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Everything posted by bluebottle18

  1. YOU can also try using Dynel cloth with Epoxy resin two part Follow the directions and it will be better than new MY hull is over thirty years old (tinny) and cant fault the method. Your local boat shop will have all you need and some good advice. Just make sure your hull is bone dry and clean. the preparation is vital for the job to work. IT will last for ages.
  2. I fished there the other day. It disgusted me and spoilt my day. These people actually live like this at home What is annoying is that picnic people are also trashing the place and fishos are getting all the blame.
  3. The price you pay for this reel is equal to the quality. If you open the inside it will tell you why its that price. After a couple of uses it will show wear.
  4. Suffering from Alzheimers and for got the address of his tree house
  5. Second hand mulcher is the go. Yes you might have to put it through twice. Not that messy. just hose out after you finish. Blenders are good but it depends on how much scrap you have got. As previously stated use a lot of water and keep the pieces small. I throw in a bag of boiled rice.
  6. JUST a thought. You might be able to offer half the lead you have collected to some one who will make them for you if you dont have the space to do it your self. Check out the charity shops and markets for the gear to make them. Another fish raider might like to go halves with you next time he is making some.
  7. Wet weekends are a good time to teach the better half to tie knots and rigs and show her how to bait a hook. I think its great to take your better half with you as when you go shopping they will also enjoy the visit to the tackle shop now they have the taste.
  8. Dave Phone me 0414 628186. My boat is ideal for the price.Will sell it to you for $1000. IT is rough but suitable for a bash around the bay. I have looked after the motor and it will pass any test. I have owned it for 15 years.has a little canopy, cracked wind screen and it leaks a little. Comes with a sounder.I fish a lone so I didn`t worry too much. I now need a few comforts so the reason for selling. IT also has lights but the white light is not legal any more.
  9. Great catch in a great spot You just brought back some great memories of 50 years ago.
  10. I experienced the same today at a Lane Cove park and it made me very upset. Terrific place to fish but it wont be long before it is closed to fishing. My friend thought paying a fee was a good idea as he felt it would keep the trouble out. I agree. I would volunteer my services to collect the money. I have considered going to council to see if I could be a volunteer inspector with the right to take photos and record number plates for their records and hand out advice notices warning them of breaking the law. Just my thoughts.
  11. Always use a small keeper hook(an extra hook size 10not tied on) to help the nipper stay on as well as a hitch knot. Sometimes you can use a larger keeper hook and you will find most of your fish will be caught on the keeper hook. Some fish come back for seconds and get caught or strike the middle or behind the head.
  12. Good luck Hope the water is clean for you.Harbour might be a better option but will be very busy unless you go sunrise.Back in early and you wont miss the start oF BEER TIME AND BIG BREAKFAST.
  13. Where are all the green groups who accuse us of ill doings The G`vt are allowed to pollute this bay with out fear of prosecution and the greens sell themselves out. Now you know why they bought out the commercial fishos with our money Hope you have better luck next fish
  14. The problem these days is the person who serves you may have a different interpretation of the rules and some airlines have different rules. What is a possible option is to forward your gear in advance to where you are staying. pre arrange this of course. Again there are +`s and minus`s in this as well. I use to do it that way but it was some 20 years ago and had no trouble but today as you know is a lot different. IT was the best way when travelling in Australia to send your tackle by courier Have a great holiday.
  15. IM not sure but is it legal to fish there. If not it wont be long before they stop it. One of the reasons why they are banning fishing. If not waterways, councils are getting fed up.
  16. The best thing you can do is take your boat to HUEY and ask him to fix your troubles. YOU will get the most professional job and go away knowing your trouble free . HE will install the best quality parts with excellent back up sevice.
  17. They might be cheaper but I enjoy talking to my favorite tackle shop mate who always gives me a good deal IMO. Always feel good knowing i helped him earn a living in AUSTRALIA. DON`T YOU.
  18. I believe K/fish are very lazy B`s and look for an easy feed. Burley is an answere to getting them to feed. Now that the population has increased they are becoming less fussy and have changed their eating habits. Competition is making them to be competitive and less fussy.
  19. Great story you write interesting verse. I agree there are gremlins out there that like to borrow your anchor. I have had the same problem. where are the bubbles.
  20. YOU guys are the BEST. GOOD ON YOU.
  21. Windang and the Entrance bridges. Talk to the local shops in each area they will tell you when. Dont be late getting there as its a carpark of boats when they do. Take an extra anchor and a heavy anchor so you position your self right.
  22. I think the jew are the result of the release of a few hundred fingerlings four to five year ago by Fisheries with our licence money. Its great to see this area beginning to fire again. A great night spot back in the early 80`s especially in winter. Good catch.
  23. Went out sat as well. Great day but all undersize cockneys.There must be a huge plagueof them. Did get two good trevally at the start around Kurnell heads but the cockneys moved in on my burley. WAS the barrometer in a bad phase or was all the boats out there causing the fish to go Quiet. As you have read .when the bay was chopped up the fish were biting their heads off. I was using live nippers and fresh Georges river prawns.Tried a number of spots plus drifted.
  24. You can also butterfly a big tailor for bait. Boath jew and kingies will take a bite.
  25. Great catch. I think you better take a bigger esky next time. Like your classy fishing outfit. Better than those commercial ones.
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