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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Jetstar has no bulk hold. If it doesn't fit in the baggage containers, its going nowhere. 2m max.
  2. Great couple of days fishing. Congrats on your first using the fly rod.
  3. Ryder

    I <3 RubberBands

    You can use them to tie a stopper knot. Trim the ends and it works just like the normal rubber wind on stoppers.The trouble is friction , changing float depths wears rubber. I use the dental floss stopper.
  4. Nice catch mate. I have been that other guy a few times, nothing works. Haha. Well done.
  5. Congrats on the PB, you keep getting closer to the magic mark. It must have been an amazing day for you and Martin. Well done.
  6. WOW... I love Fraser Island, and Ive caught some good fish on the bay side. I've been twice, but never had a chance to fish the real beaches. When the subject of holidays comes up Fraser is always at the top of my list. My wife says ' We've already been there , twice' She just doesn't get it.
  7. Ryder

    Fishing Songs

    I can't find a version to play.But I do like Fishing Blues
  8. Lightly weighted with a tiny shot when fly casting just to get it down. Otherwise you're normal Backfish rig, just replace the baited hook with a fly, and berley them up.
  9. Royce was doing the smoking. He marinates in a special mix of salt sugar beer, I don't know all the ingredients. The last batch I had he did turned out very nice, especially the roe, that's extra special. I love the smoked fish on its own, my wife not so much, but she did like it in Kedergee.
  10. Well done mate, it is surprising how effective they are. Like you said ,you can be confident you have something on the hook.
  11. Hi Raiders, I met up with the boys, Mark and Royce, this morning and we headed to South Head in search of the usual, Blackfish. With the swell being up it was a big NoNo, so we fished camp cove. Royce headed off with his fly rod to another ledge, while Mark and I floated out cabbage. It wasn't long before Royce had his first and stashed him in a rock pool. Soon after he's again, and again. He had 3 in the pool before Mark chimed in and put one in the bag. I was making a slow start, getting downs but not hooking up. Royce kept catching them on fly, and Mark got a few more on cabbage, then out of the blue, Trevor turns up intending to flick some plastics. He soon switched over to my spare rod, and started getting into them. Meanwhile I'm still on a donut. Royce came back to our ledge, armed with his trusty Sportex and he's on first drift. He said 'they're taking weed, more than cabbage'. That was the turning point, I switched to weed and to everyone's surprise, I got my first. The fish really came on during the 2nd half of the rising tide and the bag filled up fast. We ended up with 23, a few throw backs, and a heap of pulled hooks. The crows got to a couple of Royce's fish while in the rockpool. They are bound for the smoker, along with a few of they're mates, the rest of us took home a feed as well. Last August I couldn't buy a fish, and it was looking like it was going to be a repeat this year, happily No. Cheers Ryder
  12. Fireplace and firewood supplied. You are separated from the next site in a semi bushland setting. Amenities are close by. Nice looking creek. I didn't fish it, it was my first time to JB.
  13. Check out Hidden Creek at Huskisson.
  14. Ryder

    Fishing Songs

    This is my latest, 'I can run and jump and fish but I won't fight'... Trying it tomorrow. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vtJ34oFnpog
  15. Pipe Dreams. He can keep dreaming. He just outran the Teahupoo whitewash. He took off in the wrong place, he should have been about 50 m to the right to get the pipe. Nothing compared to the guys like Mick Fanning and Slater. But I would like to see him try.
  16. Great big green eye for the young bloke.
  17. That's fantastic mate, congratulations. Fishermen are the finest class of people.
  18. Great Christening of the new outfit. 48cm is a solid fish, Trevally go hard. Not a real test of you of your new rig, but a good test of your FG.
  19. Ryder

    Old reels

    His good mate/ rival Jim has his own museum at Umina. I went there to buy a rod, and spent hours looking at reels.They both specialise in Aussie made. The pre Alvey and Alvey customised reels are a sight, Alloy spools, camphor laurel, oak and laminates. Saying that, the Alvey is definitely serviceable, The other two are great examples of quality reels from your Dads time, Like sharknett said, parts are the problem. I would fix up and use the Alvey and put the other 2 in your museum. This side ways pic is the last aisle of His collection, sorry I was after the rods.
  20. I caught this fish last year in Vanuatu. Ignore the date it was a cheap gopro knockoff camera I thought it was a Coral Trout But after seeing http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=78147&hl= It could be something like that. I got it in deep water going for Poulet fish
  21. I can't say I've noticed that. But that flick up/down function on your revision mirror is meant to stop blinding lights fn the mirror at night. You can still see the traffic, just not directly thru the back window.
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