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Everything posted by Blackfish

  1. You're right about that LF, only 10mm..... pffft. πŸ˜„
  2. Good Bream B.H. πŸ‘ Especially for you first lure caught fish.
  3. Good mate of mine was having his lunch break down at Abbotsford ( always has a rod in the van) He said he got 6 flathead, I’m assuming not to big, but in a short period of time. So there’s a few fish still up the river.
  4. Could be a Grinner @noelm, the only common one I know is a Painted Grinner. Though I've changed my mind I'm "Maybe" certain πŸ˜€ its a Largescale Grinner/Saury. White spots on it's back and the spots on the landing edge of it's tail. Well that my guess.. πŸ™‚
  5. I recon it a (See post above) Saury, Danyjv.
  6. Now that's a Classic "Knobby" what a great fish. Excellent result.
  7. A very rare catch for Sydney these days. Congratulations KF πŸ‘
  8. Great report and photos Dave. Thanks for posting.
  9. Thats simply awesome. Good on him.
  10. Everywhere coastal is just getting busier, I suppose that's just change like our older brethren back in the day used to say "I can remember when ........" Have a look at this, though I'm having trouble with the link on my browser. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-10/population-growth-outstrips-infrastructure-in-outer-sydney/100816952 I'm not that young either Noelm, but I have to agree with you about the driving of some people 😑
  11. One of the great things I noticed down there, the Boat ramps were never that busy or not busy at all. Bliss after Sydney.
  12. Tourist stuff..... Tilba had a great Pie shop a few years ago, still Ok but not as good. Down around Wallaga is very nice as you said Noelm, take a walk up to Horse Head rock then drop into Camel Rock Brewery. It's a great place down that way, we go a bit further south and being from Sydney, even in around Christmas holidays still aint as busy as bloody Sydney.
  13. Hard to come by these days Neil in Sydney πŸ™
  14. Great Cod and great quality footage there Neil. πŸ‘ Photos and videos, like the above are great at the time but priceless later in life, you often forget about stuff like that. Funny you should post that up Neil, a mate just sent through a photo of myself that he took maybe 40 years ago with a nice Central Coast Jewfish I caught. We used to fish the rocks at night for them. They were great times.
  15. That would have gone well on the light line. I think it could be a Juvenile Mac tuna not a Frigate.
  16. I recon the Shark is either a Common Blacktip or maybe a Grey Whaler You can see the Blacktips on the Pectoral fins and Anal/ Caudal (Not sure which in the photo) And the fish could be a Northwest Threadfin Bream. The rod is a Stufftus Fishus rodus. Buggar about the rod πŸ™
  17. Great read again Waz, what a sight that would have been.
  18. Nice feed of Fish there Paul’s and yes, Isaac is right. Middle fish is a Tarwine.
  19. Great Flathead LF, your certainly kicking some Goals mate. Well done.
  20. Always good to get a couple of new species Isaac and finding out what they are. πŸ‘ Catching them from a Wharf would bring back lots of memories from a lot of on here when we were younger. Diamond fish is a Juvenile, when they get a bit older the second stripe on the heads fades.
  21. Was a Pun Neil πŸ˜„ a bit like Yowies Sabre Tooth Whiting.
  22. Another great mix, a Short Tail Flounder and a Trevally, though I would have thought the Trevally would have been a GT the way your going πŸ˜„ Good size Trevally and it sure would have played up.
  23. Now that's something you certainly don't see everyday and not many people can say they caught a Barra in the Parra. Geee that would make a great T Shirt πŸ˜€ I would guess the Tsethar to LF. The poor buggar would not live through winter, these people don't get it. Great capture anyway. πŸ‘
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