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Minister Of Finance.


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I was telling Jason in the tackle shop I would be in trouble for spending so much. He gave me an interesting perspective. If I ash My wife if I can spend $200 on fishing gear. Il get into trouble.! If I buy $200 in fishing gear and then tell her Ill get into trouble, But Ill have $200 in fishing gear !!!!!!

Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 11.31.27 am.png

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As a matter if interest (YOUR interest...) do some discreet investigation in to the cost of your wife's cosmetics and hair-do's.


I found a $60 lipstick melted on my car carpet one time.


4 Hours ago I had a haircut and beard trim --$25.  IN THE SAME SHOP... at the same time... my wife had a haircut-- nothing else- she already has very short hair......  $40.00

Stop worrying about the occasional cost of some mandatory equipment necessary to put food on the table....

Edited by dmck
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It’s amazing what you get away with if you just stick a couple of fish scales on any new rod or reel you purchase. Just saying. 😉

The other thing you have to worry about (although I guess it’s too late to worry then), is that when you die your wife will sell your fishing gear based on what you told her it was worth! 😂

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1 hour ago, dmck said:

As a matter if interest (YOUR interest...) do some discreet investigation in to the cost of your wife's cosmetics and hair-do's.


I found a $60 lipstick melted on my car carpet one time.


4 Hours ago I had a haircut and beard trim --$25.  IN THE SAME SHOP... at the same time... my wife had a haircut-- nothing else- she already has very short hair......  $40.00

Stop worrying about the occasional cost of some mandatory equipment necessary to put food on the table....

Hmmmmmm not sure where to start here. 
Perhaps you should have married another male ..... 

Cmon I am sure you want your wife to look attractive.

Be nice to your ladies ;) 

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1 hour ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

Be nice to your ladies ;)

ALWAYS tell Maria how great she looks - esp on the boat holding a  🎣 

Remember she was the one that said - “get a bigger boat” after we got into trouble in our 16ft. 

cheers Zoran 

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11 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

Or buy her exactly the same gear - so she can’t say you spent it on yourself ! Worst case you end up with a matching setup!

cheers Zoran 

OR YOU END UP IN HOSPITAL! UPSIDE: you can use the gear when you get out of hospital. bn

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We have a very balanced funding arrangement at our house between the federal government (the wife) and the local government (me).

despite the fact that the local government does all the hard work, the federal government does all the allocating of funds to healthcare, education and weekly operating costs 😆

I have to admit, she is very fair. We set aside a portion of money for personal spending each fortnight and that amount is split 50/50 between us, so there is never any complaints about " you bought this".

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I love my Darling dearly... and I know exactly where I stand.....

She was going to leave me and take half my money.... but she decided to stay... and have it all.....


There are 2 budgets operating in our household..

'Her money'... and 'our money'

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Geez the only thing I have to hide is the cheeky Cigarette when on a boys weekend away, everything else isn't tracked, probably because both aren't massive spenders and she knows I'm a bit tight when it comes to spending on myself.

When looking for a boat we went to the Sydney Darling Harbour boat show:

I was in the Stacer 519 Bowrider and the salesman asked if I need help, I said I wanted this boat, just need my wife to look at it,

Boatshow Salesman asked "Is she here"

ME: Yep looked around and said that's her waving from the massive wakeboard boat, yelling "Lets get this one"

Boatshow Salesman: Quick get out of this boat, most wives are looking a cheap tinnie yours in in a $130,000 Wake boat

Discussed the Bowrider with the salesman and left as we were just starting out boat upgrade journey.

The kids and I did the dealer inspections on weekends and one dealer had rabbits in the yard, so my 3 kids chased them around for ages and the salesman remember me from the Darling Harbour show.

We went to the trailer boat show at SOP Homebush to buy the 519 bowrider on special,

Met the same Boatshow salesman and my wife decided we should pick the larger size boat than I was looking at, I agreed and she negotiated the deal, got the list of options included, told the dealer we will be back in 20mins.

Wife made me read the list and said if you don't tick it your not getting it in 12mths, its now or never, don't want to hear you say it needs to be upgraded or bigger, so I ticked heaps and then she read through the list and asked the kids, have you heard Dad talk about this or that.

Then back to the dealer and did the deal with Boatshow salesman for the boat, I'm super happy, she is relived I have stopped talking about buying a boat and happy days. That was 2016.

So one lazy day in 2019 I said I was going to the trailer boat show at Rosehill and my wife and kids said they would come along, I was just looking and passing time.

Got chatting to a Stacer salesman (Salesman 1) looking at the new 539 bowrider and comparing to mine, when the Boatshow Salesman I purchased my Stacer 539 of in 2016, appeared and then stopped and said, didn't I sell you a bowrider, I said yes and then his face lit up and he smiled.

Boatshow Salesman : your dealing with the wrong person, he said as he was looking round excited.

Salesman 1: Not sure what your talking about and he looked at me

Boatshow Salesman: Where is his wife and kids, look for her in our bigger boats, then started laughing and looking around, as he found her in a $70k Stejcraft 580 deluxe half cab, He remembered her name and called out is it time for a bigger boat.

Had to drag my wife away as they started discussing options and trade in prices on my bowrider, she finished with we will be back soon.

Edited by jeffb5.8
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3 hours ago, jeffb5.8 said:

Geez the only thing I have to hide is the cheeky Cigarette when on a boys weekend away, everything else isn't tracked, probably because both aren't massive spenders and she knows I'm a bit tight when it comes to spending on myself.

When looking for a boat we went to the Sydney Darling Harbour boat show:

I was in the Stacer 519 Bowrider and the salesman asked if I need help, I said I wanted this boat, just need my wife to look at it,

Boatshow Salesman asked "Is she here"

ME: Yep looked around and said that's her waving from the massive wakeboard boat, yelling "Lets get this one"

Boatshow Salesman: Quick get out of this boat, most wives are looking a cheap tinnie yours in in a $130,000 Wake boat

Discussed the Bowrider with the salesman and left as we were just starting out boat upgrade journey.

The kids and I did the dealer inspections on weekends and one dealer had rabbits in the yard, so my 3 kids chased them around for ages and the salesman remember me from the Darling Harbour show.

We went to the trailer boat show at SOP Homebush to buy the 519 bowrider on special,

Met the same Boatshow salesman and my wife decided we should pick the larger size boat than I was looking at, I agreed and she negotiated the deal, got the list of options included, told the dealer we will be back in 20mins.

Wife made me read the list and said if you don't tick it your not getting it in 12mths, its now or never, don't want to hear you say it needs to be upgraded or bigger, so I ticked heaps and then she read through the list and asked the kids, have you heard Dad talk about this or that.

Then back to the dealer and did the deal with Boatshow salesman for the boat, I'm super happy, she is relived I have stopped talking about buying a boat and happy days. That was 2016.

So one lazy day in 2019 I said I was going to the trailer boat show at Rosehill and my wife and kids said they would come along, I was just looking and passing time.

Got chatting to a Stacer salesman (Salesman 1) looking at the new 539 bowrider and comparing to mine, when the Boatshow Salesman I purchased my Stacer 539 of in 2016, appeared and then stopped and said, didn't I sell you a bowrider, I said yes and then his face lit up and he smiled.

Boatshow Salesman : your dealing with the wrong person, he said as he was looking round excited.

Salesman 1: Not sure what your talking about and he looked at me

Boatshow Salesman: Where is his wife and kids, look for her in out bigger boats, then started laughing and looking around, as he found her in a $70k Stejcraft 580 deluxe half cab, He remembered her name and called out is it time for a bigger boat.

Had to drag my wife away as they started discussing options and trade in prices on my bowrider, she finished with we will be back soon.

Yes, my wife was very supportive of my boat purchase too, if on a smaller scale. She probably wanted me to shut up about it but it was basically an “it’s now or never” situation. She even told me I might as well get the Minn Kota etc. too. 😎 Of course, later on, as the redundancy money ran out and I can only get part time work, when funds are low she says, “You might have to sell the boat”. I reply, “If I have to sell the boat, I’ll just die. Maybe I’ll just die in the boat”. She says, “Maybe that can be arranged. Maybe you’ll fall overboard!” So... she has yet to learn to drive a boat and maybe I’ll keep it that way! 😂😂😂

Edited by Berleyguts
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I must be the odd one out here (or just lucky) for many years after we were married, my wife was my boating/fishing mate, so, buying gear and so on was never an issue, except most things we had to buy two! These days she mainly comes crabbing with me, so buying traps and the tinny were not an issue.

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35 minutes ago, noelm said:

I must be the odd one out here (or just lucky) for many years after we were married, my wife was my boating/fishing mate, so, buying gear and so on was never an issue, except most things we had to buy two! These days she mainly comes crabbing with me, so buying traps and the tinny were not an issue.

Don't think you're the odd one out @noelm,  just blessed.

All my married life, which is now almost 40 years (and many years well before we were married as well) my wife has been my boating & fishing mate and still continues to be. This spans quite a number of boats over the years and even included taking our daughters with us when they were in nappies. They still love boating and fishing to this day.

I think we are both very lucky mate 😁

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2 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

@Berleyguts yes understand that thinking. 
Somehow we have ended up with 2 boats.

I (Minister of Finance) am looking down the barrel of selling them too. Toys go first if you have no income.
Beach fishing looks fun on our caravan travels ;) 


If we decided to go caravanning, I suppose I could be happy with beach and rock fishing... but maybe a 12ft car topper at least (that was my original plan back in the 80s anyway). But at the moment, living in Port Stephens, my 4.5m seems almost a necessity and it is really not expensive to run. 😉

The other option (which I’m sure she won’t agree to), is to sell the house and buy a live aboard boat and live in that. I’m sure I’d be happy! 😂

Edited by Berleyguts
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17 minutes ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

Well I had never been fishing and the only boat I had been on was the Manly ferry but I ended up buying a fishing forum! 
The rest is history.

Look after your wives and give them a nice day on Sunday fellas :)

My present for the better half arrived in the mail today and my son (same initial) opened it in error, so she discovered what it was. End result, she’s happy and I have a leave pass to go fishing tomorrow. Broughton here I come! Look after the little ladies, lads!

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5 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

Well I had never been fishing and the only boat I had been on was the Manly ferry but I ended up buying a fishing forum! 
The rest is history.

Look after your wives and give them a nice day on Sunday fellas :)

I'm sure that the majority of Fishraiders will be especially nice to their "Minister of Finances" on Mother's Day Donna. I know that I will and certain that Swordy will do the same for you.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Raiders better halves. bn

Actually it will make a good thread being as this years Mother's Day is being celebrated in "quarantine conditions". How did we spend the 2020 Mother's Day? Might start that up on Monday. 

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Good topic ( sorry Donna 😐

Its actually quite interesting to read what other wives think of their husbands fishing habits and purchases. I think for most part it is a negotiation like anything else in life. The men that cater for their wife’s needs will benefit the most in the end. 
For me, I just simply ask if she minds if I purchase something, knowing what our family budget is and also knowing that it is not going to break the bank. Usually the answer is yes! 
As for fishing, I basically go whenever I want with no argument.  The understanding that family comes first and always will. 
Now that I’ve write that down, I’m actually pretty fortunate to have an understanding wife, thanks love! 

cheers scratchie!!! 

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I'm with @noelm, @Mullatt, @Scratchie on this one.  Never had any issue regarding any spending both ways. We trust each other to do the right thing - there's no federal and state, upper and lower house situation - budgets and plans are co-created - and adjusted as we execute eg. I had only ever intended to have one deep drop electric set up in the arsenal, but after "we" experienced the technology - we now have 2. 

Similarly, in the kitchen - the appliances and in the workshop - the tools, then there's the guitars and the sewing room, and then there's the ski gear .... oh dear .... if it adds to the quality and joy of life - proceed. But in hindsight I guess we have one over arching consideration that we apply - is it going to get used?  If not - don't buy.

Cheers Z

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52 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

I'm with @noelm, @Mullatt, @Scratchie on this one.  Never had any issue regarding any spending both ways. We trust each other to do the right thing - there's no federal and state, upper and lower house situation - budgets and plans are co-created - and adjusted as we execute eg. I had only ever intended to have one deep drop electric set up in the arsenal, but after "we" experienced the technology - we now have 2. 

Similarly, in the kitchen - the appliances and in the workshop - the tools, then there's the guitars and the sewing room, and then there's the ski gear .... oh dear .... if it adds to the quality and joy of life - proceed. But in hindsight I guess we have one over arching consideration that we apply - is it going to get used?  If not - don't buy.

Cheers Z

Did you get this approved before you posted it...?🤣

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