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Byron beach session


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In Byron for a week, packed the beach gear. Second session on tallows beach tonight. Few dart early on and a big shovel nose. Right on last light and 1 hour before the high tide score a few good tailor. Quickly bled ready for the BBQ. Good times, love holidaysIMG_1047.JPG

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1 hour ago, LuckyFil said:

If you get a smaller one or are happy to sacrifice a tailor fillet its worth putting it out for a jewie in that area. I saw a nice one taken just north of the lighthouse off the rocks last year

I was going to put one out in hopes of a Jew but my head torch was running out of batteries and did not like the idea of finding the beach access in the dark.

i have fished the rocks on the point under the lighthouse at little wategos before. I find them a little sketchy as no exit routes. Had a close call there before. Can't wear cleats on those rocks, the black volcanic type.

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