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Isaac Ct

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Everything posted by Isaac Ct

  1. Great stuff, can't beat a fresh feed of squid. Well done.
  2. Good feed Yowie, nice size flatties. Well done.
  3. Well done Larkin, that king is a very lucky fish. Anything like that coming near my boat ain’t going back.
  4. Well done BN, nice yella. Good to see the river producing fish.
  5. Great team effort there Larkin, well done. Cracking fish, good feeds to be had
  6. Good stuff Yowie, nice feed
  7. Thanks @Larkin , got the squid in one of your spots. Got them on a jig very similar to your favourite as well
  8. Cheers, been a while coming. Busy but fun. Cheers, still working out how to get the squid. First for me. Thankyou, my dog loved a bit of the snapper. Cheers Yowie, have had a friend who's been catching a bit recently, including a lot of school Jewfish and decent snapper.
  9. After a bit of a cold streak with squid, decided to have an arvo session with a few mates on Sunday arvo/night. Fished with one mate with nippers around lilli pilli only for 1 40cm trev and a few stingrays before picking up @kobi caught a fish for a night session. Deep water around lilli pilli was quiet so headed inside Yowie Bay to try for some Arrow Squid. Picked up 2 in 20 minutes and then had to call it a night. Yesterday morning I launched with a different mate with the squid in hopes of landing his first Jewfish. Headed out the front for squid and I managed my first Green eye going a 30cm hood. My mate managed a smaller, live bait size one so we hit up a Kingfish spot near maianbar and used the live squid as well as squid strips. Livie got mauled by something and I only managed a salmon. We then headed back out the front where I lost a much bigger squid and also landed a 27cm hood. Plenty of squid for dinner so finally time for Jewfish. Set up anchor around Lilii Pilli and fished until dark with squid only managing one just legal pinkie and a few bigger hits but no hook-ups. Pretty solid day overall.
  10. Good stuff Jenno, nice feed there. I managed a few out of the hacking today as well, good time of year for the squid front and not much else.
  11. Good stuff both of you, good size snapper for the plate. Well done.
  12. Well done all of you, nice feed. Good to get out with mates.
  13. At least you got out, bit of rain coming so inside might turn on a bit. Well done.
  14. Good report, lovely fish. Well done
  15. Well done Rebel, always got something for the puppy.
  16. Thanks Pete, I had a suspicion that the Jews would move into shallower water based on prior information. I am heading down your way in about a weeks time, what has been the go-to fish/spots at the moment.?
  17. A short report from yesterday, headed out to lilli pilli around 4 with the intention of trying for some pinkies and maybe a Jew. Started fishing pillies and squid strips on the bottom and both produced numerous reddies to 27cm. Missed a few good hits and had a whole squid sliced in half from a big tailor or shark. Managed a 57cm soapie on the squid which was a welcome surprise, photo didn't save. Windy after dark and nothing bit after dark as well. There always seems to be a hot bite for 15-30 mins just before dark then quite.
  18. Roosters are dropping off, teddy can't hold a ball.
  19. Love fishing with live bait, usually mullet. Never know what you are going to catch. Flathead, bream, snapper, crabs.. Always suspenseful and keeps you on your toes. Someone of my biggest fish of different species have come doing this.
  20. Great report, amazing the diversity of life up there. Well done.
  21. Nice stuff Larkin, good feed. Will have to keep going at the squid. Well done.
  22. Well done Neil, stunning fish. One to remember. Always worth getting out with mates.
  23. Good stuff Pickles, didn't know that flatties would still be hot with the cold water. Well done.
  24. Good job mate, good fun the comps and good experience. Well done.
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