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Port Stephens- Last throw of the dice!


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G’day raiders, 

With the Xmas festivities out of the way, some of my family came up to visit! I managed to get my nephew and brother in law out this morning. Looking at the weather there was only a very short window and we took it. 
Left the ramp at 5am, casting by 530. Both my relos new to plastic fishing but we stuck to the plan. First drift and they must have thought that I was having them on as I came up tight 4 times with 2 decent snapper. A bit more tuition and another drift and they started to feel some nibbles and finally one of them lands one for the box. Then another and another! Changed a few locations and finally the in-law has a bit of drag pulling. I wind up fast and turn my attention to him and with a bit of coaching we land the biggest fish he’s ever caught! 
And with we called it a morning and head hone in a southerly slop! Back home by 9am! Happy Days 🤙

cheers scratchie!!! 





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1 hour ago, kingie chaser said:

Great work Jeff, I bet it felt great to get the B.I.L & the nephew into their 1st fish on SP's & a PB to boot :thumbup: 


Enjoy the family cook up 👍

Thanks KC. Very satisfying watching someone catch their biggest fish ever. His adrenaline was going and he was pretty excited. 

1 hour ago, Peter Nelson said:

Nice one mate.

Did you launch at Shoal bay, what’s the ramp like?

Cheers. Yep shoal bay. I’m not going near little beach. Ramp was good but it was a big high tide! 

52 minutes ago, Yowie said:

Good work again Scratchie, nice fish for the plate, and teaching relos the art of snapper fishing.

Thanks yowie! It will make for a good feed tomorrow night! 

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2 hours ago, Rebel said:

Great day out and a great haul. Well done.

Thanks mate! 

27 minutes ago, hookerbruce said:

Nice catch for a short trip especially when you allow for travel time. 

Cheers. Short trips work well sometimes. Leaves plenty of the day for family 

10 minutes ago, Welster said:

Awesome work for a quick session.  Its great to see they gave turned up. 

Cheers mate! They are definitely back, thank god! 

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13 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

Nice goin jeff  im tryin to pik a window for my usual ovrnter but weathers drivin me nuts   hope to get up soon

12 hours ago, Pickles said:

Top effort Scratchie - nailed ‘em again.

Id be smiling like that too if that was my first snapper on a plastic

Thanks guys! Was a good short session! 

1 hour ago, Matheus said:

Thas the best 4 hrs sesh! 


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Fortunately for me, none of my relos are into fishing.

If they all were, my boat would sink under their weight.

The net result is I end up watching me catch fish - just the way I like it.

And I prefer looong trips - 8-9 hours - I call it "quality time away from the asylum, ie the real world".

But well done on making their day - catching, CLEANING, unsure about the cooking, and definitely the eating.

Now you are the favourite uncle AND father-in-law amongst all the relos in your family.

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