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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Yes Im prepared to give a lot of things a go, there is so much information available on the web its just a matter of spending some time to learn the processes. If you dont have time then be prepared to pay. Of course somethings that needs a licenced tradesman like an elecrticial then I would err on the side of caution on that one. Basic auto electrics I can deal with, same for many car servicing things. Look forward to seeing some new pics.
  2. Its for this reason I try to do as much of what I can myself & if I dont know how to do it I learn how. I think the same can be said for many trades these days, well except chefs maybe, Id like to charge $5 when someone walks in to look at the menu then decides they have changes their mind & I recently got 4 taps serviced at a family holiday property & they quoted me $100 a tap + GST, I didnt have time to do it myself so just said yes & copped it, 15 minutes later they were gone with the job done 🤨 I am definately in the wrong trade!! Should have gone to bunnings & just bought 4 new taps & done it myself, such an easy job but just didnt have time to do it or get another quote to 2. Im actually building my own dual battery system in my 4x4 at the moment & Im doing it myself for 2 reasons, one its so hard to find an auto electrician that is reasonable in price & two someone will still not cut corners & do a job to a decent standard that I cant do better myself. I also like doing things like this because I learn new skills as well.
  3. Thats a bit of a task, not really knowing much of building but what was the reason you went the gyprock over say rendering?? I would have thought rendering would be cheaper & easier seeing as you dont need to fit studs?? Mind you that ripply finished ceiling & 70's tiles would definately be getting re finished 🤢 Hope the rest goes well, will make a huge difference Im sure!
  4. Way outof my area but good luck, you seemed to do well last time out there. Maybe this time you could do a bit of your own recon on the area. If no one resonds I'd suggest using google earth for half decent satelite footage of the area. I often use it when I am going bush & into mountainous areas I have never been before, at least it will give you some sort of idea. Best of luck
  5. Looks like a good time was had by all. Great report & thanks for sharing
  6. Its not my thread, but Tuna is quite a soft flesh & imo eats better fresh, in saying that in the foodservice industry some Tuna, swordfish, Marliin steaks/products are frozen & still eat well. If it is frozen I would be making sure it is in vaccum sealed bags. Another method to utilise an over abundance of Tuna is to bottle preserve it like the italians have been for centuries, then you could have Tuna availavle for 12 months- https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/preserved-tuna-0 https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/tuna-oil-tonno-sottolio As far as bag limits go they are here- https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/saltwater-bag-and-size-limits
  7. Absolutely. I'm not sure about anything in your last sentance but I did have it out with Garmin Australia once when I upgraded a handheld & tried to put the same micro SD card into the new unit & it wouldnt have it. So when I called them directly & asked them why if I own one software suite I cant use it in multiple REGISTERED devices. I got the responce that each device is a seperate licence so it has to have its own software. Anyway I blew up & started to basically call them thieves! They saw I had 3 registered garmin devices so they gave me a new product key to use the existing version of Topo maps I had in the new handheld device but it was not updateable without paying for the new version & the old unit kept the mapping but couldnt be sync'd with my account so I couldnt load any waypoints of info via PC but I could still use it. They are just greedy pigs imo & if you pay for software you should be able to use it in multiple devices as longs you are the registered owner of them all! There are lots of software & service applications around now where once you subsribe you can use it on say 3 devices, including microsoft office, Netflix etc Just pure greed imo but just seems like anything to do with mapping is different!!
  8. Welcome aboard. Nice effort there
  9. Yes I heard that one on a fishing show on the radio, sounded like a good Maguiver fix or even a cheap way of doing it. You can get a padded surf board bag for as little as $55 Some of those Vynal bags are still reasonable, Im looking at one from B.C.F @ $90 but looks like they only have mediums(1mx60cm) available & not the large unfortunaley. You certainly have that boat set up really well. What make is that boat if you dont mind me asking?
  10. Being a public wharf I doubt smoking would be allowed 🤔😜
  11. Are the cards transerable to other units?? I know with GPS units they dont allow their mapping cards/software to be able to be used in more than one unit which really sucks as it forces you to buy software for each device.
  12. If you have been keeping an eye on the sites fishing reports lately you would have seen some good king action in middle harbour & long reef. Again you only have to drive to Ports Stephens & head out to Broughton to try & get int some snapper action! I personally dont thing you have to drive far but if its a sea change/long road trip your after then I understand. Edit:Just realised your land based, my bad 😬 Foster/Tuncurry?
  13. I am hearing you Baz, still some of us think of these things a what would/could be a once in a lifetime thing. I know Id pop some Trava calm on the way out & hit some muscle relaxants on the way home just to have the experience!! Thanks for that, Ive seen the pec fin tech on vid but not in person. Looks very efficient which is all that counts right! I've read that gutting & icing will cool down the fish for the best outcome on the plate, Why wouldnt you have bags if your going out targeting them?? If heard of some people using surf board bags as ice bags, whats your thoughts on that??
  14. Looks like great fun. Is this a commercial set up, looks pretty serious? Can you elaborate on how you look after the catch from getting it on board, killing & storing please, just curious.
  15. Have a read through this, something in this article might help- https://www.rodbuilding.org/library/refinish.html#:~:text=There is no epoxy involved,usually known as rough outs.
  16. If you type boat inspections Sydney into google there quite a few companies that do the service, similar to say an NRMA vehicle inspestion. Some are mobile. Its not cheap but then you get a very comprehensive written document on condition/issues which you can then take to the owner & use in the negotiation. In saying its not cheap it could save you thousands in the long run! Just looking at that motors age it looks like its done more that 70 hours to me but then you need to look at that & the service history as well. https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk01ww3RoSB1Yyn_adi6dcX2wNx46uw%3A1595193280181&source=hp&ei=wLcUX56XCZiX4-EPwsiriAQ&q=boat+inspections+sydney&oq=boat+inspection&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoHCCMQ6gIQJzoICAAQsQMQgwE6BQgAELEDOgQIIxAnUNifC1i-6wtgtvoLaAFwAHgAgAGTAYgBuRCSAQQwLjE1mAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdperABCg&sclient=psy-ab
  17. Me 3 😉 I had to set a date & book in for another event for the weekend before the proposed tentative date so now its in the lap of the gods. After all that happened recently I just hope all things align & I get the oppertunity to particpate in both things I love but just the one will keep me happy, cant be to greeedy right There's always a chance neither could happen I guess in this climate but you have to have something to look forward to right? Thats the world we are currently living in where so much can change in a short period in time 😬
  18. Cant see a crack in the image but water is getting into your gear box somewhere. @noelm Im interested to hear the pressure test proceedure. I presume it would be connecting to the threaded oil inlet with an oil pump & just closing off the intake of the pump & pumping? Spray some soapy water over the foot/crack??
  19. Take your bung with you & if they have the same version then I'd get a spare. There only about $7
  20. Looks like where it originally was is correct, here's one from Whitworths- I recon you might get one from a boating shop, if not maybe plumming supplies store or even bunnings. https://www.bunnings.com.au/holman-18mm-rubber-o-ring-5-pack_p3110573
  21. Sure is, but it's not caused by how you treat the fish more about where the fish come from & what they are eating, usually reef species. https://www.iamat.org/country/australia/risk/ciguatera-fish-poisoning
  22. Have a look at some fishing reports from @Yowie Plenty to learn from them as he is a local to PH. Also @hookerbruce posts will give you some guidence.
  23. Totalty agree, as fisho's we all need to know how to best look after our catch. The problem about food safety is mostly from the commercial side imo. Not just seafood but in every form of protien from any provider. Even as a chef I am super cautious when sellecting anything I eat & really its about getting to know a providore or fish monger if you have to go outside of your own catch. In this case we are just talking about looking after our own catch but in real world thats probably realisiticaly only 10% of our protien consumption. I could talk about general food safety all day but really in this post its pretty simple, look after your catch, carry ice, bring the fish temp down as quick as possible, dont leave it at ambient temperature any longer than necessary. The underlying message is to look after anything that's going in your gut 👍
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