in this morning, pumped out the sewerage, topped up the fuel and as I type this my wife is preparing Hairtail for dinner. Stay safe..
  2. I agree there is virtually zero wind forecast for this weekend so give it another go.
  3. If you need a witness to confirm that, let me know. By the way, I will take a spare tank of fuel this year with your name on it, just in case!
  4. I agree, cooked prawns are for people. Great catch and yes a beer out of an esky at 4am whilst fishing is as Aussie as it gets. Big octopus there.
  5. Ray, thanks again for the Hairtail, it was a lovely gesture and you and the boys seemed to be having a great time.
  6. i agree, at least you were out there and that, to me, is a large part of the joy of fishing.
  7. mind boggling. Congratulations on what will be a day to remember forever.
  8. what a squid. Congratulations on landing it.
  9. I just posted a note in the fishing report section. Cheers
  10. Well, we picked up our son after school on Friday and straight down to the boat at Bobbin Head. Bags in and off we push. It was about 4.30 by this time and the light was beginning to fade and the thermometer was starting to get serious. We picked up a mooring in Houseboat Bay and put on the gen set by this time our son had already set a line out the back. 2 beers later and the world seemed like a fine place. Jeremy said "Dad, do you have any light sticks in your tackle box?" I replied "no son you took them all and put them in your box." After this I find out we only have 3 light sticks and given we are out for 3 nights I guess we will be using only 1 rod each night. That night we landed a couple of piddly little reddies but that was it. At dinner my wife tells me "I forgot to pack enough food, I left the meat at home." So I decided I would launch the dinghy in the morning and go back to the marina, get in the car and drive back to the little shopping village. Saturday morning was cold but the air con did its job and we were fine. I returned from shopping and we noticed a houseboat pull up at the other mooring, the boat had a lot of kids onboard and a jet ski on the back, having had a lot of experience being close to such boats I decided we should move so we pushed off and headed to Waratah Bay. We picked up a mooring at the back of the bay and launched the Kayaks. I stopped and chatted to the 7 guys who were on the houseboat beside us and they said they had caught 4 Hairtail on the Friday night. They went on the say they have fished there for the past 10 years and it is the only place they can catch Hairtail. I asked them if they were members of Fishraider and 1 said his father was. On Saturday evening the guys on the houseboat asked if we would like a couple of Hairtail to eat as they had cooked up the others. We said yes so I took the dinghy over and Mimi prepared 1 and the other went in the freezer (thanks Vic and friends). Saturday night saw about a dozen boats of various sizes and configurations anchor in the bay and from what I gather only 2 or 3 boats landed fish. I believe 1 boat caught 6 fish. We did not catch any and were really hampered by only having 1 light stick for the night. Some boats had half a dozen out. Sunday morning we were really fogged in and as we were running low on water (my wife and son think the boat is somehow connected to the mains) so I decided to head back to the marina so I loaded the dinghy and kayaks on the front and pushed off. I turned into the river and was faced with fog so think I didn't want to enter it. The radar showed boats in a few places so we turned around and headed to clean water at the Basin. We picked up our club mooring and put the water maker on and fished for an hour and a half until we were nearly full again. We then headed back to Waratah Bay and picked up the front mooring. Jeremy started catching readies and he suddenly said there were squid following the fish up so on with a squid jig and sure enough we caught 3 good size squid which Mimi cooked up. (Sorry no pics). Sunday night we caught 1 Hairtail about 1.1 metres in length. We pushed off this morning and was berthed by 8am and the next 2 hours was spent cleaning the boat. By the way, during the excitement of squidding some prawns were knocked into the scuppers so this morning I had to get in the water, go under the boarding platform and clean out the scuppers to avoid the stink of rotting prawns. It was bloody cold in there I assure you. We didn't have a big fish catch but we enjoyed each other's company and I guess that is one of the great things about being a family. I am off to the tackle shop for light sticks tomorrow as next weekend is a whole new couple of days, weather permitting. Stay safe and go catch some fish!
  11. we catch quite a few large blue swimmers in the Pittwater area. Took us a few years to work out where they are. Often the damn Octopus' will smash them before we get to the pot.
  12. harold

    Wear Sunnies

    We have a lovelly young lady at work who has had 3 sets of surgery to remove them and she is only 25 years of age.
  13. harold


    Has anyone had any luck lately? We are thinking Jerusalem Bay for Friday night but if no one has seen any then we will go elsewhere.
  14. I grew up in glenfield, we moved there some 55 years ago and we had to walk through paddocks to get to school or the shops. In those days we would come across snakes every other day. We carried a piece of heavy duty wire embedded in the end of a stick and if the snake didn't go as we approached, we would whip it with the wire. I lived across from an old digger who used to grab the things by the tail out of holes in the bank and crack them like a whip. Their heads would fly off. Never did try that as I was too scared of them. These days Glenfield is a vastly different place and probably the snakes have all left for further afield. I agree with the comments re Browns, you just don't mess with those, they have no sense of humour.
  15. I think most marinas get a little nervous when people they don't recognise are around expensive boats that are in their care. Also, as per a previous post, the mess some folk leave is dreadful. At church point, the mess and crowds of fisho's at night became such a problem they put on a security guard with a German shepherd to keep people out. Some dear soul had actually done a poo on the fuel wharf and left it there to be cleaned up. Not nice.
  16. harold

    Bobbin head

    By the way was chatting to a guy at the marina this morning re local fish and he says he has caught Spanish Mackeral and very large Kings very close to the marina. Also said there are several productive Jew fish holes further down the river past the marina. I am looking forward to saying hi to some of these fish. I will invite them over for dinner!
  17. harold

    Bobbin head

    Well the hairies were all asleep last night. We fished for several hours and got zippo. We will be back in the game next weekend given it is 3 days off.
  18. We recently moved our boat from church point to bobbin head and tonight we are out on the water not so far from the marina, although I don't know the name of the bay. Earlier I saw the biggest fish I have ever seen jump out in the middle of the river. Whilst it was over 100 metres away I assure you it was over 1 metre long, silver and very fat. It jumped a long way out of the water. It is now nearly 6pm and we have just set some lines for hairies, I will let you know if we do ok! Stay safe.
  19. I congratulate you for having the kahoonas to go out in the weather. It has been so crook the past 3 days.
  20. We fished smiths creek last week for a few days and my son landed a lot of garfish. Didn't take pics, sorry.
  21. Stoners, that's a new word to me too.
  22. You do like to fish light. Good on you.
  23. The Kings have been everywhere at Church Point most mornings. Damned if I can get them to bite and I have tried everything. I will keep trying. I have always liked Bonito as a table fish as long as it is bled and iced straight away.
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