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sydney south big dollie


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We put the boat in yesterday with fish head breno with a plan to head out for dollie's, put it in the hacking got some livies and headed out around 7:00am.

The seas were flat so we got to the southern fad in about half an hour, as we pulled up we could see lots of litte fish around and one big one sitting right on the buoy.

Casted a livie about 4 meters off the buoy and the big one ran out and smashed the bait and ran straight around the other side of the fad. Breno quickly reversed the boat around the fad after it, then I could set the hook. The fish ran away from the fad thank god because I was only using a diwa 4000 with about 120 meters of 30 pound braid with 18kg leader not much stopping power for this fish. It did a few jumps but spent most of the fight about 40 meters below the boat. Eventully coming up so we could grab the leader and gaff it, the fight took about an hour, very happy the circle was in the corner of the jaw and we managed to land it.

After we got home we weighed the fish and it weighed in at 25kg and the length was 160cm over all.post-11419-0-14365500-1398313019_thumb.jpgpost-11419-0-61539700-1398313143_thumb.jpgpost-11419-0-82055300-1398313271_thumb.jpg

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Still can't believe how lucky we were to land that beast on such light gear, dodgy knot, small rusty hook and your pathetic angling skills ha ha.

Should enter it for catch of the month.

I also see it a fishraider record.

We'll done mate. Hope we have more days like that one.

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That is fish of a life time. I always worry that same thing when fishing so light what if a monster gets on . I was out monday and only fish with 2000 diawa with 8lb and 16lb leader . You deserve the record for patience when they can get down that deep they are hard to get up . Top job .

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