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Australia Day Pre-Fish


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Knowing that Australia Day on the water is a nightmare unless you are piloting a 60' cruiser I decided heading out on the 25th would be a wiser option, especially for a fish.

Launched about 4pm with my beautiful wife and headed around to Gunnamatta Bay for a swim and a snack in the sun.

Around 6 we motored up river to some flats and I pumped some nippers so we could spend an hour or so fishing the run out. I was charged with tying terminals, baiting hooks, removing bi-catch and operating the electric motor while my wife proceeded to outfish me by 5 fish to 1 crab! The biggest whiting went 40, the flatty close to 50 and the fat little crab was very unlucky as he let the hook go just as I got the net under him:)Whiting.thumb.JPG.5ae0ac6e5e328aff682c14d5f1e32f9c.JPGBS.JPG.cf4a8096fa0677252432fbc756f6afe7.JPGFlatty.thumb.JPG.a75ddb779020c823c441ceebf67fb523.JPG

It was a great little session interrupted by a hundred pinkies and an airborne long tom but we managed a good bag and couple of cool beers, back at the ramp by 8pm.1602601960_JB(3).thumb.JPG.11d993ff48efdf39e3f94e8bb3100334.JPGBag.thumb.JPG.7216ff17c2bbb8826d82f1ae4aadfba2.JPG

Looking forward to a relaxing Australia Day with some prawns and a Weber cooked lamb shoulder for dinner!

Happy Strya Day Raiders:)

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3 hours ago, jenno64 said:

Knowing that Australia Day on the water is a nightmare unless you are piloting a 60' cruiser I decided heading out on the 25th would be a wiser option, especially for a fish.

Launched about 4pm with my beautiful wife and headed around to Gunnamatta Bay for a swim and a snack in the sun.

Around 6 we motored up river to some flats and I pumped some nippers so we could spend an hour or so fishing the run out. I was charged with tying terminals, baiting hooks, removing bi-catch and operating the electric motor while my wife proceeded to outfish me by 5 fish to 1 crab! The biggest whiting went 40, the flatty close to 50 and the fat little crab was very unlucky as he let the hook go just as I got the net under him:)Whiting.thumb.JPG.5ae0ac6e5e328aff682c14d5f1e32f9c.JPGBS.JPG.cf4a8096fa0677252432fbc756f6afe7.JPGFlatty.thumb.JPG.a75ddb779020c823c441ceebf67fb523.JPG

It was a great little session interrupted by a hundred pinkies and an airborne long tom but we managed a good bag and couple of cool beers, back at the ramp by 8pm.1602601960_JB(3).thumb.JPG.11d993ff48efdf39e3f94e8bb3100334.JPGBag.thumb.JPG.7216ff17c2bbb8826d82f1ae4aadfba2.JPG

Looking forward to a relaxing Australia Day with some prawns and a Weber cooked lamb shoulder for dinner!

Happy Strya Day Raiders:)

Excellent result.Don't let Yowie know you're catching his fish.

The definition  of insanity is fishing on public holidays,Xmas,Easter and school holidays along with weekends if you ask me.😂🤣

  Perhaps that's why I never get out.I think I may be onto something🤔.

Well done to you both.

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On 1/26/2022 at 11:44 AM, Little_Flatty said:

Now that’s a feed!

Reading between the lines, I take it the catch was enjoyed as a late dinner? :) 

No we had toasties as we got back home about 8:30! Fillets all prepared today:)

On 1/26/2022 at 12:17 PM, mrsswordfisherman said:

Now that’s what I am talkin’ about!!

Well done mrsjenno64 (please get a login 😁 and post these victories)

Great post guys and enjoy your Aussie Day feed 

Thanks Donna

Mrs Jenno was on fire!

On 1/26/2022 at 12:58 PM, Yowie said:

Good work Rob, a couple of good whiting, flattie and entree crab. 

My wife does not fish we me, reckons I swear when I lose a fish.  (don't think I do that much anymore) 🤣

It was a good result for a quick trip:) Now I can't imagine you swearing Yowie🤪

On 1/26/2022 at 1:40 PM, big Neil said:

Cracker of a report Jenno and a lovely way to spend an evening. That Blue swimmer is a good size as are some of the fish. Happy Australia Day to you too. bn

Thanks BN all fish and crab prepared for a nice meal soon!

On 1/26/2022 at 3:02 PM, Fab1 said:

Excellent result.Don't let Yowie know you're catching his fish.

The definition  of insanity is fishing on public holidays,Xmas,Easter and school holidays along with weekends if you ask me.😂🤣

  Perhaps that's why I never get out.I think I may be onto something🤔.

Well done to you both.

Thanks Fab

The weekends and public holidays have been insane, now everyone is back at work, I'm isolating for a week as my son tested + today:(

On 1/26/2022 at 3:36 PM, Rebel said:

Good stuff. Well done.

Super photos.

Cheers Rebel!

On 1/26/2022 at 6:25 PM, Larkin said:

Looks like you two had a really good afternoon out on the water - with some nice fish to boot!

have a great Australia Day 

Thanks Larkin!

On 1/26/2022 at 9:16 PM, Pickles said:

Top effort Rob - well done, great when you take the bass with you and end up with a “fisherman’s basket”

Cheers Bob, It was a good outing for all!

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12 hours ago, Scratchie said:

That sounds like the perfect arvo to me! A nice swim, beer and the bonus of a few good fish! PERFECT 👍 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

Cheers Jeff

It was very pleasant but my next level would be pulling a nice red out for a fed as you regularly do🙏

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