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A Yakkin and a breaming!

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I had decided to meet up with a couple of mates to further practice the winter bream bite on Sunday.

We decided to launch from Kissing Point Boat ramp (just down the road from @Little_Flattyneck of the woods)  and fish the Parramatta river working the bays and hopefully hitting the marina at Cabarita.

First little bay to our right (Kissing Point Bay) and we looked to work some boat hulls, with me catching a few tailor, a big flounder and one of the guys catching decent sized salmon that made him work for it's release. On the last boat of that bay I pulled a nice 29 cm bream on baby vibe.

We get around to the next bay (Morrison Bay and there is a very crusty old looking boat with mussels covering the keel, I miss a very good fish on this boat and mark it to come back to later using the muss lure.

I decide to switch tact here and throw a creature bait soft plastic on a lightly jighead against some of the deeper jetties and pontoons. In this situation I was using the pro lure live yabbie, which does a great job of imitating the real deal, this was fitted on a 1/20th size 2 jig head. The idea is to flick it as far into the structure ( in this case jetties,pontoons, mooring blocks, boats) and let it settle to the bottom. Then some little slow hops working out of the structure. 

On the third pontoon, which had a boat attached to it I strike what must be close to Bream gold, and have a good fight with a big bream. He/She measures 39.7cm ( not quite 40) and weighs 870 grams. I put this one in the livewell for a photo back at the ramp, as its my PB. Photos below

A few casts later, I get another 27 cm model working a pontoon.

We decide to go to the next bay, which is Glades bay. Now this bay is pretty shallow all around so I stick with my shallow presentation creature bait. I didn't get any bream, but I did haul in about 5 flatties all under boats. All were between 40-50 cm, and some were chasing down the lure quite aggressively, I watched one follow it up from the bottom in 2 metres of water to take the lure almost at the yak.

At was at this stage that we decided to head back as the weather was looking ominous ( lucky we did as it bucketed down). So I was a little bummed not to get to the Marina. I did go back to that mussel encrusted boat and threw the muss lure with some good taps but no hook ups. We worked a few boats on the way back but no bites.

Luckily I had just packed up when the rain hit hard and gave my kayak a free clean. Looking forward to the next session



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You got to be happy with a 39.7cm bream.

Great report @Bennyg78 and thanks for the intel on the Gladesville bays. Looks as though I must venture a bit further downstream 😎.

I always fancied Morrison bay as a good bream spot, having spotted many right up against the shoreline in summer (but only catching a few...).

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What an exciting report. I don't know the specific areas but you painted such a descriptive picture that I felt I was there too. Good catch of numerous species, topped off by the cracking Bream of almost 40 cm. Look forward to your next report, tight lines Bennyg78. 


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Nice breambo ! A guy I know that fishes in comps explained to me once to look for boats with heaps of birds on them as the bream sit under them for a free feed , 
Hey Mike , you need to trade one of your bikes for a kayak 🤣

Maybe you could explain to your family that you are just trading one pedal powered device for another to get approval 🤣🤣🤣

Edited by XD351
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41 minutes ago, XD351 said:

Nice breambo ! A guy I know that fishes in comps explained to me once to look for boats with heaps of birds on them as the bream sit under them for a free feed , 
Hey Mike , you need to trade one of your bikes for a kayak 🤣

Maybe you could explain to your family that you are just trading one pedal powered device for another to get approval 🤣🤣🤣

yeah thats definitely the case. And in summer throw an ecogear aquaprawn under them not cause it looks like a prawn but cormorant poo! Amazing what Bream will eat

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