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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. No problem, its definately an artform & takes knowing the rig set up more than anything. My father was an avid luderick fisho & tried to teach me on several occassions but at the time I wasnt really interested in that style of fishing which was a big mistake in hindsight. I do understand the principals & tried a few times since not very successfully but just never got into it. In saying that I should persist at it & your right having a guru to show you 1st hand about the rig certainly saves time & pain. So good luck & hope it works out
  2. Makes it hard if your on your own to otherwise some standing behind you facing them would put them off Send this picture to the council of what some other councils are providing. This is the table at Botany which is fantastic but at some other local ramps there isnt even a cleaning table at all so you dont have a choice really.
  3. I've been doing a bit or reading recently & the old adage of antenna height seems mainly applicable to the older grounded versions where as the newer ground independant antenna's can be mounted almost anywhere & many of them are pretty short to. I could be wrong but thats how I have taken it?
  4. Have a look through these posts, should give you some great info- Also if you search through the reports you will find out who frequently targets them, there are a few regulars you could send a PM to. Good luck.
  5. Crickey, bit of calamity BN. Still its great to just get out in the country, well for you different country anyway & considering some aussies are locked down again 🙂 I had to rescue a family in the Landcruiser once that were sunk down to their axles in a state forest, didnt have my winch at the time so had to use my snatch strap, ended up smashing my head into roof of my cab, had a lump for a week but managed to free them 🤕 Never thought about Blowering before, do they stock it with both cod & trout??
  6. Welcome aboard luke. Lots of good reading material on here. Good luck.
  7. I think we have all been there at some point. Nice work though 😉
  8. BG, with a lot of hand helds now using lithium ions battery life is pretty good, depending on use of course but on standby up to 30 hours is not uncommon & some have IP67 waterproof ratings. Still I don't think they are a good primary radio but a great back up.
  9. Probably the best thing they have going for them is that radios work on line of site or via repeaters. Being that there are no mountains in the way on the ocean at sea lever it gives a 5W radio with 20km of range a good chance of working. That's if conditions suit. I've use 20km range Uhf's trying to contact someone 1km away in hilly terrain & had trouble. Vhf signal might be slightly different but anything that is not using satellite when conditions turn sour will have trouble.
  10. Anything VHF or UHF for that matter range is all about antenna type, height & location. From what I understand VHF is mandatory in open waters now. Agree with Baz, I'd want to be clinging to an Epirb over a VHF at that point.
  11. Great result & somegood fun by the sounds of it. Probably could have got a feed of a couple maybe? Good luck at B.I tomorrow
  12. The prop has some sort of serial number on top of it but I wouldnt trust that anyway as I dont think its the original as I have never seen a factory alloy prop with zero paint finish on it, stainless yes. I know they lose a bit of paint from high rev's & over time but that thing looks aftermarket? Thinking about it, it does also look like its composite plastic having a second look which makes sence having no paint on it! So what is the actual motor @MacLon?
  13. The cod would have made it fun on the light gear Looks like a nice place to be if you've got no place to be 👍 Never caught a GT but I'd love to catch one thats about 10kg's + heavier than that one please 🙏😁
  14. Agree wih frank, take the prop & a better picture of the ID plate to a boat spares place in Gosford. There are plenty of them, your local mercury dealer is- 1) Insinc Marine 02-43244300 lee@insincmarine.com.au 20 Dell Road West Gosford , NSW 2250 I take a picture of my ID plate with me when I go for spare parts. Alternatively enter your motor details into something like this & it might give you a part number, you could then order it online but imo its better to go direct to a store, that way if there is something wrong with it you can exchange it https://www.perfprotech.com/mercury-marine-parts-catalog/searchserial
  15. All good MD, believe it or not I was just trying to help you as even looking at your profile I cant tell where you are from as there is no location info in there which is strange but it might also help you if you do add your rough loacation(say Nth Sydney) into that as well as others do. Im not an overly keen land based fisho but I know there are some keen young blokes on here that are into is so keep an eye out for them & you might be able to touch base with them via PM & you never know it might leed to a few good times 😉
  16. I was.just about to say over the top of the bar but looks like you have it sorted. Looks like a nice reel. I have a Slx 150xg , same deal. Enjoy.
  17. I have an MN Triton & think it was great value @ $28K new, all the Toyota boys bad mouth them but then they were all spending $45-48K back then,. For me it was a way to get into a new car & 4 wheel driving at a price I could afford, without an ABN!! Your GMV figures dont sound right? I have a Tare of 2045kg & a GVM of 3 tonne, I would have thought the others would have more! Only problem for me is there is no GVM upgrade for th MN's, they are available for MQ's & onwards. The specs on the PS look pretty good! I like the idea of the centre lock diff in HL & LL, should keep you out of trouble with the right pressures & tyres. Just be aware of your EGR system, unless something has changed since the MN's(which I doubt) the Mitzy's have pretty poor EGR's which is why nearly everyone fits a catch can. If you want to hook up in 4X4Earth I will PM you my user name, will say gday when you post. Should be an amazing trip, I will visit there myself one day, probably should have gone when I lived on the Sunshine coast at Perigian beach. Hope the trip goes well, watch out for the Dingo's if you have kids 😉
  18. According to the specs the penn battle 3 looks like a nice reel for $200 Couldnt find a comparsion with the P3 in it vs Saragosa but there was one with the Slammer 3 vs Saragosa if anyone is interested.
  19. Yep, this happened last week. Sometimes people forget they are on sand & not the highway! https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-26/fatal-fraser-island-vehicle-rollover-beach-track-queensland/12493052#:~:text=An international tourist has been,on Sunday morning%2C police say.&text=A passenger in the back,island for further medical treatment.
  20. Unfortuanley never been to Frazer but If I were you I would jump onto 4X4Earth for anything to do with Frazer. Lots of the guys on there frequent Frazer so Ask the same questions & also use the search tab for existing info. Not sure if they will be able to help on the fishing subject though? Nice rig, looks like your well set up for 4x4ing but I'd take 4 maxx track not 2 if I were you for the sand.
  21. Thanks for the link although not really sure what it brings to the table here? The discussion's already been had & debated(heatidly) in this & other threads & part of the reason why this thread was almost closed as was the fore mentioned.
  22. Im not sure where the joke is here when your dealing with peoples lives & livelyhoods 🤔
  23. How is he supposed to find it if you dont link it?? I just did a search & couldnt find it myself. If its closed its probably been deleted??
  24. Well done on your catch, but I guess my point might have been missed? Its a large community here, are we supposed to know where you live or was this intended for specific people?? If you would like to link members in on a thread to communicate with them just put @ & their forum name in like this @Reel'em & they will get a notification. Otherwise it would be advised to maybe add more information so people get the right message.
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