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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022 to all raiders and their families


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Some of us pimped our boats or bought new vessels and fishing tackle. We added some new areas to the forum, Digital Cinema and Waza's Yarns. We listened to lots of podcasts and watched online YouTube offerings from some of our members and others. Deckee keeps us afloat and provides us with the very best weather, boating and fishing app available. 

It has been outstanding that even without the daily fishing reports we still managed to continue our growth. People were doing a lot more google searching and found us and joined. 

On behalf of the whole team at fishraider we sincerely thank you for supporting our community during the year with your input. Without you there is no forum. 

To all our many, many guests please join the forum and join in the conversations you are always welcome.

Moderators are what holds this forum together. A massive thanks to @Scratchie @dirvin21 @Rah for helping me here. Thanks to @Blackfish for identifying fish in The Aquarium, thanks to our Fish Chefs and members that gave us great fish recipes and of course all our Mentors and Gold Members who always give so much time to help others. There are too many others to mention. Every member is special to us.

RAIDERS RULE and lets keep that raider spirit alive as we go into 2022. 

Stewy and I wish you the very best for 2022 and beyond :fisher:



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Very special thanks to the hard working administration crew for their super efforts in what has been a particularly difficult year. Their efforts have allowed the rest of us to continue doing what we love (share our passion for fishing, with each other).

Best wishes to you all for good health and tight lines.


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Happy New Year to you too, Donna and to the mods and all the Raiders. Thanks for keeping us going during what has been a couple of trying years. Here’s to a much better year in 2022! Me? I’m seeing the new year in  with my new Greek friend, Omicron, who I get to spend the next 6 or 7 days with. 🤧😷🤕🤮🤷‍♂️😂

Take care, everyone… and stay safe!

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10 hours ago, Berleyguts said:

Happy New Year to you too, Donna and to the mods and all the Raiders. Thanks for keeping us going during what has been a couple of trying years. Here’s to a much better year in 2022! Me? I’m seeing the new year in  with my new Greek friend, Omicron, who I get to spend the next 6 or 7 days with. 🤧😷🤕🤮🤷‍♂️😂

Take care, everyone… and stay safe!

Sorry to hear that Baz. Hope you’re doing ok. Here’s to a quick recovery and restoration to a full bill of health afterwards.

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Happy New year everyone.I celebrated Xmas eve with my mum on her birthday(80) and now I'm celebrating New yrs day with the Mother inlaw on her birthday too.(80 also).Make the most of your time with family and friends guys as life is short and we certainly don't know how long we are on this earth for.

  Ps.Yowie,I'm coming for your fish once this mayhem is over.😂🤣😂

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Thanks for helping us stay sane over the past year, to Donna & all the moderaters as always fantastic effort on making this the best family fishing oriented site there is 👏👏👍👍 as well as all the good fishraider folk

May you reels sing & your rods stay bent……keep the glass half full & make sure the shiny side stays up for the year ahead 

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