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Everything posted by Braidbuster

  1. Hi Howard,I always use Gamagatksu 10/8 panfish in green,v strong & sharp.Also put a 1/2 hitch around the weed to keep it up on the hook
  2. Sounds like the family has found the Central Coast's next ,'Raw Prawn Star'
  3. My regrets 4 an intemperate reply .These other pics show that the yellow is not as obvious.I was hoping that discussion might be more about technique/tackle rather than photo colour
  4. Yellow "counter shading"is a camoflage device over yellowish sand.
  5. Cold water has given an opportunity 4 champgne finesse light line fishing.The top 1m of water warms in sheltered bays,promoting rapid weed growth.The biggest strongest Blackfish grab these seagrass beds in the pm on a high tide.2kg flouro ,unweighted weed ,sightfishing,is fantastic! More Blacks
  6. well done ladies! At least some-one is getting a few! It has really shut down in Sydney Harb.,when the (ever reliable)blackies are hard to tempt it's time to give up and go home !
  7. Clifton is now repaired.Balmoral may be closed for some time.... Fished the sand flats of C.G. last W/E ,forgot the floats as we thought we'd get Kings/Trevs/Bream.But you have to be flexible.....so we flicked unweighted weed out on 4lb leaders and had about 6 'takes' for 3 hook-ups and only 1 landed.We had no net either...... most of the fish were better than a kg and didn't lift well....
  8. Go 'Niggles' those are top 'Squiddles'
  9. Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced "Bouquet") had one of those.......pink things,............her son 'Sheridan'
  10. When I went out with a certain popular charter kingfish specialist he said that after the head & guts the second best bait for kings is fresh calamari wings!
  11. You must learn to love ALL fish ,and to use bread baits(although the little devils eat this too ...but not with the same enthusiasm)
  12. An ex-blackie fisho put me onto it,he's too old & frail to fish now,so I gave him some to eat(which he LOVES)then he told me ! Regarding the hooks I buy size 8&10 Gamagatsu by the box(50 @$16-$20) 'panfish/green',you have to order them thru you local gamma reseller......I have landed Kingfish on these hooks,they're nearly unbreakable
  13. Hi Roberta ,well done ! Just saw this report, been busy for a few days & had to work all weekend.Going fishing again this thurs....seem to be working all weekend and getting midweek days off lately. When out on a YFT fish last thurs.Hrs & hrs of waiting then all hell breaks loose.I ended up with a 35kg 'fin and boy is that an adrenaline rush! I was shaking for a week after! Back to more mundane fish thurs ,which once again looks like being the pick of the week "weather-wise".Will try for some bream &blackies and if I get a squid I'll put it out for a jew as well.All the best.PS I have my personal weed supply in the city,i just rock up, pick as much as I need ,and walk 100m to start fishing !
  14. Hi Dicko,sometimes I cheat a wee bit......a drop of ultrbite/tuna oil does wonders ! For Bream like it plain ,Tailor with oil,same with Trevs.... I don't use sinkers at all ,Throw me.Even fishing for Kings/YFT......
  15. They were caught on bread drifted down a burley trail at Kirribilli wharf,no float,the biggest was 40+cm,and we had 2 bust-offs on bigger fish !
  16. Yes these boys like their food baked & crusty!
  17. Nice Park Roberta ,I lived there for a year,fished every day,and know all the spots.If you need info just PM me
  18. Phosphoresence is caused by a type of plankton and normally occurs in waters rich in nutrients.Bigger fish do not like to hunt in it as it illuminates them and allows prey to escape.Fish in daytime when it's like this.
  19. I am not going anywhere near that one!
  20. The first one is always the best,nice to have your virginity lost to such a pretty 1,sorry your mates had premature rod erections,that can happen to 1st timers !
  21. I can only imagine.....I have heard and seen 150-200lb line being used but 300! You would have to use and electic to pull it in ,winchthat is....
  22. Weedy areas can be fished with floating baits power bait&bread
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