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95cm Kayak Jewfish (Thursday 10 February'22)


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P1010552.thumb.JPG.615a2b5eb0431b16d4dc5f6899855693.JPGGot to Berowra Waters boat ramp shortly after 7 O'clock. One of those dream mornings straight from a holiday brochure with a cloudless sky and not a ripple on the water.

My plan was the 15km paddle to Pumpkin Point and fish an hour or so either side of the early afternoon low water slack in the river.

Berowra Waters was teeming with bait and I had 6 mullet and 2 tailor in my 'Heath Robinson' live bait tank by 10.30. The new Stealth kayaks are fitted with an internal live bait tank but mine is an old model and a tupperware container with an aerator and a scoop does the job for me.

I took time out to fish the likely jewfish haunts in Berowra Waters where I've had some luck in the past but despite all the bait around didn't get a hit.

1.30 in the afternoon I was in the river 10 meters or so off a rocky shore with a big live tailor on a double hook rig when the jewfish took the bait. He went off on a very spirited first run and it was a good 5 minutes before he was tired enough to let me gaff him and put him in the hatch. The catch was at the very last run of the ebb in 8 meters of water and I was fishing straight down under the kayak close to the bottom on a slow drift.

Back at the ramp by 6 O'clock with a sore back but very happy with the additional weight in the cold bag on the back of the kayak. 


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Congratulations that's a cracker jewie, especially from a kayak. You put in the hard yards (literally!) and it paid off.

Funny how that slog back from a big trip is so different when there's a decent fish to show for your efforts.


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