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Posts posted by jeffb5.8

  1. I drive on but like most things there is a right way and a wrong way,

    I use just enough throttle to move up the trailer and i sink my trailer in far enough that the boat floats well and my trailer is well set up.

    I do watch others who are all about the throttle and kicking up heaps of wash from their props as the motor is tilted way up, this is what erodes the sand under the ramp and causes the end of the ramp to break away,

  2. Just a note his budget of $2k, So the boat and engine are going to be a 1980's to 1990's model with lower sides, less deep V and usually heavier.

    My Tips:

    1. Get the newest package possible, especially one with a re powered motor

    2. Stay with a tiller Steer for extra room

    3. Adding flooring is only a couple of hundred

    4. Check trailer for rust and maintenance as this can add up and make you spend heaps,

    When buying 2nd hand, add up all the things you want to change with the boat your thinking of buying, repairs, tidying up, rewiring, adding accessories, Safety gear needed and you may find you would be better buying a $3,500 tinny with this gear than the old $2,000 tinny.

    I upgraded to my bow rider, because the low sides of my $2k tinny made me nervous when the kids where standing up, plus i am 6ft 2' and 110kg, so me just leaning over to wash my hands made everyone nervous.

    Bar a disability / injury, old age or a poor maintained trailer the 4.8mtr should be a breeze to launch and not to bad to retrieve, good arm work out unless you get a electric winch,

    I launch my 5.5 bowrider solo and the older kids (10G & 9B) make it easier as they hand ropes, hold ropes and set up the bumpers when coming to a wharf. They also love helping and each time get more confident and skilled so i don't even have to ask.

    My poor wife asked what she can do and my daughter, replied its alright mum i got this.


  3. On 05/03/2017 at 7:18 AM, Swaz said:

    Hi all. A bit of background to give you context. Some of the happiest times with my dad were in a boat fishing or boating. We have access to a 4.8m Baymaster boat located a few hours away at the family holiday house. It's a chore to put in the water and out again. I have two kids 8 & 6 who are into fishing, boating

    Why is the 4.8m boat a chore to put in and out?

    If the 4.8mtr is a chore, you will use the Old Tinny less as you still have to launch but has less room and less stability.

    a smaller tinny will be the same to put in and out but be worse as everyone cannot move around due to being smaller length, narrower beam and most likely lower sides if it a older boat.

    i had a 4.3mtr tinny with 25hp and with the wife and kids in it was fine going to and from but fishing was a bit of a pain, especially if someone wanted to move or stand up.

  4. The DPI fish smart App (FishSmart NSW) is the best and free app, i use it at all new spots including Port Stevens and Jervis Bay. Using the GPS on your phone it pin points you and lets you know what is and isnt allowed to be done in your location.

    No guessing which point to which point or landmark is the exclusion zone.

  5. Mine is set at 5 and goes straight, so for your I would start at 6 which means it's straight and the you may have to adjust it to 7 if it still pulls to the right.

    also put a tape across the transom and make sure the motor is centre and level.

  6. 3 hours ago, daniel944 said:

    Not sure why pick aren't visible, I can see them?

    Rebuild is definitely required. I have shown engine to a machinest today and he has picked up some light scoring of the bottom cylinder saying the rings have started grabbing. Interestingly it was the top cylinder that had the head gasket blow through. 

    Also I noticed the thermostat had a lot of crud around it, even though it.was letting water through when flushing perhaps it was constricted. Either way a new thermostat and water pump will be fitted. 

    Carb was cleaned and blowen out with compressed air. As I mentioned before it looked like new inside. 

    Sounds like your on the right track, be a good project thread to watch the build and progress to the end.

  7. The blocked jets or carby issue would be causing the non idling issues. 

    The reduce compression in the top cylinder would just be reduced performance and possible contributing to the idle issue, I doubt a head gasket would fix the compression issue, would probably need rings done or a rebuilt.

    i guess you need to weight up the cost to rebuild Versus sell the motor and replace and update the motor.


  8. I have one of the gearbox oil pumps, so you can pump from the bottom hole until it weeps from the top hole and i have plenty of gearbox fluid which i will never use, its brand new Nulon.

    Can check the specifics, your welcome to the oil for free.

  9. Hi Simon

    My in laws had the Mustang 3800, which had twin Volvo Penta 5.7, while cruising around it was actually quite fuel efficient and you ended up enjoying the day without thinking you would need a loan to pay for the fuel bill, but once you went over 60% throttle you could almost watch the fuel gauge needle drop. I know it was twin engines but it was a bigger boat and assume yours would be the same, the engines had 300 and something hours on them, full documented service history and checked out by the marine mechanic they employed for the pre sale inspection.

    Their boat was a 2006 i think and was in real good condition, as part of the sale it was slipped and anti fouled, which allow a independent inspection of the boat, this was great as he was so picky and gave a written report with photos which allowed my In Laws to A) Know what needed to be fix and what it costs, B.) Negotiated a better price

    The selling dealer also took them out for a 1/2 day cruise around, this allowed them to see the fuel usage and how it handles open waters under a expert, as they were new to the boating scene. I think they were spending about $180k which is a big difference but for safety doesn't hurt to do the extra due diligence.

    They sold it in 2010 and i think it went to a island in QLD, The boat was called Wild Turkey (Original Name, not their choice)

    Hope this helps a little, i think the biggest tip is

    1. Written service documentation is $$$, Verbal is worth $0

    2. Pre inspections are worth the $$$ for piece of mind cruising

    3. Fill the tanks full and go for a run for the day or 1/2 at a good speed and see if the fuel usage is acceptable.

  10. 4 hours ago, Raymondo said:

    I feel very strongly about this issue. As I've just been chipped by Scratchie in another thread for voicing my opinion , I choose my words carefully. So here go's.  If you don't have the fortitude to speak up then your part of the problem. These people do this because most turn a blind eye . Confront them , make them feel uncomfortable. I commend you for wanting to do something , but the offender is long gone and the damage has been done. Voice your opinion then and there, then report it to the authoritys. Think of this, you spot a small fire , your capable of putting it out, you don't, you leave and call for help. Fire brigade arrives but it's to late, its out of control. You, as a member of society have the authority to speak up. Try it, you will feel better for it.

    While I get your point the main difference is a Fire will not physically abuse you for puttting it out, the fire won't stab you, the fire won't follow you to you car.

    some people cannot do confrontation, I'm a big fella and I still avoid confrontation, I usually have 3 kids nearby and while I might have a polite suggestion they let the fish go, if it gets heated it can only go 2 ways, 

    1.i walk away and notify the authorities , tell the story on fish raider and continue life

    2. It turns physical and one of us ends up hurt or worse and the other faces the penalty. Both lives disrupted 

    i say follow the rules report it and let the authorities deal with it.

    if you know what vehicle they arrived in give that to the Fisheries as well helps track the offender.

    P.s then I explain to my kids the importance of not keeping undersized fish and what the fisheries guys will do.


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