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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Well deserved result and as you say, bring on the hoods!
  2. Welcome and what a great way to introduce yourself! That is an enormous trev and maybe you should see if it's a fishraider record!
  3. It was a cracker of a trip!! Enjoy the fillets!!
  4. Great report and what away to start the year! Congrats!!!
  5. I hope you revenge the squid attack by either catching a kingy or making salt & pepper squid!
  6. Go Roberta!!! Only you could get the trifecta on the first day of 2010! I hit the rocks this arvo to a sneaky spot that is only fishable about 2 days a year. Had a ball catching little pigs and bream. Took home 3 fish from about 30. Non stop action on nippers! Yakking wil be soon! Happy new year!
  7. Great post and now you have a full time bait-catchin' deckie!
  8. You put in the hours and the fish do come!!
  9. Roberta, I was wondering who might have gone out yesterday and you did come to mind. Sounds like Keith was almost bitten by the fishin addcition! My son gave me a wii bas fishing game so we have been having fun on that in lieu of the real thing. Happy Boxing Day!
  10. Roberta, You could have at least pulled our legs and claim that this was the new souped up Pro Angler! Sounds like a huge day but veer away from the dark side and keep pedalling!!! Merry Xmas!
  11. Slinky, You should write a fisherman's calender with all of that wisdom!!!
  12. Roberta, When I get up there, I will need a lesson on those floating leases! Jewgaffer, I caught this fish on a newly replaced version of the lure that I got the jew on! Slinky, Retro is often the way to go! Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas with their families!!!!!
  13. Great post and enjoy the jew cutlets on Christmas day!
  14. Looks a bit calm for pigs but enjoy the groper!
  15. Great to see you out with the kids! I've had my 5 yo out catching poddies and I'll take him out on my kayak after seeing those smiles!
  16. You guys are braining the fish and good to see the big girl released!! Keep the posts coming.
  17. Man you are on the up and up. Wait until a hoodlum tows you around the bay!!!!!
  18. Hey Hodgey, I am the proud owner of 4 SX60s and I have dabbled with them but no real flatty success. They seem to have adecent rattle in them. The little reddies love them. What depth do you think they go to? Have a fantastic Christmas and a happy new PB or two!
  19. Up early this morning and on the water by 6am. Did a drift with poddies in the channel and picked up a feisty 60cm fish that went into the tube. Headed over to the flats to troll HBs and picked up a lot of tiny flatties and a 40cm keeper. On the last run, I changed back to one of my favourite lures (Manns stetch 5 in black and red). Lucky it was on the heavier rod with the 6lb as just on a drop from 4' to 10' the line screams off. I managed to pedal out away from the weed and the fish came up without too much fuss. Netted her and pedalled over to a beach to measure her. She went bang on 80cm and after a couple of snaps, she went back in and I tried to take a vid as she waddled off. (The underwater ones aren't much chop either!) May Santa bring a few more like her!
  20. Slinky is in Leccy heaven Nice flatties too!!!
  21. Congrats on a great outing! As Roberta says, trolling an HB and a SPO could get ugly. Fliscking SPs probably allows them to untangle each retieve! I might give the bait the flick after an uneventful morning.
  22. Great post, great fish and not so great ending. Hope the fight was fun!!!!
  23. Hodgey, I thought my two fish last weekend would be hard to beat! What atop outing you guys had and well done on tweaking the technique. They looked fantastic fish and such beautiful colouring. I went poddy hunting today and caught some prime models from 10-14cm. Hitting the water at dead low tomorrow to try a few in holes that might contain good fish. Otherwise its trolling for flatties and a feed!!! Have a great Chrissy and Santa will always be good to you....I'm thinking the metre might be on your list
  24. I found a kit at+_+_) that was 4 Plano like tackle boxes with adjustable compartments that slide into a plastic box with a handle. It sits on the shelf and I take out whichever box or boxes I need for a trip. $24 seemed a god price!
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