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Bellambi Reds 13-09-20


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Gday Raiders

Managed another hall pass having fished earlier during the week and after a quick chat with Dad we decided to continue the hunt for reds down at Bellambi. 

Firstly, holy crap what a shit show that boat ramp has become... certainly not the ramp to visit without doing your homework beforehand and almost everytime i visit there is some dumb and dumber who has rolled their boat straight off the trailer, get bogged on the sand or tie off on the (only) 4 metres of usable jetty there for 20 minutes. 

I do honestly feel for the locals especially the ones who work mon-fri and cant get out other than weekends.

Anyway, on the fishing front a lovely day with little wind and swell. The blue bottles have arrived early this year as i saw at least a dozen today? I thought they only come in with the blue warm water.

We worked hard and moved at least a dozen times to find a few nice fish, some legals, a few around 40cm and dad breaking his PB with a 69cm humpy...... one darn cm short of 70cm. Still,  a good fish that put up one hell of a fight and gave a good account of itself. Most fish caught inbetween 50 and 60M depth.

Next weekend wedding anniversary and the week after that my sons birthday..... hopefully have another report for you guys in October 😔

Thanks for reading 



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Nice catch! Yeah as a local it is really gutting and like many others have been avoiding Bellambi and launching South. Went out today and we went super early to avoid the usual muppets and came back in before 10am to avoid the hoards returning and creating chaos. 

It’s just a muppet show down there now. 

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15 hours ago, zmk1962 said:

A nice bag again mate and an awesome humpy ... you're dad must be stoked with that. The next two weekends will fly by and you'll be out on "warmer" water in no time.

Cheers Zoran

Thanks Zoran. Dad was absolutely chuffed with that fish - hes been waiting a while to break his PB which from memory might be 63cm.

15 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

Great result & go dad showing the young bloke how its done :biggrinthumb:

Thanks KC - yes he certainly won the bragging rights yesterday haha

14 hours ago, recurve said:

Nice catch! Yeah as a local it is really gutting and like many others have been avoiding Bellambi and launching South. Went out today and we went super early to avoid the usual muppets and came back in before 10am to avoid the hoards returning and creating chaos. 

It’s just a muppet show down there now. 

Thanks Recurve. Yep i feel for you, like you when i fish Bellambi i try to get there as early as possible to avoid the freak show but sometimes i get caught. I am usually off the trailer in 3-5 minutes flat, wait out in the harbour until dad has parked the boat then pick him up from the jetty. 

Yesterday some toolbag tied off on the jetty and was doing mechanical repairs on his motor and it created an absolute clusterf%$K for people who are trying to pick people up from the jetty. Like seriously, test your engine at home. If for some reason you have unexpected engine trouble, get out of the way ! Its a small jetty, think of others.

Its really not hard, but some people have got no common sense or respect for others. I did give the toolbag mechanic a good spray for his dumbf@^%kery.

13 hours ago, Scratchie said:

Take the leave pass while you can mate! Congrats to your Dad on the pb! At least your finding them! A good feed amongst that lot! 

cheers scratchie!!! 

Thanks Jeff - its taken a lot of trips but time, persistence and trial/error eventually pays off with fishing.

12 hours ago, Yowie said:

Nice bag of fish, and one good one to top it off.

Thanks Yowie, happy with that lot

10 hours ago, Welster said:

Nice bag of fish Sam.   I bet your dad was pretty happy with that one!

Cheers Welster - he actually did a little dance when we got it in the boat🤣

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On 9/14/2020 at 8:40 PM, Pickles said:

Nice fish Sam, gotta to be happy with those snapper, we’ll done.

Thanks Pickles

13 minutes ago, 61 crusher said:

Good report, photos & congrats on your dads pb 

 assuming no burley just moving around to find them, nice bag of fish 👍

Cheers Crusher, dad was stoked.

I usually do burley when fishing for snapper but didnt on this trip.

Once you get to 60M in depth i get skeptical about its effectiveness. Unless its a very slow drift of 1km/hr or less i dont usually burley in deep water

Edited by GoingFishing
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