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Flickn Mad

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Everything posted by Flickn Mad

  1. There are pros up there that will check your traps for you at night (thoughtfull guys) they may even take your traps home with them for safe keeping. As for baits we have done well with fresh catfish and mullet. As for spots, drop offs near mangroves and creek entrances have served us well in the past. We have generally trapped up river a bit where the water is a bit coloured.
  2. Must have got sunscreen on my line.
  3. I have my own opinion of pros (negative) on the hawksbury, after seeing a similar episode which ended with many boxes of undersize jew of to the filleting table, There is also a good chance the guys you saw were not pros at all. Hugging the shore line at night with no lights on does not sound like guys with nothing to hide. If you can you should get boat and or car regos and hand them over. Word of warning though, poachers can get violent if they think you are gunna dob them in.
  4. Good one, I enjoy catching any fish on a lure regardless of size. As for the blades in reefy or unknown waters, try dropping the trebles or doubles and go with a small single hook in the back. I have also caught some good whitting with the fish sucking up small blades after sitting on the bottom for about 10 seconds. water depth current and lure weight will all play a part in picking your retrieve speed. I find in coloured water, giving the blade the occasional fast lift and wind to get the lure really humming and then going straight back to a more subtle retrieve will help fish find the lure.
  5. What, no jewies, are you loosing your touch. HaHa. good onya two flatties that size in one day would be like winning the fishing lotto for most mere mortal fishos.
  6. Nice one. you gotta love a good fight when the fish doesn't whant to come off the bottom. Keeps you on edge, very exciting. To my knowledge micro jigs are just that, small versions of any recognised metal or occy jigs. Not surprised the legal jew ate one, they do like bream lures at that size.
  7. A quill float to a small ball sinker, light trace and a live prawn just of the bottom in fast moving water like the entrance to bural lakes works a treat, whiting, flatties and bream will smash them.
  8. As Gazza said. Going down that road is painfull. If the boat is old and has no hull id plate you can take your receipt to a boat shop and get a id plate made up and you should have no problem, if like my 11 footer it was last regoed many many years ago. for mine, 12 footers are not worth the drama, by the time you finish all the stuffing around you would probably be better of buying new. Hit Huey up and see what he can do for you. My mate bought a second hander just for the motor and trailer, got a brand new tiny and scrapped the old boat for cash. (tight arse or frugal)
  9. I don't know if we are allowed to talk brands or not but I have allways used two part epoxy bought on line or from the local tackle shop. If you speak to the local tackle guys and they do rod repairs or customs they should be able to steer you right. I have at times had epoxy that stayed tacky for a week or two before setting hard, even after mixing it accurately. key is to be patient. Bunnings is not the place to be shopping for rod building gear, bar maybe your masking tape.
  10. Best way forward is too live life, be it cricket, growing vegies or fishing. I think there are few greater things you can do in life than support a friend through a tough time. A quality fish for a quality guy Kel.
  11. Love it. I look forward to seeing more of your vids. Love the "@#@# that's quite big comment.
  12. I am not sure about it being a grinner, the mouth does not look right to me.
  13. You obviously are not a used car sales man, nice fish and all on lures, u r going ok mate. Nice photography too.
  14. Good one. be careful, obsession is not far away.
  15. Thanks mate. As usual everything you say makes perfect sense. I just worry when I see guys running 1.5 mm from the battery to the console/dash and then parallel stereo lights circulation pumps and hope for the best. I ran a 6mm positive and negative to my console to supply a buss bar then distribute power through switch panel from there. When I got my boat it had a bundle of 1, 1.5 and 2.5 cables running back and forth through the hull all terminated in a corroded mess at the battery terminals, just waiting for a hot joint or short to ruin my day.
  16. AS for why the mono, I would suggest that tying relatively light braid straight to the swivel will not be as strong as mono to the swivel as the braid will tend to cut into itself. this is why I tend to go to the trouble of tying a short bimini in my braid then to fluro and the rest on the end of that be it lures or bait set up. A lot depend on how far u want to push the limits of your gear. if you get into chasing line class fish or kingys or even fishing one and two kilo gear seriously you will want to learn a few good knots and master them. you have plenty of time to learn the numerous fancy nots out there.
  17. Last I spoke too him he still runs around in his tinny, but same area. He might be getting Lazy.
  18. Nice fish, good one captain Chubbz. Whats the 1000 stella like to fish with.
  19. Should the B battery be a deep cycle battery for this purpose. One for testlab, are breakers not usually sized to suet cable size. And do you think these newer chargers with a maintenance mode are worth while. Re jumpstarters, I have never needed to use mine yet. I have however saved three different fishos from a crappy morning at the boat ramp over the last few years. one with a flat car battery after a night on the water the other two had just cranked there batterys flat after not using there boats for some time. It pays to kick your motor over the arvo before a planned trip just to make sure. My jump starter cost me 60 bucks and goes with me every time.
  20. Nice one, good to see you rewarded for your efforts and persistence. My personal views on keeping lizards over 60cm are beside the point. Good luck to you.
  21. I can just see my mate spinning for bass up the hawksburry with a mincota on the front of one. I wonder if you anchored up if the bass would think it was a snag.
  22. I have not heard any issue with port hacking, the rain may cause high levels of bacteria for a short period but I would not think that would be an issue for cooked fish. What you need to be worried about is things like dioxins and heavy metals that are still in un acceptable levels in places like the parra river. That said these things wont kill you, they just increase your risk of things like cancer. I know a guy personally that still eats mud crabs from the upper parra and has done for 40 years or so, I recon he is playing Russian roulette with his health. It has only been about 10 years since the pros were selling us silverwater prawns for human consumption. At this time the govt were bussy removing, burying or sanitizing foul toxic soil and mud from Rhodes to Parramatta and right through the Olympic site. If I were you I would be getting out the lemon wedges and cold beers mate.
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