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Everything posted by Welster

  1. Welster

    This wind

    Not dreaming. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=40215
  2. Welster

    This wind

    Isn't there something about the Mullet sea run in the first autumn westerlies? Or did I just dream that up?
  3. I've never heard of that many legal snapper caught in a session in the bay. Nice report
  4. That's a huge Bream. Your spot just keeps producing for you. If you haven't eaten it take a pic with scissors for cotm.
  5. Quintrex/stacer sell of the shelf burley buckets that fit the ladder bracket. You need to remove the ladder to install the bucket unless you have a bracket each side. I made one for my previous boat fitting the same bracket that sat solid with no movement or damage to the boat on my Quintrex but doesn't fit the Stacer. If your local your welcome to try it out. I think removable is the go for cleaning.
  6. Great report thank you. Port sure is a great place.
  7. Great fish. Can you link the original report or share some details?
  8. Great report. Your perseverance and change of tactic was well rewarded.
  9. It always amazes me how the do nothing's in our society try to bring us down to their level. If it was my neighbour and there was a legitimate reason like a shift worker I'd try to accomodate him if I could. But he sounds like a knob to me.
  10. Gee you have some practical ideas Fab1. Pretty handy for somebody using dodgy ramps or a bad hand brake. It would also make checking the trailer lights solo easier. How many of these things do you take on an average trip?
  11. Congrats. And enjoy it mate.
  12. Some really nice fish there! Full credit to you guys not many reports from this weekend and plenty giving fishing a miss but you guys are out there showing how it's done.
  13. Great fish. Congrats on the win and PB
  14. Live reports are so cool, keep them coming. Good fishing guys.
  15. The bay looks windy this weekend. As tempting as it might be if your fishing with kids and non fishos the most important thing in my opinion is to to try to catch fish any size. So my advise is some burley and small hooks. Last weekend I had a rare opportunity to fish the bay with my girls 10 and 12. The Stars had aligned for once. They were on my watch, the weather looked good, the water is warm atm, no sport or family commitments and they were keen. Perfect. My intention was a casual start and don't fish too long but they were keener than I expected! I think we hit the water at 7:30 launching at cooks river. Along the airport break wall we saw some diving birds and I instructed my 12yo daughter to slow up and stop ( she just got her licence). I had a snap clip on my line and threw on a chrome slice. A few cast later I was connected to our first. My eldest landed a 50 cm salmon. Sweet! I tried to hook another for the younger one but no joy. We switched to lures and trolled towards Kurnell for one hook up but dropped it. Moved around fishing with bait without much joy. We returned to the side of the runway there was still a few birds and the kids wanted to troll. We landed 3 small tailor about 20 cm. We anchored up burlied and fished with prawns and pillies. The kids landed over ten small Tailer each. They had a ball. We went back to Kurnell for lunch and contemplated a flattie drift but time was getting on. So we left about 2. So all up a great day. I only caught two fish all day as my job was entertaining the kids. Maybe that will help you. Honestly I agree with Teflon and think you should be in the river or the hacking this weekend. But if your out keep your eyes out for bird activity.
  16. Good luck with the sale Hank, I've seen the work and care you have put inter her and posted on here. Such a shame you have to move on after all that effort. That feeling of suspense is a killer knowing your next rig is out there but one thing is reliant on another. I hope it all comes together shortly. Btw did you get onto the bay last weekend?
  17. Sounds like a lot of work. Now it's time to enjoy your efforts.
  18. Great looking boat. What work was involved in the restore?
  19. I'm thinking the bay with the kidlets on board. Hopefully they enjoy it.
  20. What a great session and a well written report. A trick I have seen (on a Scotty Lyons DVD) but haven't had the opportunity to try, if he has a crab on a line and can get it in close enough he drops the rod tip in the water and wraps his line around it to get it tangled before it lets go of the bait.
  21. I know the portable cookers are popular with plenty of Raiders myself included. So i thought I'd post a link to this Public Warning from the department of fair trading. http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/ftw/About_us/News_and_events/Media_releases/2015_media_releases/20150304_public_warning_on_portable_butane.page
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