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Everything posted by kantong

  1. great to get away and get some fishing in, thanks for sharing!
  2. It's been so long since I've been fishing, I thought I might forget how! With kids in tow as they are on school holidays, headed down to the Georges River near Oatley and saw a bunch of people catching mullet, bream and trevs and thought "I need some of that action" 2 rods in action. 1 with a float and tiny hook with bread for bait. 2nd rod was the Daiwa TD black flicking a shimma shrimp. The rod with the bread buckles over and after a short tussle, in comes a bream. Great! Not a donut session! A quick photo and back it goes. Flicking around for a while and after detangling a few wind knots, the line tightens up. Unmistakable head shakes, we land a flattie. Another proof of life shot and back in drink to grow bigger. We land another flattie in a similar spot and then the strangest capture. A tiny prawn, cray thing comes up on the bread. This thing was tiny, probably like 1.5cm in length. Any idea on species? Anyways the fishing itch has been scratched, hopefully not so long before the next fish. Tight lines!
  3. I always love reading your reports and well done on another beautiful fish!
  4. well done mate. Give me one of your slow days any day of the week!
  5. a cracking session and a squid on top water, amazing!
  6. this is what it's all about, big fish, light gear at the local fishing hole. Love it! Well done on landing it.
  7. good on you @SpeedyGiraffe49 on taking action and got rewarded with a flattie. That drive to Maianbar sounds like a no-regrets move in hindsight! Chin up and keep fishing. The darkest hour is always before sunrise. You'll see daylight soon enough
  8. what a great report, the fish, the food, the environment! wow! thanks for sharing
  9. cracker fish there, thanks for sharing the report!
  10. great little session there, well done on catching and releasing the shark
  11. a mixed platter for a meal there, well done on the plan B.
  12. gotta be happy with that bag.
  13. a fantastic outfit, well done mate!
  14. A sad sight, but looks like a great piece to wall mount in the garage/trophy room!
  15. yumm, you got me hungry! well done on bagging out.
  16. good work on getting out there. always nice to hook up.
  17. some good sized fillets there, well done on getting out there.
  18. happy ani, what a great way to spend your time! Thanks for sharing
  19. another great bag of fish!
  20. a nice fish to save the trip. Sometimes it's the fly, other times it's the real deal. Either way, you found out, so well done!
  21. well done on getting out there. some good fish to boot too
  22. a nice mixed bag of fish, well done on getting out there.
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