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Allow Me To Introduce Myself


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Gday all,

Looking forward to getting involved in the forum. I enjoy all types of fishing from chasing local Redfin to heading offshore chasing Marlin. 90% of my fishing is based chasing estuary or freshwater species from Kayaks. I've been fishing since I can remember but found a serious passion for the sport since taking up kayak fishing 3 years ago.



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Gday all,

Looking forward to getting involved in the forum. I enjoy all types of fishing from chasing local Redfin to heading offshore chasing Marlin. 90% of my fishing is based chasing estuary or freshwater species from Kayaks. I've been fishing since I can remember but found a serious passion for the sport since taking up kayak fishing 3 years ago.



Welcome to Fishraider Swiss! There are a lot of kayaks on here including me at times! It's a great way to fish. Hope you find all your looking for on this forum and I look forward to seeing your reports.

Cheers scratchie!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello fellow fishos.

Just joined up and thought it might be nice to introduce myself.

My name is Mitch, I have just moved back home to the central coast after 7 years with the Army up in Townsville. I left a little worse for wear and am now semi retired for a little while, and needed something to keep me out and about and busy, and most importantly, keep me sane.

I used to fish religiously with mates when I was younger and spent every holiday away fishing with my old man, but life got in the way and the fishing dropped off.

Fast forward to now and I'm going mad for it again, got myself a tonne of gear and my old man got a nice new boat, and I have been spending most of my time the last few weeks soaking baits around Brisbane Waters and the Hawksbury. I have got my 6 year old boy hooked as well and theres nothing better than seeing the look on his face when he gets himself a nice fish.

Hoping to pick up some hot tips and good info from the crowd here to help me land some good catches, and one day look forward to helping others new to the hobby. Anyway, that's that, see you guys on the water, tight lines to you all!


Edited by MJGough
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  • 2 weeks later...

Gday guys, I'm new here. I'm 29 years old live in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. I grew up in south east Queensland fishing all my life. Since I moved to Sydney 7 years ago I stopped fishing so much always became a lot harder with so many people. However recently caught the bug again and am keen to catch some big fish around the eastern suburbs of Sydney and on some day trips around NSW next year

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Oh finally found where to start, how embarrassment , oh well here now, I guess I've been so blown away by the magnitude of information that I got lost, just joined about a week or so ago. Hey I'm Kingjewy, or John, I'm no expert, far from it, but my story is a little different from most that I've read so far. I'm 50 now, most posts from you blokes say you've been fishing since day dot, and sound like you've loved it all the way, wow, good onya's that's great and I've enjoyed reading all your posts just love it. They've made me think thou Because I so hated fishing for so long. My old man was a perfectionist fly fisherman, a one eyed trout man who tied his own flies and caught the most fish,also usually the biggest ( Was actually true to from what I could see) As a kid thou, from memory he'd drag me out of bed at some ridiculous hour, like 3.30-4.30am and for some reason I had to go with him, out to the Tarago dam, just past Nerim South in Victoria, was about a half hour drive from where we lived, it's a Melbourne water supply dam, so of course he was poaching, but being a local and knowing the Rangers and there movements he was never concerned.( I think even if they did see us they would pretend they didn't). Well, digressing there sorry. So, I believe I hated fishing well into adult life because he would sit me in the reeds on the bank well hidden from any passing rangers and sometimes if I was lucky I had a thermos of tomato soup to keep me warm. Keep in mind this is Victoria ❄️☃☔️ Yuk. And mind you,this happened from about age 4-5, so thus my loathing of fishing of any kind for a long time there after. But however he was also a keen duck shooter and I also had to endure some yuk times for that but mostly that was when I was 10 or so but being just that bit older I could handle that, and ended up loving hunting and hating fishing. After that came rabbits, foxes and deer and by the time I turned 14 in third form at school I left to start my career as a taxidermist in Traralgon Victoria, my eyes were opened even further to the world of fishing and hunting and it just consumed me, mounting massive trout from lake pedda in Tasmania to 300 odd kg Marlin from NSW somewhere ( all skin mounts back in them days) . Ok, so where am I going with this you ask?? No where really, just blurting it all out, but enjoying it at the same time, never told this story before, and I wouldn't have a clue if it's at all interesting to anyone else or not, so I guess if you've read it thus far then don't stop now. oh and believe me, I'm not an habitual writer, this site has done this to me, so thanx to all you fishraider people. Ok where was i, oh right, skip a few years now, and by the time I turned 18 got my licence and I was gone, headed west to Perth, couldn't get a job there so headed off to Wiluna in the desert to become a barman. I was head barman within 3months, (Staff turnover averaged about 3-4 weeks) so after selling my car twice to the local wanguy people( that's another story) back to Perth, bought a back pack and hitchhiked north, was looking for any work by this time and Geraldton is a fishing port, but no such luck, I probably wasn't keen enough on fishing yet. ........................ So on I go heading to Broome, about 21 by this time. Young dumb and full of cum, as you can imagine. Landed in Broome, after a few short stays in towns before there, met a long haired local beauty and to jump ahead a bit, she had contacts. so after my initiation into the local Broome families we ended up in Beagle bay, well, fishoes, this is where you come in, cos this place is a fishermans paradise, no shit, and even better if you had a boat, but, I still wasn't awake, even then, to the joys of fishing, I'm not shitting you, we lived in a tent on the coast there for 9 months, I caught mud crabs the size of a large pizza plate every other morning when the tide was out just with a bent length of quarter inch rod, dragging them out from under the abundant natural oyster encrusted rocks, and when we caught enough,usually about 3-4 we'd sit and eat luscious oysters as an appetiser before cooking the crabs. And guess what? I'm still blind to fishing??? Go figure!! Ok, so shoot forward about another 8 years and I'm in Darwin, February 1992 woohoo, that was always my goal, go to Darwin.( I went there on a holiday when I was 16 whilst doing my taxidermy apprenticeship) and vowed to return.. So here I was in wonderful Darwin town 1992, was married by 1994 fishing still was a low priority but hey, that didn't last long, my wife at the time had big connections to the famous Victoria river, where I constantly saw over 1 meter barra's caught, actually it's normal for those people living on the vic. Still, fishing is neither here nor there to me. ................. Eventually we had a child together, a boy, my son, and as he grew the years went by to his big age of about 4!!!!!! Hellooo? How is it that this young child of mine was so in love with fishing? I've no idea, cos I didn't encourage it at all, he was so persistent thru the years that I bought a boat, a quentrex top ender, OMG WTF, I've finally seen the light, it would be nice to end there but low and behold that's where the fun stopped ( not before some tremendous fishing though) aah well, now here I am back in horrible Victoria without a boat or a rod but loving fishing more than ever? Go figure

Well if anyone at all had the patience to read this then guess what,!! Your reward is a great days fishing tomorrow and tight lines to you.

Cheers Kingjewy

Ps I have a good profile pic of me and my jewy but can't seem to get it on here? FIIK

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G'Day all

My name is Jason and new to Fishraider. I just secured a half share in a 4.2m Savage Fibreglass Runabout. Keen to get out do plenty of fishing off Cronulla and Kurnell. My goal is to get a Kingie over a metre. I love fishing and just like to say this site is great.


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Welcome to todays new Fishraider members - Mark and Jason.

Hope you enjoy your time on here and we are looking forward to seeing your reports. Please take a second to visit the site rules if you have not done so already.

Cheers & welcome again

Blood Knot

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Gday all, my names Greg, I passed 50 and going strong, Been fishing most of my life, I'm a kiwi but been over here for over 25 years now, some top fishing over here. I have 1 young fella, 8 years old gong on 40, we head out fishing whenever we can.

I have a 16ft Aussie Flightcraft with a new 60 ETEC goes well. Used to have a 18ft Seafarer with a 140 on the back but was a bit much to handle solo so down scaled.

Haven't been able to get out much this season, either too much rain or working, been a drab season for me.

I got onto these forums researching Hairtail, It's still 1 fish that has eluded me but I keep trying. I prefer to fish the Hawkesbury.

I love chasing Jew but so far nothing big to report only the small one, throw back ones.



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  • 4 weeks later...


My name is Greg and based in Bathurst and after a hiatus from serious fishing for many years have finally found time to chase a passion

I own a 4.9 meter fishabout and am still exploring some of the many great spots along our coast and don't mind travelling if fish are on.

Most of past experience has been freshwater but with decline of many local rivers and dams due to drought and carp and looking east

As you can imagine in 10 years since I really wet a line things have changed with braided lines and plastics and slowly updating gear

Have found so much valuable info on here and thanks to all those who contribute

Looking forward to heading down to Jervis Bay / St George Basin next week for a few weeks


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Hi y'all,

I'm Mauricio, 30 yrs old. I live in the parramatta area with my wife and 2 kids. I joined Fishraider 2 weeks ago. I have been fishing for only 3 yrs. I fish land based around the northern beaches and harbour. I love targeting drummer but for the past a few months I have been chasing the elusive Kingies. I hope to buy a boat and the strongest sea sickness medication available in the near future, (hopefully

Christmas present). Thank you all for your very informative reports, I look forward to contributing to this great site and fishing community.

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Hi all.

Been flicking through this forum for a couple weeks now and decided to sign up today!

I'm about a month or 2 into fishing and I can't get enough of it. I already have 3 rods lol. I've been trying to find a few land based areas south of Sydney with not much luck due to lack of knowledge.

I am teaching myself with rods/reels/main lines/leaders ect through this site alone, I have actually managed to catch some fish of late (mostly flathead biggest measuring 69cm using prawns as bait which I cooked on the webber this weekend while camping in Umina.

I'll leave it at that, great site with lots of great advice and info!! Cheers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, Will here,

New here and been living in AUS fro about 4 years now, i don't go out much as im working all the time.

But i wanted to go fishing as i have gear but never really had the time/friends to go fishing with.

I met some people and it seems like a lot of these guys have hobbies in "clubbing" Which i don't mind but at times i just feel

like i wana sit relax and wait for a bite. So hope i can find some near by places i can go fishing pref. on shore as i don't own a boat.

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Hi all my name is Stuart and I've been reading posts on fish raider for the past 2 years so I thought it would be about time to become a member. I live in the Sutherland shire and I have recently purchased a 460 coast runner in the last 12months. Mainly fish the hacking and outside from cronulla. Don't know the area amazingly but know a few basic spots. Looking forward to posting in the forums and meeting some fellow raiders!! Cheers Stu.

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Hi all, I'm Leigh. I am fishing obsessed and have been all my life. Currently I am living in South Australia but travel interstate every year on various fishing based trips. In SA I work in the aquaculture industry and love being around the water. I am a regular poster on the South Australian fishing forum Strike&Hook, of which I am a moderator but decided to join Fishraider as I like to read lots of info on fishing, no matter where in Australia that is. And that the reputation for this site is far and above that of other interstate forums.

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